Choose good people to succeed together.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Redwoods” (ID: Sequoiacap), the author Hong Shan.

It’s always difficult to get started, how to find the right employees? How to build a cohesive team? These problems are the problems that every entrepreneur has to think about at the beginning of the business. The success of entrepreneurship is inseparable from the cooperation and support of early employees, because they are the core strength of the company’s future development.

What kind of staff is more suitable for your team? What are the characteristics of employees who can contribute to the company? For recruiters, it’s important to understand what kind of employees you want to get. They must be all-rounders, able to play a role when the division of labor is not yet clear; they can’t have too strong self-awareness, because the team is the first; they have to agree with the company’s culture to have a strong motivation; they must have Extraordinary courage can overcome the challenges at any time…

The following article will tell you how to find early employees, how to find better people to work with, and what role you should play in the process.

See the four qualities to help you find a good employee in the early days of your business

We all know the importance of employees to the company – the salary of employees is usually the company’s biggest expense, and successful companies cannot do without good employees. Most of our day is spent on work, why not choose to work with better people?

What is your favorite interview question? This question helps to understand the recruiting tendencies of the founders. Interview questions can reflect a lot, such as “From 1 to 10, how much do you give your luck?” This question can immediately assess the optimism of the interviewer (8 or more answers are better).

The right interview questions are very helpful for recruiting, but only if the entrepreneur knows what he wants. With some special qualities, you can shape extraordinary early employees (when you have fewer than 50 employees, you want to fight alongside them).

The following are the four qualities that extraordinary employees should have when recruiting the first employees in the early days:

01. All-rounder, all-rounder, fullOnly

Your biggest pain point today may be marketing. But what about tomorrow? In the early days of the company, you needed omnipotent employees, employees who were willing to pay for the company and were willing to figure out how to solve the problems. Employees with deep expertise in specific areas are of course important, but in the early stages of the company’s development, an omnipotent employee is clearly more valuable to the company’s development.

Following this description is usually an active job seeker who is highly motivated and believes that the company’s position is an exciting opportunity. They chose to join in the early stages of development because they wanted to gain a say in shaping the future of the company. At this time, you can ask questions such as “What makes you get out of bed in the morning?”, proving that their motivation is internally driven and that they can contribute to the company autonomously.

02. Weakening self-awareness

“If you know what you need to start a company, you will never do it.” It is difficult to build a company. For start-ups, the first office space may be small, everyone When you enter the door, you can feel the working atmosphere of the office. Therefore, employees must go to work with the team’s first mentality.

In the interview process, you should have an in-depth understanding of how job seekers work with others. For example, let him describe the group project involved to see if he is willing to contribute to the team? Are you willing to share honors and praise colleagues?

The number of early team members is often limited, which means everyone has to pay more. The golden rule of entrepreneurship is to be the employee you want to work with, which means weakening your self-awareness.

03.Agree with company culture

In the early days of entrepreneurship, the company’s current situation is certainly not good enough, so you must tell employees about the company’s future plans and visions. Only by gaining momentum from a larger vision can employees unite under a common mission.

In short, you can’t show any skeptical voices and attitudes at this stage, and you should look for positive, optimistic, and hard-working believers. They will be the builders of the company’s culture, and once the company grows in size, they will help you achieve your original mission.

It is difficult to find this trait during the interview process, so be sure to work hard on the interview questions and try to understand how this person has responded to challenges and resolved the crisis in his past roles.

04.Having great courage

You need courage to treat early employees. Whether it is a big business or a start-up business, it is inevitable to squeeze into the industry competition, and the problem is always endless. Becoming an entrepreneur is like everydayThere are all punches on the face, and those who are truly successful are those who have courage and purity. You can choose to take a day off in the face of a challenge, but only those who are prepared to face the next challenge every day can succeed.

Setting seemingly out of reach goals is necessary. When you’re trying to pursue some of the bigger goals, your success often exceeds setting low goals. Brave employees can achieve these ambitious goals because they can keep moving forward and come up with creative solutions. If he is the head of a project, even if he is repeatedly denied by the partner, he will not give up, but constantly try to innovate and eventually lead to the transaction.

When Joseph Kennedy said “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”, the best employees in the entrepreneurial period are those who can get the motivation from the obstacles, they don’t have Time is self-satisfied, they must work harder, become smarter and better.