Article from WeChat public account:I am a scientist iScientist (ID: IamaScientist) , author: meow slave Cathy, fish

The title map is from: The movie “Sleeping Curse”

In ancient and modern China and abroad, “eternal life” is one of the ultimate ideals pursued by mankind. Westerners in ancient times believed that the undead would return to the world on the first day of the beginning of the winter,

How many “South” are saved in the body?

Today’s forensic science has a clear classification of corpses. Corpse changes are usually divided into two categories based on late post-mortem changes: destructive late postmortem changes, preserved corpses. Simply put, it is “bad” and “not so bad”.

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Article from WeChat public account:I am a scientist iScientist (ID: IamaScientist) , author: meow slave Cathy, fish