This article is from the public number: a finance(ID:yibencaijing),< span class = "text-remarks"> OF: zero and, Euler, from FIG title: Oriental IC

The online traffic of China Insurance began to fully awaken.

In the past year, tens of thousands of insurance-related WeChat public accounts and tens of thousands of insurance-related vibrato accounts have emerged in the market.

The industry estimates that there are at least 30,000 small studios in the industry.

In addition to the studio, there are more than a dozen well-known platforms on the market, many of which have been financed in the most recent year, and the publicly available financing amount exceeds 900 million.

This newly emerging market of billions of dollars is known as the “next giant vent” of financial technology.

The profitability of this model has also begun to show. “A small team of two people, a monthly profit of 100,000.”

What kind of business model is this? How long is the industry’s dividend period?

I. Wanjia Platform

The recent rise in insurance traffic can be described as a “blowout.”

In the past two years, a large number of insurance accounts have appeared on the WeChat public account. Their main content is to introduce some insurance knowledge, dismantle insurance products, and sell anxiety.

For example, “Shenzhen WeChat and Alipay insurance, what is worth