This article first appeared in the “Ideology Seal (ID: sxgy9999)” WeChat public account, the head image from the visual China.

Understand the life cycle of an explosion

I don’t understand business, it is difficult to invest

Investors in A-shares have a shortcoming. Without the experience of running a business, many things are taken for granted,

For example, a snack food company has developed ten kinds of snack foods. The products are unique, taste good, and the cost control is also very good. How to sell them? Many people say that they choose the best word of mouth, advertise, and attract investment across the country.

This is just not knowing how to operate, because ordinary people have the most exposure to advertisements and terminals.

Investors who have not operated a business often lack insight into some obvious trends, turn a blind eye to some common vigilance signals in business operations, and lack patience with some things that require patience in business operations. .

Like the unreasonable expectations for the third quarter results. This week, the A-shares’ financial reports were all over, and the consumer goods industry showed a clear differentiation. The bad companies continued to sink. The companies at the turning point finally thundered. This is a normal phenomenon in the economic downturn, and the probability of occurrence in the third quarter is also more Large, investors who have experience in operating companies should have been expected.

In this issue, I follow the hypothesis of the “new product launch” just mentioned, Talk about the “product life cycle phenomenon” in the consumer goods industry, which is in fast-moving consumer goods, consumer electronics, Some optional consumer industries, some leisure service industries, are very obvious and will have a decisive impact on investment.