The two camp games, forming a benign market competition, may bring us surprises.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Houchang Village No.7”( ID: ningqid), the author quietly, produced | Netease Technology “state °C” column group.

In the near future, the news that Tencent officially released the “Tencent QQ Linux version return” has caused great concern in the domestic operating system industry. Since 2008, Tencent has launched Tencent QQ for Linux. After 2009, it has not been updated.

The analysis said that this move indicates that the era of the domestic operating system eco-market is coming. Due to the autonomy and control, open source systems such as Linux will obviously have better development in China. Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who has been running a call for his own chips and domestic operating systems, also believes: “The time has come for the rise of domestic operating systems.”

But the industry also pointed out that the domestic operating system market still has problems such as insufficient market competition, immature technology, and imperfect ecology. It can be said that the future is bright and the road is bumpy.

Chip + system needs balanced development

“The development of the operating system cannot be seen in isolation, and the development of the operating system is related to the development of the underlying core technologies such as chips,” said industry analysts.

He mentioned that in foreign countries, the usual rule is that chip technology is ahead of the development of operating systems. In other words, the chip iterative speed is very fast, often the operating system development is relatively lagging, can not fully play the performance of the chip.

But in China, the situation is reversed. Despite the rapid development of the domestic chip industry in recent years, the design and manufacturing capabilities still need to be improved, and it is impossible to stand on the same starting line with foreign countries. Specifically, the performance of the chip restricts the development of the domestic operating system and cannot fully reflect the performance of the operating system.

At present, the performance of domestic chips can only meet the application of office and light games, and the performance level still needs to be improved.

In addition, the domestic chip technology system and architecture are not uniform, and the domestic operating system needs a lot of technical optimization work to adapt to different chips. As a result, every new chip in the country, the operating system manufacturers will be greatly hurt, no energy and motivation to do deeper technical research and application development.

Related developers revealed that the Linux system evolution has been very mature, only the system core code has exceeded 10 million lines, so the workload of adjustment and modification is very large.

In foreign countries, the industrial chain has been developed for many years, regardless of the application ecology or industrial ecology, foreign countries have developed relatively mature. For example, Wintel Alliance, Windows only needs to adapt to Intel’s chip.