
And if there is a producer who has been guilty of fraud from the beginning, what should I do if I record the winding? If there is no supervision mechanism for the under-subscribers, the source of the information cannot be fidelity. Therefore, in order to work on the chain of data under the chain, there is a need for a strong regulator. Obviously only the government has such ability and credibility to ensure the authenticity of the information on the chain. Therefore, the blockchain technology needs to be grounded and needs the strong execution of the government to guarantee.

Second. The application of the government blockchain will solve the authentication problem of users or nodes.

The development of the Internet, from anonymous networks to real-name social networks, has proven that anonymous networks cannot have a fundamental impact on the real world of the economy, and real applications such as e-commerce require real user information. User and node authentication requires the government to do it, and it can only be done by the government.

The above two points talk about how the government blockchain application solves the bottleneck problem of large-scale application of blockchain from the infrastructure level. Let’s talk about the scenario where I think the government can take the lead in applying the blockchain from a specific application level:

1. Application of government regulatory technology

For a long time, the central government has always had the problem of collecting data from the local area, which is difficult, slow, and low in accuracy. This has caused great trouble for national statistics and auditing. There are also problems of difficulty in collaboration between the various functional departments of the central government.

If you use blockchain technology, the data is automatically synchronized, eliminating the problems of slowness, distortion, and failure in the report generation and reporting process. If someone dares to lie about numbers, it is easy to track down through big data and blockchain inspections. Therefore, the blockchain is very meaningful for statistics, auditing, and environmental supervision.

2. Public sharing of government data

The United States has a national government open data platform,, which encourages users to use open data to participate in public affairs. As far as I know, China’s National Information Center is also building government big data disclosure standards, which will stipulate which data can be made public and which cannot. After the public sharing of government data, it can create a lot of commercial application value for society and the public.

So the disclosure of government affairs information, if it can apply blockchain technology, can make the government work more transparent, and the implementation of the policy will not be interfered by external forces. The traceability of policy development in the blockchain will make decision-makers more cautious and responsible.

At the same time, government information is on the chain, which also solves the security problem that the government information system is too centralized. In the past, as long as a hacker hacked into a central route, it could cause leakage, damage, or even tampering with some government information. The distributed accounting feature of the blockchain will greatly improve the security of government information. It is useless for hackers to tamper with the information of a certain node.

3.Applications in the field of financial regulation

The long-term existence of China’s finances is a matter of chaos and management. In order to ensure the orderly operation of the financial market and prevent systemic risks, there are a large number of management systems. However, the implementation cost is high and the efficiency is low, which contradicts the requirements of the modern environment for efficient operation of modern finance. If the blockchain data automatic synchronization technology is adopted, a large number of problems such as nighttime account book synchronization report generation will be canceled.

At the same time in the financial and financial field, the application of blockchain technology can also strengthen the monitoring of corporate finance. Every cash flow that occurs during the operation of the enterprise will be reflected in the blockchain book, and then through intelligent contract inspection, effectively preventing the company from forging accounts, falsely reporting financial data, money laundering and other acts, making it more difficult for enterprises to evade taxes and avoid taxes. Adding difficulty. Really open source for the national finances.

In fact, as early as 2016, I suggested that the breakthrough scenario application of the blockchain might be in the regulatory technology, the so-called RegTech. At that time, the state’s regulatory agencies also hired some blockchain experts to discuss how to use regulatory technology to regulate P2P. However, it may be easier to find a one-size-fits-all approach, so a comprehensive ban on P2P was taken.

4. Sharing credit data

For a long time, credit reporting has always been costly to collect data, and it is difficult to obtain. In the process of using credit data, it is also worried about infringing user privacy, thus limiting the value of credit data. Using blockchain technology and endogenous incentives, it is easy to encourage users and scene participants to share relevant data and use data together. For example, privacy data authorization access technology.

5.Supply Chain Finance

The long-term failure of China’s commercial ticket development is the main reason for restricting the financing difficulties of SMEs. However, the failure to develop commercial tickets mainly lies in the inaccuracy and opacity of data in the circulation of goods. For a long time, many companies want to use the blockchain transaction data to tamper with and issue incentive tokens to encourage certification and account to solve this problem, but worry about policy issues, this high-level speech has reassured practitioners in this field.

6. Digital Doctor