This is a very good product analysis method that helps us to peer into the designer’s thinking behind the product.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Butterfly Cafe” The author is dead leaves.


What is the most common way to learn a product?

Analyze the existing products and analyze them by analyzing the ideas of the designers.

This article gives you a practical way to analyze products, and it’s one of the methods I use a lot: ranking analysis.

01 Alignment Analysis Method

This is an analysis method for visual products. When visualizing product design, we will list many related parameters and then filter these parameters, which determines which parameters are presented on the current page and which parameters. Presented on other pages, and which parameters are eventually discarded.

After determining the parameters to be presented on the page, you need to give the final value to these parameters. Some parameters are important. We will give a higher visual weight. Some parameters are less important and will be given to him. A weaker visual weight.

The result of the performance is who is on the first screen, who is on the second screen, who is on top, who is below, who is bigger, who is smaller.

The ranking analysis method is an analysis method that deduces the value of the parameters based on the visual expression weight of the parameters.

Common Product Analysis Method: Ranking Analysis

In the A scheme, the image is given a higher visual weight, the ranking is the picture> text, and in the B scheme, the text content is given a higher visual weight, and the ranking is the text. > Picture.

A plan:

The visual space occupied by the image is larger than the visual space of the text,

The image is above the text (from top to bottom)

B plan:

The visual space occupied by the text is larger than the visual space of the image,

The text is on the left side of the image (reading order from left to right)

With the ranking between parameters and parameters, we can speculate on the behind-the-scenes design of the product.The team’s thoughts and values ​​can even be speculated on its data results.

Information products usually adopt the B scheme to attract readers with content titles, because the images cannot accurately express the meaning of the articles, and the A schemes are usually used for community, social, e-commerce and other products, and more rely on pictures. Attract users’ attention.

If we find that a large number of information products use the A program, or the community products use a large number of B programs, this is a detail worthy of attention, either the designer has special considerations, or the designer “Zhang Guan Li Dai “”.

02 “Frame” ranking

Alignment analysis is an analysis method for visual expression. It is not only the difference of visual weight between parameters and parameters. There is also a difference in visual weight between the frame and frame composed of multiple parameters.

When there are more parameters on the page, in order to reduce the user’s reading cost and give the user a better information structure, multiple parameters with strong correlation are usually placed in a frame. In visual design, The framework will be designed first, which framework will be presented to the user first, and which framework will be presented to the user.

This is to give the content framework different visual weights. By analyzing the visual weight of the framework, you can also construct a “ranking”.

The e-commerce product details page is a page with a lot of parameters. Designers usually divide the “head”, “activity”, “guarantee”, “basic information (select + parameters)”, “evaluation” , “Store”, “Product Details”, “Recommended Products”

The picture is too long, there is no screenshot here, you can open Taobao and open it.

From the perspective of visual authority, the designer gives these frames a ranking order,” Head > Activities > Security > Basic Information > Evaluation > Stores > Product Details > Recommended Products

We can interpret the designer’s values ​​through the ranking of the framework.

The designer believes that the information of the store is more important than the product information. A good store image, a higher store level can effectively promote the consumer’s shopping behavior, so the store ranks higher than the product details.

Designers believe that giving consumers a commitment is more important than the details of the product. Before the consumer buys, it gives a safe and reliable commitment to offset some of the consumer’s buying concerns.

Consumers can take the “7 days no reason to return”, “fake a lost ten”, “30 days warranty” such a reassurance, happily browse the product details, rather than after understanding the goods, then think about “goods Is it trustworthy?”

When we try to change the order of these frames, we can feel the designer’s thoughts conveyed by “ranking”.


We can try to put the store informationAfter the product details, you can also try to put the protection information after the product details. When the position of the frame changes, the meaning conveyed by the frame changes.

After the store information is placed in the product details, the meaning conveyed is that the product belongs to a store, and the store information is placed before the product details, and the meaning conveyed is a certain product of the merchant, between the information and the information. The primary and secondary changes have taken place.

The former is more focused on the attractiveness of the product itself, while the latter is more focused on the image of the store. Different design methods convey different product values.

There is also an interesting “ranking”. In e-commerce products, the product details usually belong to the end of the information structure, and the “recommended goods” is a continuation of the content.

When we try to put the store information and security information behind the product details, there is a churning funnel, because after the user reads the product details, the attention is diminished, from the attention to the product itself to Concerns about the store, or shift to the focus on “guarantee”.

Users are likely to jump from store listings to store listings, extending the path of consumer behavior, and the protection behind the store listing page may also cause user uneasiness.

People’s greed is endless, and most people are not so easily satisfied

“This product is available for 7 days without reason to return, what if you want to return more than 7 days?”

“Although there is a fake for ten, is there a warranty?”

“Although it is a Crown seller, how about after sales?”

The majority of the protection provided to users is provided by the store itself. The platform can only be supervision and provide support. This is equivalent to increasing the operating and operating costs of the store in disguise and raising the threshold for the entry of shops.

The current mainstream rankings, hidden behind, should be Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce companies, in many AB tests, get excellent solutions, maybe there is room for improvement, but we can use the “row Bit analysis has learned many designers’ ideas.

Conclusion Analysis of Product Listing Page

The e-commerce product details page has a lot of parameters, and there is a ranking relationship between parameters and parameters. With the ranking analysis method, we can get a lot of designer ideas.

For example, before the activity is guaranteed, letting the user take advantage of the commitment is more likely to affect the user’s consumption behavior.

Evaluation Before the store, the word-of-mouth of the product can affect the user’s consumption behavior more than the image of the store.

Different designers rely on their own unique understanding of the parameters to give different visual weights to the same parameters, thus forming different rankings.

We are not blindly learning the surface rankings, but exploring the ideas behind the designers based on rankings, which helps to broaden our perceptions and build our sense of product.

Taobao’s product details are not availableSuspected to be the big brother in the e-commerce, its scale and achievements are enough to let us put down our prejudice and look at it with a more professional eye.

There is a simple conclusion here:

The product design team of Taobao’s product details page believes that it is more helpful for users’ consumption decisions, with a sense of security, excitement, trust, and expectation to browse the product details page.

Therefore, the store listing page is the last link to the topic information, and they put all the information related to this consumer behavior before the product listing.

The last recommended item is an obvious jump out, and the shopping scene is continued if the user is not interested in the current item.

With the analysis of the Taobao designer’s thinking, we can also construct another negative idea: “After the user is interested in the goods, constantly strengthen the sense of security, trust, excitement, in order to strengthen the user. Consumption decision”

The former, first create a good consumer environment for the user, and then present the product for the user, the latter, first present the product, and then hand the tea to the consumer.

Before we judged whether the two design ideas are good or bad, we have obtained two designers’ ideas through the ranking analysis method.

In fact, the designer’s thinking is not an absolutely universal concept. In some fields, in some markets, the designer’s thinking contrary to Taobao will be more effective.


In some particularly important page designs, there is no “take it for granted”. Sometimes, the designer may not be able to express his own design ideas clearly, but there must be some kind of “feeling” that prompts him to “like this” design. Instead of “that” design.

Some influential products, especially big ones, have very strict requirements on results and a high awareness of risk. It is not allowed to have a “take it for granted” design style.

We may be able to compare the beauty of the page to the aesthetics of each person, but the visual weights presented on the page cannot be summed up and judged by the individual.

The “ranking” consisting of visual weights is necessarily based on rational thinking, rational judgment and even theoretical basis, and data support.

This is also one of the necessary conditions for the establishment of the “ranking analysis method”