The journalist confirmed the legality of the property and stated that “it is a legacy of previous government policies and there are no violations”.

The above-mentioned chain broker said: “In 2003, some ordinary houses were registered companies for commercial operations. This is the case in Beijing Impression Building No. 1”.

But the policy’s trick is that if this type of home is sold twice, it will lose the qualification of a registered company. According to the reporter’s understanding, Shunfeng Hotel intended to quickly withdraw funds from the overall sale of assets, but the purchase of the next home can not be commercial, so Shunfeng Hotel chose to sell the property in batches.

It is worth noting that the listing is currently in the state of being mortgaged by Shunfeng Hotel, and the hotel will need to withdraw funds from it later.

At the same time, the above-mentioned broker confirmed to the reporter that the independent property certificate of the batch of houses has not been completed yet, and only one overall real estate license can be shared, so the house can not be sold now.

The chain’s response to the sales situation is “inconvenient to disclose”, so the reporter failed to know too much detail.