This article is from Douban: Night Chapter 7, reprinted from WeChat public number:A little bit of dried vegetables (ID: NarratorZhang) , Author: constitution, title figure from the movie “Pain and Glory”

one hot

“Pain and Glory”

The order in which I watched the movies of Almodovar was a flashback.

The first film I watched was his semi-autobiographical “Pain and Glory.” At this time, Almodovar, through the years of desire, had a lot of physical and mental nights, exiled himself, and their passions cooled from boiling. The taste of things, he knows too early. It is better to know love and sorrow than to be old.

The film begins with El Salvador’s examination of his body. He suffers from chronic pharyngitis, otitis, tinnitus, migraine, insomnia, depression, etc. Lumbar fusion surgery makes him and the spine, like humans and Greek gods, “to sacrifice this way.” He jokingly said: “On the night when many kinds of illnesses come together, I believe in God. I pray to him. There is only one day when I have a painful episode. I am an atheist.” As a person grows with age, life is no longer light. He measures the load in life and turns to a serious, unpredictable life. Humor and irony are small and pitiful in front of it.

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“Pain and Glory”

“Pain and Glory” is the private history of Almodovar. He publishes the heart, not the privacy. With the movie, he returned to the starting point countless times and went back to imagine himself. Early experience, covering all of a person’s experience, the rest is only a change in the perspective of observation in the future. His shots are extremely sensational, follow the route, and the landscape of the villages and towns emerges one by one. He confessed to silent, secret moments, such as the dizziness when he first saw a male nude. Everything that is silent or confused can not be forgiven. They let him pursue the orientation of life.

After watching “Pain and Glory”, I traced the work of Almodovar. He is too young to shoot, young, aging, dancing, crying, warm, silent, sick, sad. In the early days, he boldly crossed the taboo. Crazy, thrilled and powerful, almost completely swallowed up the body. Sickness and sex are the two poles of the body. The former is introverted and concealed, and the latter is arrogant. Both, at the same time constitute the characteristics of his film.

“Talk to her”

In the skin of My Habitat, one side is burned skin, scars, muscles, and one side is a meticulous and calm suture, and the transformation of the body brings emotional dislocation. At the beginning of “Say to Her”, Pina’s dance appeared, and the sleepwalking woman clashed, desperately mourning, and the man rushed away from the obstacle. The body, always overflowing and expanding, has to rush out of its own field. In the film “The Law of Desire”, the body is