This article is from WeChat public account: silicon Star man (ID: guixingren123) , author: Doutzen spectrum, from the title figure: vision China

Mark Zuckerberg

In the past, in order to get Facebook’s core business into the Chinese market, Zuckerberg tried his best to play the best ally of the Chinese people in Silicon Valley:

He practiced Chinese and gave a speech twice before and after Putonghua at the Tsinghua University Symposium, saying that he would recruit more people in China;

When the world is accusing China of the cottage culture, he is not praising the innovation of local Internet companies.

The current Zuckerberg seems to have no hope for China. He opened at the hearingIn the article, the use of “China will become the hegemon in this field” implies that the US Congress should give a green light to the Facebook-led Libra global digital currency project as soon as possible, “ (Other US) will lose leadership.”

From the old friends of the Chinese people to the Internet technology industry in China and China, the founder of the “Facebook” company has quickly and decisively changed its face in China, making the followers stunned.

Everything has a cause. What has Zuckerberg experienced in the past few years, and he is determined to stand on the opposite side of China?

1, love sinus opening

About Silicon Valley Technology and its founders and core decision makers’ attitude towards China, senior technology journalist Luo Yuhang summed up three kinds of [1]:

1) Have strong curiosity and interest;

2) It doesn’t matter emotionally, but it will be taken seriously for business expansion;

3) Full of doubts, negative opinions and attitudes are always cautious.

Google is the third; most of the technology companies we see belong to the second; Facebook and Zuckerberg used to be the first.

An early Chinese employee of Facebook played an important role in Zuckerberg’s interest in China. He is Chris Pan, a marketing director at Pepsi China, and responsible for product, advertiser relationship and user growth on Facebook.

Before he left in 2012, he was always the person within Facebook who was directly responsible for assisting Zuckerberg in developing a “probable” Chinese strategy; in addition, he helped Zuckerberg find a Chinese teacher and supervised him. Discuss the business related to mainland China in Putonghua.

In addition to Chris Pan, Jim Breyer(Accel Partners Partner, Facebook Early Investor) and Xiong Xiaoge (IDG Capital Global Chairman) has played a role in the match between Zuckerberg and China.

At the invitation of Tsinghua University, Zuckerberg gave his first full-time Chinese speech for half an hour on the evening of October 22 [2].

This trip to Beijing, Zuckerberg received more than this: he and other foreign affairs advisors of the School of Management, in the Zhongguanghai Ziguangge received high-level leaders.

In the fall of five years ago, people first saw Zuckerberg’s “Chinese complex.”

Someone knows that a decade ago, Facebook had done more serious attempts to land in China more than once.

As early as 2008, Facebook wanted to alias “Flying Book” into China, and it officially aborted in 2010. Later, it wanted to do a Facebook Connect account system in China, allowing users to log in to China Internet service with Facebook account. Finally, I could not get through.

In 2010, Zuckerberg appeared at Baidu’s headquarters and had lunch with Li Yanhong. At the time, he was considering developing an independent, Chinese-oriented social product (somewhat similar to the relationship between Red Rabbit and LinkedIn), handed over to Baidu operations. Then it ended without a disease.

After many attempts failed, Zuckerberg’s China Chris Pan also left in 2012.

Zuckerberg, who would not be blocked by a small setback, became more and more red-hot in the heart of China.

2, chasing after the poor

From the unwillingness to the violent show, only a signal from Beijing is needed.

The senior officials who had fallen behind in the past visited Facebook headquarters in 2014. Zuckerberg personally led him to visit the office and explain it in Mandarin.

When halfway, the group stopped at a desk. Zuckerberg told Reckless that this is his own station. There is a book of the highest leader. Zuckerberg explained: “I also bought this book for my colleagues. I want them to understand socialism with Chinese characteristics.” On the spot, there was a loyal praise.

In September 2015, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Yang Yuanqing, Liu Qiangdong, Zhou Hongyi and other leaders of more than a dozen top Chinese technology companies came to the United States with the Chinese delegation. The top US technology companies, including Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Qualcomm, etc., all sent CEOs to attend.

Zuckerberg can wear a gray T-shirt for three years, and the company’s listing is just a hoodie. But that day, he changed into a serious suit, although he forgot to put a button on the photo.

The year before, the annual challenge he set for himself was to learn Mandarin. Zuckerberg attached great importance to this meeting. According to the reporters of the New York Times, Zuckerberg used his Chinese with a unique accent to communicate for at least a minute.

After the meeting, he wrote on his own website on Facebook, “The first time I used a foreign language to communicate with a foreign leader, this is a milestone in my personal career.” He also said that this The second meeting was a great honor for him.

A photo of the meeting at the time showed that Zuckerberg stood at the bottom left corner of the picture, next to Liu Qiangdong, John Chambers (Cisco ), Ma Yun, Luo Ruilan(IBM).

Two days later, when the US President and First Lady Obama held a reception dinner at the White House, Zuckerberg appeared again.

This time, Zuckerberg finally ushered in a moment of intimacy in a close relationship with China: once again, he is familiar, and invites the leader to give his unborn daughter a Chinese name.

According to the New York Post’s website Page Six quoted by the White House source [3], Zuckerberg’s request was rejected by “too much responsibility.”

We haven’t been able to determine for sure, what kind of signal passed through Zuckerberg’s brain on the night of September 2015, and he decided to make such an out-of-date request.

Fortunately, this experience did not have much impact on Zuckerberg. When he visited Tsinghua again in October 2015, Zuckerberg used a proverb: “There is an old saying in China that says: ‘As long as you work hard, you can make a needle.’ As long as you work hard, you can change the world.”

In November, in the earnings conference call, Zuckerberg is still confident in opening the Chinese market. “We can’t say that we want to connect the world, but we exclude the world’s largest country.”

Zuckerberg may not have changed China’s view of him. But at least in the opening of the Chinese market, he did work hard, and the effort was a bit exaggerated. Like a passionate admirer, his pursuit of China’s pursuit has only just begun.

On New Year’s Eve in 2016, Zuckerberg and his wife, the new daughter Max, used Mandarin to pay tribute to the netizens. They introduced Max’s Chinese name “Chen Mingyu” and also talked about what happened recently in his work and life. China-related matters. This video was quickly reprinted on video sites and social media in mainland China, and the volume was amazing.

Since then, Zuckerberg’s pleading for China’s posture has become more and more exaggerated.

On March 18th, Zuckerberg, who came to Beijing again, completed a “morning run show” at the center of Shilichang Street.

He sent the photo to his Facebook account. Watching Zuckerberg suck in the Beijing at the time with a unique international humanitarian spirit, Chinese netizens described him as a “real life air purifier.” The well-known media people’s three watches evaluated him as “a dance like Zhao Si.” [4]

If you think that Zuckerberg is just taking a step, you can be wrong. He has more important things here:

On the second day after the morning run, Zuckerberg participated in a confrontation with Ma Yun and expressed his high concern for the two sessions of China and the 13th Five-Year Plan. In the evening, he appeared in hundreds of millions of China. The people came from the CCTV news broadcast, which was loved by the public, and accepted the interview.

For Zuckerberg’s “China Show” in 2016, one of my colleagues said that he can fully understand his excitement:

“It’s like the elementary school notices that the next day is going to be a spring tour, and I’m so happy that I can’t sleep at night…

It’s not surprising that Zuckerberg changed his Chinese nationality one day. This kind of love, from the heart, is really the ‘Chinese dream’ that the American CEO can have.

“Zuckerberg also has a Chinese Dream,” published in PingWest product of play: Hu Xiang

Just, Zuckerberg’s “dreaming for dance” did not bring him the “love” that he expected.

3, stunned

At the end of 2016, Zuckerberg’s ambition to get Facebook to China has been unveiled because of a secret plan inside Facebook.

It turns out that Facebook has secretly developed a software tool to make content comply with local laws and regulations, and provide it to Chinese partner companies to monitor users’ popular posts and topics on Facebook, and by partner companies. It is entirely up to the content of whether this content can appear in the user’s news stream.

For this report, Facebook PR does not explicitly deny it, which means that the tool exists by default. The project is led by Feng En Smith, Global Vice President of China Affairs, Facebook

Contrast of color balloons and Moments user interface

After the PingWest product reporter’s inspection, the website “Fat Internet Technology” behind the “Color Balloon” favicon is displayed as a Facebook icon, and the product’s privacy statement is also consistent with the version of the Facebook main product.

In this way, “Color Balloons” became the first mobile Internet product that Facebook launched on the mainland since 2010.

Because of the poor product experience/no promotion, no one is using it. The color balloon was officially released at the beginning of this year, around 24 months. But at least for Zuckerberg, he can say without exaggeration: In those two years, Facebook successfully returned to China.

Unfortunately, Since then, Facebook has never been able to make any meaningful progress in opening the Chinese market.

The continuous defeat in China made Zuckerberg feel bad. He understood that this short, what he once thought was a sinful unrequited love.

4, turning face ruthless

It hurts. Zuckerberg finally realized that the attitude toward China has been getting lower and lower in the past years, but he has not achieved any results he wants.

The year 2018 marks Zuckerberg’s rush to China. Like a standard face-changer, Zuckerberg in public is no longer relative to China. Instead, he began to bluntly address the shortcomings of Chinese and Chinese Internet companies and thereby boost Facebook’s position.

In July, in the podcast section Recode Decode, the famous tech reporter Kara Swescher (Kara Swisher) sent out to Zuckerberg problem. At that time, Facebook, data breaches and election interventions continued to scan, and as a result, some American politicians began to call for the split.

When asked about Zuckerberg’s response, he said, “I can bet you, if the US government is worried about these issues… I think those Chinese companies will not be like these investigations. Cooperation.”

In other words, his attitude at the time has become: splitting Facebook is not good for the United States, because it will benefit Chinese technology companies, so that these “non-American values” Chinese companies are expanding globally. Take up more dominance.

Although three years ago, he also praised Chinese local Internet companies, such as Alibaba and Xiaomi, in the lecture hall of Tsinghua University, saying that they are “people-oriented” like Facebook.

This time, Zuckerberg needs to make sure that his downgrade of China’s expectations is known to the world, although he still seems to be the biggest supporter of the Chinese and Chinese Internet industry not long ago.

“We can (in China) do anything, the time ahead is still there,” he said on the show.

Zuckerberg accepts Kara Swescher at the Wall Street Journal D8 conference

Of course, he is still awake, still understand that he needs to further distance from China.

In early October of this year, Zuckerberg’s recording of a question and answer session inside Facebook was leaked.

When asked how to think about TikTok(overseas vibrato) popular with young American users, he pointed out that before this, like Ali Chinese companies such as Baba and Tencent have extended their reach to China and extended to Southeast Asia. But TikTok was the first to be developed and operated by a Chinese Internet company, and has achieved hugely successful consumer products in overseas markets such as the US and India.

He also said that he already has a solution for TikTok, Lasso, and hopes that Lasso will be able to beat TikTok in other emerging markets.

Unfortunately, as a replica of TikTok, Lasso, which relies on social giant Facebook, can’t do it with it.Imitation objects are compared. The last publicly available data shows that from the release of November last year to February of this year, Lasso’s downloads totaled about 70,000 times, and in these three months, TikTok’s downloads in the United States alone reached 40 million.

However, Facebook also grasps the lifeblood of TikTok: its excellent performance in the market, including the US, is largely due to the huge amount of advertising on Facebook.

Seeing that there is no hope of opening up the Chinese market, Zuckerberg once again tried to correct the history of his relationship with China.

On October 17, Zuckerberg gave a speech at Georgetown University. The speech on freedom of expression was originally intended to respond to SAR politicians from not far away, about Facebook’s attack on false political advertisements. No one had thought that Zuckerberg had taken a handful of China this time.

In the speech, Zuckerberg pointed out that currently six of the top ten Internet platform companies in the world are from China, and called on people to realize that this may affect the global dominance of American values. /strong>: “In almost the entire world except China, the Internet is defined by American companies and American values. (If you don’t respond now ,) These values ​​are not necessarily the ultimate victory.”

Afterwards, Zuckerberg once again tried his best to arouse the public’s vigilance against China in the following week’s hearing of the US Congress on the Facebook-led Libra project.

He told lawmakers that Libra, a global digital currency and payment system, was developed by American companies and belongs to American innovation, a continuation of the global dominance of the US dollar system (although the organization is based in Switzerland).

In other words, if Congress continues to set a stumbling block on the road to the Libra project, China will undoubtedly become the global new leader in this field.

Zuckerberg, who wants to show his face to China, has changed his mind and has become the strongest defender of American exceptionalism.

He said at the hearing, “I was optimistic about the Chinese market 10 years ago and thought that doing business there would create a more open society. However, today, it seems that doing business in China is not able to achieve this goal. It will also hinder US companies from communicating American values ​​around the world.”

Just, when other US Internet technology companies are clearly able to conduct business in China in a smarter way and in a more elegant position, Zach, who once loved this land, is now crazy. Berg, on the other hand, has the least voice to criticize his peers.

The intensity and superficiality of his performance in Beijing is really timeless. It is precisely because of this that his former Kyogo is so dramatic today.

At the end of the day, Zuckerberg is a practical pragmatist who is, in essence, still a contemporary Machiavelli fan.

Not only does his attitude towards China reflect this. If you pay attention to some of the controversies that Facebook has been involved in in recent years, including not limited to Cambridge analytics data disclosure, Russian intervention, false news, and political advertising with false information, you will understand:

In Zuckerberg’s eyes, all the means, in the end, can be defended by the results. Everything is for growth, even if you need to sell your soul to the devil.

[1] Some useful gossip and facts about Zuckerberg, Facebook and China

[2] Zuckerberg Tsinghua Chinese Speech Record

[3] Chinese President snubs Mark Zuckerberg’s unborn child

[4] Zuckerberg, who danced like Zhao Si,

[5] Is this app that can be used in China actually made by Facebook?

This article is from WeChat public account: silicon star people (ID: guixingren123) , author: spectral Doutzen