What is the reason for Li Jiaqi’s fire?

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Internet and entertainment geeks” (ID: TMTphantom), author: Pei Pei.

Overnight, everyone in the circle of friends of the thief group is watching Li Jiaqi. In fact, most people only recently heard about Li Jiaqi. It seems that he was thrown out of the stone. Suddenly he sold 10 billion yuan (how much else), and suddenly became the top traffic network red. The first time I heard that Li Jiaqi was almost six months ago, I thought he was a woman at first, but later I realized that he was a little brother selling beauty products. I was a bit surprised, but not shocked, that he could sell 1 billion in a day. Even if it is not him, there will be another person to do it in the morning and evening; even if it is not done by the vibrato, it will be done in fast hands, Taobao live or even WeChat.

Of course, the above data has been questioned and vomited by many people who have eaten since the beginning. They regard Li Jiaqi as a false flow of a certain K or a certain H (a lawyer’s letter warning). Someone asked me directly: “The maximum number of online users in Li Jiaqi’s live broadcast is 20 million. How much water is there?” I replied directly: “There is almost no water, I still feel less.”

Li Jiaqi sells 10 billion a day? You should pay more attention to the logic behind it

(There were too many pictures of the previous assistant, this time I changed the picture of the working soldiers.)

Let’s do a simple arithmetic problem:

Vibrot AppDAU is about 300 million (higher peak DAU), and the live penetration rate is no less than 40%, that is, about 120 million people watched live broadcasts at least once a day; most of them are watched at night. Li Jiaqi is the top net red supported by Vibrato, which can attract more than 30% of the live broadcast users of the day, that is, about 40 million. Therefore, Li Jiaqi’s peak online number of 20 million live is very logical, and it is logical to sell 1 billion a day. His traffic is real traffic, monetization is also true monetization, there is no need to use a stinking powder circle to brush gold powder like a K, a certain H (the lawyer’s letter again warning).

Okay, now we know that the data is real, and we know all kinds of gossip about Li Jiaqi’s fame. These things have little to do with investment and industry trends. The key is: What is the logic behind it? What can we learn from?

What is the reason for Li Jiaqi’s fire?

No doubt, Li Jiaqi is a very good net red embryo: proficient in beauty products, sales origin, excellent eloquence, good at communication, not too ugly. However, the above conditions do not ensure the success of the live delivery. The last (and most important) puzzle of his success was the massive diversion of the shaking of the platform, which made him a benchmark for vibrating.

Vibrato is an content platform for algorithm-oriented, traffic-centric distribution. On this platform, the simple “grassroots counterattack” and “cold start” are difficult to succeed. Shaking fans is not worth the money. The key is to understand the algorithm, understand the content trend, one or two popular content is enough to attract millions of fans – but the loss is also very fast. Li Jiaqi has obtained the centralized flow support of the vibrato, and his content is sufficient to maximize the value of the flow.

From this point of view, Li Jiaqi’s success is actually the success of the vibrato – away from the vibrating platform, his own traffic will be greatly reduced. Of course, if Li Jiaqi runs to the fast hand or the WeChat public account to pick up the goods, it will certainly attract hundreds of thousands of fans, but why bother to do so? In the final analysis, Li Jiaqi could not “privatize” most of his traffic, which is also a common problem faced by the vibrato UP master. In contrast, the “privatization of traffic” of WeChat public number, B station, fast hand and even Weibo is much lower. Under the strictest definition, we can say that only the WeChat public account, WeChat group and WeChat personal friends are the real “privatization traffic”; this is another topic.

Li Jiaqi sells 10 billion a day? You should pay more attention to the logic behind it

(The so-called “brave and independent female characters”, non-working soldiers are none.)

Why do beauty brands like to shake live broadcasts?

Beauty is the first product category to achieve great success in the live broadcast of the vibrato; in the future, clothing, maternal and child, food, jewelry and other categories will probably follow suit. The fast-moving live delivery is made earlier, the barbaric growth, all-encompassing, and even the excavator can sell hundreds of units. Brands are paying more and more attention to the ability of the short video/live broadcast platform such as vibrato, fast hand, etc., and the B station has also been put on the agenda. Li Jiaqi was able to sell so much money this time, thanks in large part to the brand of Estée Lauder and other brands who gave him some popular goods at a lower price.

The question is coming: Why do brand owners like vibrato/fast live band?