This article is from WeChat public account:Create (ID:xingshu100), author: creating Talk editors, title figure from Baidu pictures

Trust is a commonplace topic. What new understanding and thinking can we have about trust? Can the issue of trust be solved?

Although the current testing process is very imperfect and unscientific, as long as the market is large enough, the “loyalty test” will be continuously improved in the competitive environment and continuously improved.

In the history of human civilization, such an unsolvable problem seems to have a solution in the era of artificial intelligence. With the delivery of big data, dedicated artificial intelligence will become very powerful. Can trust problems be solved in the context of powerful artificial intelligence? Is the loyalty test useful?

This is a world where trust is generally missing

Second, is there any use of loyalty testing? Will the issue of trust be improved?

The loyalty test is destined to be useless.

No matter how much it is improved in the future, it will not improve the trust between people. This involves a problem, which I call a trick of trust.

In life, your mobile phone doesn’t show me. I trust you because of it; you showed me the phone, maybe you have another cell phone that is secretly contacting, or you have developed a way to connect the connector. . Suspicion is a bottomless pit, always filled with dissatisfaction.

The German thinker Simmel once said that if a person knows everything, then he does not need to trust because he knows everything. It is because we do not have this ability that we will fall into the predicament of trust. Trust is blind unless there is the eye of God.

Third, trust is an illusion, an overdraft of information

The German thinker Luhmann said that trust is built on illusions.

The author of trust and the recipient of trust, The two sides are structurally in a state of unequal information, and there will never be enough information to support me to trust you. Trust is an act based on illusions, not on rationality. In the end, trust is an overdraft of information.

As a relationship, a boy confessed to you. Before the confession, he has been patiently chatting with you, but after determining the relationship, he will not do the same, you know nothing. If you choose to trust, you will overdraw the information you don’t have and the knowledge you don’t have. So trust is very embarrassing, it forces you to overdraw yourself.

In a relationship of love or marriage, once you have a suspicion about your partner, then any tests, evidence, and information can’t fill the crack. If the chain of suspicion starts, then both partners will eventually embark on the road of rebellion. Therefore, without trust, it is a very terrible thing.

Trust is the greatest creation of human wisdom. Trust makes it possible for limited individuals to rely on reason and logic to make things impossible. Without trust, cooperation will cease to exist. Whether it is a startup team, a startup company, a research group