All that is needed is a little practice and persistence.

The Translation Bureau is a compilation team that focuses on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on foreign new technologies, new ideas, and new trends.

Editor’s note: Turning around will forget the common problems of many young people: no glasses, forget the name, forget the password becomes a daily routine. Today, our life is too rich, and we have to face a lot of content every day, but we haven’t remembered anything after reading it. If you don’t want your memory to go back with the hairline, you might want to try this article. The article is translated from Medium, author Kirstie Taylor, the original title is Everyday Techniques For Improving Your Memory, I hope to help you.

Daily skills to help you improve your memory

Last week, I had a birthday for a friend at the bar. A woman I have seen twice before came over and talked to me. We chatted for a while and talked about our personal life. After a few minutes, I realized a serious problem: I forgot her name. I can’t remember it anymore. It’s a little embarrassing because I have to ask her name again.

Whether remembering your shopping list, recalling someone’s name, or simply finding your key – this is the fifth time this week – memory is essential. As your memory declines year by year, your memory capacity increases every day.

Memory capacity refers to the amount of information that the human brain can hold. Scientists believe that the memory capacity of the human brain is about 2.5 PB. But in terms of short-term memory, this number has only four pieces of information at any time, not many. (Note: PB, ie Petabytes, computer storage capacity unit.)

However, exercise memory muscles can increase this value; there are other benefits. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine shows that people with strong memory have better relationships. In addition, it has the benefit of reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Who doesn’t want a better relationship, and will not forget anything when leaving the grocery store? If there is a way, it would be fine.

Okay, yes. Popular memory coaches like Jim Kwik sell their skills that claim to greatly improve your memory, and have a resume like Quaker – including helping Will Smith. Good to remember that he is in the movieThe lines – I quickly believe that these techniques are useful.

From CEO to Hollywood frontline actors to ancient Greek leaders, people have seen great success in these popular memory techniques.

In order to improve your memory, you need to work harder. But using these methods can help you improve your memory and quality of life.

Location Memory Method

Cicero created a positional memory method in ancient Greece. The idea is simple: you imagine what you want to remember in your mind and then put it in one place.

This concept seems familiar; perhaps you have heard of the “memory palace.” “In essence, you create images for what you want to remember and put them in a memory palace. Carefully imagine each room and use the same palace to store whatever you want to remember in the future.

If this looks a little daunting, there is a more practical way to take advantage of your body.

If you need blueberries, imagine blueberries popping out of your nose. What about the bagels? Imagine your toes through the holes in the bagels. And broccoli? Imagine broccoli being on top of your head.

You can imagine this picture.

By associating an image with a physical location, you can recall items based on where you placed them in your mind.

face-name pairing method

Unless you consciously remember, you probably won’t be good at remembering someone else’s name. this is not your fault. The name book is random, and there are no special reasons why some women in the workplace are called Jessica. She just calls this name.

Face-name pairing is a great skill to improve your ability to remember names.

When being introduced to someone, don’t let their names go to the right ear, pay attention to one of their salient features. Maybe their hair style is wild, maybe they have a nose.

No matter what, associate their name with that feature. This way, the next time you see them, this feature will immediately remind you of their name.

block memory method

If I tell you to remember 4643998291, you will spend a little time.

But if I let you remember 464-399-829-1, it doesn’t look so terrible, right?

Blocking is a memory technique that groups things together. This method is great for phone numbers, but it’s also helpful for listings.

For example, you need to remember a shopping list or the points you want to mention at the meeting. Don’t treat them as separate projects, but put them together. For grocery lists, you can remember them based on the food category (vegetables, dairy products, etc.). In the meeting, according to their theme (points of interest, improvement points, statistics)Live the main points.

Blocking information rather than separating it is a good way to improve your memory.


We have been using repetition to help me remember our entire life. It can be said that you have been repeating, which proves the validity of the repetition itself.

The University of Texas conducted a study in which participants were asked to remember the magazine advertisements presented to them. In the study, participants who watched the ad multiple times performed better. The researchers found that repetition can be further processed.

The more we recall a memory or a fact, the stronger the neural pathway becomes. You can take advantage of this in your daily life.

Back to the name of the person, the more you repeat someone’s name in the conversation, the more likely you are to recall his name in the future. The more you read the content (on different occasions) as you study, the more likely you are to remember the information. At work, if you repeat a task that needs to be completed, the more likely you are to remember to finish it later.

Write down the current events

At the end of the day, the easiest way to make sure you never forget anything is to write things down. In this way, they are permanently remembered (or printed) as real beings.

As a writer, the inspiration for new articles is like gold. But when I was sitting in front of the computer, these inspirations never appeared. They happen every day of my life; it is said that humans have 50,000 inspirations every day.

If I don’t write down my inspiration, they will probably disappear forever, and using the notepad on my phone can change this.

If you can’t remember a conversation or important information, write it down. Even if you are talking to someone else; you can say, “I just want to write this down, so I won’t forget it.” This is not rude, but deliberate.

Memory is a skill we can all improve. It has great benefits and can benefit many aspects of our lives.

All that is needed is a little practice and persistence. You only need to remember this.

Translator: Yoyo_J