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The founder of Daily Good Fresh Xu Zheng released the “100 Billion Plan”

Tencent’s ally, Daily Fresh, has also strengthened its cooperation with Tencent’s Smart Retail this year: it has proposed the “Smart 100 Million Plan”, which includes “Smart Marketing”, “Smart Logistics” and “Smart Supply Chain”. Among them, the smart marketing goal is that the daily good plan will receive 30 million in 12 months through accurate delivery and social fission.

In addition to the Allied forces and the Tencent Allies, the small giants who want to take more say on the new retail track (Jingdong, Meituan, Suning and Wumart) also joined the melee with a more independent attitude. In the end, the “Easy, Fast, and Cheap” fresh e-commerce market has ushered in a giant with ownership or distribution, or supply chain, or technology, or flow advantage.

The competition for traffic is not only these fresh e-commerce, but also small business models such as community stores and community fresh stores that have reached one kilometer away from consumers. Zhang Jindong said that even if the Suning store has to post 10 billion yuan or 20 billion yuan in the future, it must also carry out the small store. The community-friendly small shops will strengthen their offline adsorption capacity by superimposing high-frequency fresh cooked food and convenience services. Box Ma, Suning provide services such as cleaning, express delivery and so on.

According to the financing node, the front-run warehouses that burned money went to the primary market to get the grain, which means another round of match points: since June this year, the daily fresh, 叮咚 Grocery shopping has been caught in rumors of different levels of capital chain breaks. For these independent pre-arrest entrepreneurs, getting more food is just the bottom line to survive.