A lot of fights can’t stop.

On November 1st, this year’s e-commerce platform double eleven battle can be officially started.

It is learned that the company has put forward its November trading volume (GMV) internally, and the goal is to reach three times that of the past October. Some of the more than two small two to convey the requirements of the platform to the merchants they are responsible for, and another one has been confirmed by a lot of insiders.

2019 Second Quarter Earnings It shows that the GMV has been more than 700 billion RMB for many years (July 2018-June 2019), an increase of 171%. Although the fight has not yet announced the third quarter earnings report, but according to the zhizhi research institute based on monitoring data, 2019 In the third quarter of the year (July-September 2019), the number of GMVs exceeded RMB 330 billion, and the monthly average exceeded 100 billion.

And every October is a lot of celebrations, and with the influence of factors such as changing seasons and new mobile phones, the GMV will be higher in October. Then, the target of “Movember GMV*3” set in November is estimated to be more than 300 billion, which is equivalent to the total amount in the second quarter. This is a very ambitious goal.

According to QuestMobile’s recently published “2019 Mobile Internet Panorama Ecology Report”, the fight is much more than 2019 The number of panoramic users in August has reached 430 million. Sensor Tower’s monitoring data shows the list of global App Store shopping apps in September 2019. Put a lot of numbers in the first place. A lot of user growth data is still scary.

It can be used as a reference. During the double eleventh period last year, with the activities of “demolition of treasure chests” and “limited time and exemption”, the number of DAUs that have been put together has increased by nearly 20 million in a single month.

Exclusive | Double Eleven officially started the battle, and the number of targets for November is set to double by three times

And this year, the fight has invested a lot of resources into the “billions of subsidies”, hoping to use high-end consumer goods such as Apple, Dyson to open up the low-cost genuine mind among the high-net-worth consumers in the first- and second-tier cities. The fight has repeatedly claimed that the iPhone and other products under the “billion-dollar subsidy” have achieved the lowest price in all major platforms of the whole network.

However, there is no resistance to achieving this GMV goal.

October 28, the upgraded WeChat External Link Content Management Specification officially Execution, including the “cutting a knife” and “friends booster” that are more famous, is no longer recognized by WeChat rules. Although many products can still be shared with WeChat, some of the social fission growth methods are greatly affected, and can only be sent to WeChat friends in the form of similar to Taobao.

Exclusive| Double 11 officially started the battle, and the number of targets for November is set to triple by the number of orders in the month

Therefore, the path of these fission methods has become very long, and it needs to be realized in the form of “copy-exit WeChat-open multi-app app” like Taobao, which has been isolated by WeChat for several years.

However, it has completed the original accumulation of traffic, which is more affected by the new rules of WeChat outside the chain, or other products that imitate more and more fission growth.