As the title.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Socket Academy” (ID: chazuomba), Author Socket Academy.

Writer Jia Pingwa said: “The circle of friends is actually the world of your life. Your circle of friends represents your aesthetic and life level.”

Think carefully, it is.

Everyone around you, everything you do, is actually affecting your destiny quietly and leading you to a different path of life.

1, with great people

In “Xunzi·Encourage Learning”, it is written: “Pengsheng Ma, not supported by straight, white sand is in Nirvana, and it is black.”

It means that the grass growing in the Ma Ma grows straight without the support, while the white sand mixed with the black mud is as black as the black mud.

In fact, people are the same, who is not who you are, but who is around you.

The driver who rumored to have been driving Li Ka-shing for more than 30 years, when he retired, refused to pay Li Jiacheng’s 2 million yuan old-age pension, saying that he still got one or two million.

Li Ka-shing is puzzled and asked: “You don’t have a high salary of four or five thousand a month. How do you save so much money?”

The driver replied: “When I drive you, I call to say where the land is, I will buy a little. If you say which stock to buy, I will buy a little. Now there are also one or two million. Assets.”

How far a person can go depends on who he is with; how much success a person can achieve depends on who he is pointing to; how good a person can be, depending on what kind of friends he has around him.

In the movie “My Fair Lady”, Hepburn played Elisa as a flower girl who lives in the bottom of the society and is trapped for her entire life. Despite her eyebrows, her low-cost clothes and vulgar language made her look very unremarkable.

After acquainting with the middle class linguistics professor Higgins, Elisa’s life has undergone tremendous changes, not only changed the dialect, but also became gentle, and changed from a street flower girl to a veritable one. My lady.

Who is with you, really important

There is a saying: Who you are is not important, what is important is who you are with.