The more experienced people are, the easier it is to find a job? No

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Beast Leaf Cafe“, The author is dead leaves.

In 2019, it was not easy for everyone to find a job. Many of their friends were troubled by job hunting problems. Some of them were sloppy, and they were uneasy after three months. Others were uncertain, and they did not dare to resign.

In the job-seeking army, the two types of people are the most difficult. One is the newcomer who has been hit by the dimension reduction, and the other is the experienced old man.

In this industry, the richer the experience, the harder it is to find a job. The old products with ten years of experience are harder to find a job than the newcomers with 0 experience.

The more the pyramid goes up, the less the position is

Our workplace, in fact, like the pyramid, has the largest number of grassroots personnel, and is mainly responsible for performing tasks of the class. It seems that every company and every product has an inexhaustible execution.

Advanced positions do not require so many people. These positions do not need to perform tasks, but also focus on strategic thinking. They explore the market, set the direction, and then, a group of people execute.

This is the difference between thinking speed and behavioral speed. People’s thinking can be very fast. In a few minutes, we can imagine a function that e-commerce should have, but it takes a few months to implement these functions. time.

For a company, you don’t need so many people to think about it, because you can’t do it without thinking, no one can do it, a brain that needs hundreds of hands-on, in order to make execution speed and thinking speed comparable.

The more senior positions, the more executive positions are required. The more executive positions, the more management costs are required. This is a vicious circle. We call expansion, which is against the law of enterprise development and may lead to The phenomenon of corporate death.

Normally, each company’s senior positions will be far less than the grassroots executive positions, but the senior professional title will not be reduced because of the reduction of posts.

The primary product manager 10 years ago, now, is a product veteran with 10 years of experience, 1000 junior product managers, and now is 1000 product directors.

But the number of senior positions is far lower than the number of practitioners with the same experience.

Corporate Throttling

The Internet is an industry that relies too much on investment, and the gap before and after financing can be described as overwhelming.

Most companies will quickly expand the company after obtaining a round of financing. One year can be expanded from a 10-person team to a 100-person team. The accident has not been done, and the money obtained from financing has not been produced. Wages, forced to lay off employees, closed down.

In 2019, the capital cooled down, the company had no money, the small team got the financing to measure it, and did not dare to expand. The big team had a stronger sense of crisis, not only did not recruit people, but also needed to reduce expenditure and reduce the daily business. The operating cost of the company is extended by the same capital scale.

As long as you are alive, there is always a chance. This is the voice of most Internet companies in 2019.

In general, the company of the A round has a team of more than 100 people. Only the monthly salary of the employees needs to pay more than 1 million, and the annual cost is 12 million. Coupled with other conventional expenses such as venues, equipment, servers, etc., it is conservatively estimated that the annual operating cost exceeds 15 million.

The average amount of financing for the A round is only tens of millions, and 100 people become 50 people, which is equivalent to double the life of the company.

Corporate throttling means two things for the market:

One of them, the increase in the number of posts is slowing

For the market, not only the experience of practitioners is growing naturally, but the number and size of companies are also growing naturally.

The number of Internet companies in 2019 far exceeds that of 2015. The reason for the quantitative gap is the natural growth of the market. On the one hand, the number of enterprises is increasing. On the other hand, as the scale of enterprise development increases, the demand for personnel will The increase has led to an increase in the number of jobs.

Corporate throttling means that the natural growth of the market has slowed down. Originally, 10,000 high-end product positions will be added this year, which will be reduced to 2,000, but the product manager’s experience will not slow down. 1000 primary products The manager will still become a 1000 product director.

The main form of expression is that it should have expanded by 50 people. Now it only expands 10 people, and dare not blindly expand recruitment.

The second is the reduction in the number of jobs

Corporate layoffs are a contraction of their own business scope, and also to extend the life of the company itself. There are too many layoffs in 2019, although some large companies call layoffs “optimization”, but they cannot change the number of jobs. Reduce the facts.

The reduction of existing positions means that the stock of the market is reduced for the employees.

As a result, corporate layoffs will result in a reduction in stocks, but will be balanced by the natural increments of the market, so that we do not feel the fact that stocks are reduced.

But this year, natural growth slowed down, large-scale enterprise layoffs, the ecological balance of the market was broken, and practitioners can clearly feel that the number of jobs has decreased.

The original stock of 100 positions, reduced 10 positions, added 50 positions, we only feel the number of jobs changed from 100 to 140 positions

NowWith 100 positions in stock, 50 jobs were reduced, and 10 jobs were added. We felt that the number of jobs has changed from 100 to 40.

The main form of expression is that the original 100-person team has now become 50 people.

Enterprise throttling has widened the gap between the number of employees and the number of jobs, further promoting competition in senior positions.

The original 1000 product director, competing for 100 director positions, was affected by corporate throttling, and the number of jobs was reduced, but the number of employees did not decrease.

This means that the 1,000 product directors will compete for 10 director positions, and the success rate of entry will be reduced from 10% to 1%.

The life and death of senior talents “Over-the-top”

We have always thought that the more experienced people are, the easier it is to find a job. Most people who have encountered frustration in job hunting blame their inexperience, inexperienced envy and experience, and 1 year of experience envy of 3 years of experience. 3 years envy 5 years, 5 years envy 10 years.

This is an illusion. The fact is contrary to our perception. The richer the experience, the more difficult it is to find a job. The root cause is “over-reduction”.

The term “over-the-counter” is derived from overseas. It means that the ability of a job seeker exceeds the position of the job applicant, making the company feel that it is difficult for the person to be low, or that it is difficult to work in the current position for a long time.

I have been involved in the interview of the junior product manager. One interviewer made me remember, the product experience of 3 years, the position of junior product manager, we are very happy, the experience and knowledge of the other party is far away. More than the requirements of this position.

This interviewer has made me hesitate for a long time, I hope to work with him, I think this will be a very enjoyable experience,

But I am also very worried. I don’t think that he will be willing to complete some basic execution work with his ability. I am not sure if I am the springboard of the other side. When I encounter a position that matches my experience, I will not Hesitant to leave me.

Considering that the team is not likely to hire a mid-level product manager in the near future, and the salary that can be provided is far lower than the ability of the other party, it is regrettable to inform him of the result of the interview failure.

Now think about it, this is a kind of “over-the-top”. From the perspective of the interviewer and the company, it is difficult for us to believe that a job seeker with a capacity far exceeding the job requirements can work well in low-level positions. .

More importantly, it’s hard to believe that people like this can build long-term relationships with the company.

The position of product manager is too important. Every product manager’s departure will lay a lot of hidden dangers. Some of the underlying system logic often has to spend a lot of energy to sort out because of the designer’s lack.

Some projects may even be producedThe resignation of the product manager had to be refactored as a whole, because no one knew the logic behind it.

The phenomenon of excessive waste makes it harder for people with more experience to find a job. Low-level posts will close the recruitment window for us.

It’s hard to imagine that companies will hire a 35-year-old product manager to work as a junior product manager because this position has closed the recruitment window for 35-year-old product managers.

Similarly, the mid-level position has also closed the 35-year-old recruitment window.

The market will push experienced people into a fierce competition zone. This is not subject to our control. Even if we really want to join a junior position, we can work very hard for a long time in low-level positions and be able to write a letter of guarantee.

Unfortunately, companies also have corporate concerns, and interviewers also have interviewers’ concerns.

The senior product manager is a low-level post. This kind of downsizing is just a kind of “slow-down plan.” We all know that in the end, we all have to face fierce competition in senior positions.

Some newcomers in the resume will change the experience of 0 to 1 year of experience. However, some elderly people have changed their 10 years of experience to 5 years of experience.

It’s just for the temporary avoidance of “over-the-counter” because our age is unlikely to decrease, and age will drive us to face the real problem of “over-the-counter”.


In 2019, market competition has become more intense. This is a fact. We don’t have to comfort ourselves, but good product people are still excellent product people. This is also true. We don’t have to worry too much.

In fact, what you have to do is to make yourself better. This has never changed. The only change is to make yourself faster and better.

If you have already approved the idea that “the more experience, the more difficult it is to find a job,” let’s start now and make yourself more effortable. At least you already have a preemptive chance and you have already had a valuable time difference.

We have to do very simple. If the entry rate is 10%, then let yourself be the 10%. If the entry rate is one thousandth, then let yourself belong to that one thousandth.

(The cover image is from Pexels)