After sin and punishment, how to survive?

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Tech Planet” (ID: tech618)< /a>, author Li Xiaolei Ma Weibing.

It has been more than two months since the red book was taken off the shelf.

On October 14, there were rumors that Xiaohongshu has confirmed that it will be on the shelves in the near future, and the major application markets will resume. Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618) verified the matter with Xiaohongshu. The other party said that the speaker was not a small red book employee. “We are still waiting for news.”

However, around 20 o’clock that night, Tech Planet found that the small red book has been launched in the application store such as App, OPPO, vivo, and one plus mobile phone, and the iOS terminal is not online yet.

Small red book is on the shelves, how do those

After the reorganization of Xiaohongshu, I am still waiting for the news, and there are social products that have been removed from the Internet immediately.

For Internet products, “reformation” is undoubtedly the moment of the big test. Similar to Mo Mo, Detective, Soul, Netease Cloud Music, Himalayan FM, etc., have experienced the “down time”, and the result of the rectification will directly affect the final direction of a product, and even the fate of life and death.

There are countless products that “turn over” and “fall down”; there are also some products that are trying to “save the country” in the rectification.

UnderHow to survive?

On July 29th, in a number of Android app stores, the content of the grass community Xiaohongshu has been removed. The specific reasons have not yet been announced, but it is certain that the community model of “everything can grow grass” has brought trouble to Xiaohongshu.

It is only in the content control that the unhealthy ecology can be eliminated to get out of the haze. In fact, the content of the content review has long been recognized within the small red book.

In the small red book cleanup KOL incident in May this year, the founder of Xiaohongshu, Fang Fang, once made a rethinking of the lack of content ecology. Now Xiaoxiaoshu judges the standard of “content authenticity” is not mature enough. How to define black products, how to define illegal advertisements, etc. is not yet perfected. “A series of rules are still being worked out. In this process, product technology and manual audit operations will be involved.”

Small red book is on the shelves, how do those

The founder of the little red book, Yu Fang

Therefore, Xiaohongshu quickly announced a set of product scoring system that is unique to the content release and scored by real-time users, “Little Red Heart”, advocating real comments and feedback. However, this did not intercept black goods and illegal advertisements.

Until the Xiaohongshu product was taken off the shelf, the string inside the Xiaohongshu was tightened again.

During the period of the removal, “the review is more strict” is the common feeling of the MCN organization and the small red book blogger. Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618) learned that some MCN organizations also summarized the list of “no vocabulary” in Xiaohongshu, “strict use of stimulating consumer words”, “use cautionful medical terms” and false advertising words.

To a greater extent, the most direct impact of the next frame on a product is that it will be slower. Especially for the small red book that regards 2019 as a “key year for user growth and commercialization”, the product has been slowed down directly. However, for the content community, once the content ecology and auditing problems are not standardized, a heavy bomb will be laid for the enterprise.

Like anxiously waiting for the red book to be restored, the community of interest is experiencing a gloomy moment.

On July 12 this year, the technology upgrade was announced immediately and the service was suspended. The specific reasons were also not disclosed. After three months, I still can’t download it in various app stores, and the client also stops the service.

Small red book is on the shelves, how do those

Tech Planet found that during this time, the team immediately launched another app called “Jellow”, which allows immediate old users to migrate directly.

From the product point of view, Jellow is more like the “quick version of instant” after the function is simplified. Compared to the moment, the Jellow interface is simpler, with only the information flow interface, information release portal and personal homepage.

In the past, the immediate home page, the most symbolic community entrance, became a smaller topic tag on Jellow, users need to click in the information stream to enter, no longer enterThe line is concentrated.

Small red book is on the shelves, how do those

The red part is the community topic entry

From the new product Jellow’s changes, it is possible to see the immediate change of content ideas.

At the same time that “Yiyou” calls for immediate return, the team is immediately trying to make new products. In addition, the immediate product owner told Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618), “Our team is mainly doing some There is something else in technology accumulation.”

After being removed, Xiaohongshu slowed down and once again paid attention to resolving the content review issues that had been exposed before. Immediately while waiting for the return, take a more roundabout way to “seek a living path.”

The survival of the products under the shelves is different. The same thing is that once the innovation is completed, it will mean that the exam will be over.

But this supervision of content and ecology will always exist.

A difficult road to return

The little red book and the moment it is in the shelves, it is still unpredictable when it comes to the line. In the past year, the products that have been removed due to violations are too numerous to list. How do these products that have been returned after they are removed from the shelves are self-rescue?

On June 28 this year, 26 softwares such as Oops, Soul, Word Play, and FM were temporarily removed. Until September 10th, the Soul App was fully restored.

For a social product, the three-month shelf-down time will inevitably cost a lot of users. “It was originally a time to match the chat at leisure, but as it gradually became unable to log in to the platform, There is no desire to open,” a Soul user told Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618).

It took nearly 100 days to get off the shelf. After re-launching, Soul tried his best to call for the user to return. First, the old user was notified by SMS. “Give you a way to go home and reunite with Souler”; In the Mid-Autumn Festival, actor Zhang Tianai was invited to conduct a special interview to promote the revitalization of Soul.

Small red book is on the shelves, how do those

Tech Planet learned that after the return, Soul conducted a more rigorous review and distribution of user content, and the content review department has increased its volume by nearly one-third, and is gradually expanding. At the same time, it also treats minor users differently. Users under the age of 18 are not allowed to register on the platform, and the youth mode is enabled for a small number of users.

In addition to this, Soul has also recently set up the “Face Gini Video Matching” feature in the latest update. Soul, who once featured the soul voice chat, is gradually turning on video social features. Behind the ever-changing gameplay, it is also revealing the growth dilemma that Soul is facing.

Small red book is on the shelves, how do those

From the public data, Soul has experienced 5 rounds of financing since 2015. Four days before being removed, Soul had just got a new round of financing.

But as a social product, Soul does not have a clear profit model yet. The only revenue channel is soco recharge, which increases the number and timing of user voice matches. As a result, revenues are highly dependent on user growth.

From the recent Soul expansion of video social field movements, under the influence of factors such as the downside, users are less, Soul is facing the anxiety of traffic growth and liquidation.

The future of transformation is not successful

User churn and declining traffic are all things that all APPs worry about during the downtime. Netease cloud music has also experienced a dark moment of a month.

On June 29th, NetEase Cloud Music was released from the domestic Android app store. It was removed from the Apple App Center three days later and was not re-launched until July 28. Just one day before the launch, Netease Cloud Music also launched a speed version.

When the message has not spread, the network has more rumors about Netease cloud music unloading, which has caused a double blow and a large number of users.

On July 28th, Netease Cloud Music App re-launched the Apple App Store and upgraded to v6.3.0. Netease cloud music retired and practiced, and new products with large-scale changes were launched. The “Yuncun” community was upgraded, Mlog was officially unveiled, the hot review wall was released online, and the “My Message” mark read function was added.

Two weeks ago, the updated version of NetEase Cloud Music, the singer page and the personal homepage were all newly revised. The play page added the setting ringtone function, supported the sharing of cards, and launched the youth mode.

From the updated content, Netease Cloud Music emphasizes the “social” attribute of the app, Ding Lei onceNetease Cloud is defined as a music community.

For the oppression of the strong opponent Tencent music, Netease cloud music, which was not dominant in the original user volume, is in urgent need of a new path to support its survival after the downswing. Socialization is the new way for NetEase cloud music to find. .

The profitability of Netease Cloud Music has been questioned compared to Tencent Music, which has already achieved profitability and successfully listed. The Yuncun platform in this updated version is expected to be profitable.

The current NetEase cloud music is more of a community based on “music”. With strong social attributes, NetEase cloud music platform users are more sticky, in order to divergence their own profitability. Profiting in areas other than music is a good way to break through.

A hundred days of injury and bones, in the mixed Internet, the product has undergone a rectification and re-entry, which will inevitably bring more or less impact to the development of the enterprise.

The application of the new path to the content ecology after the removal of the shelf determines whether the product can get rid of the shadows and go out to dark moments.