This article is from WeChat public account:earthablandal, author: bipolar analyst, title figure from: vision China

Are you worried that you will lose your house one day?

“Yes, I am worried”

Approximately one in four surveys of residents in 33 countries and territories gave respondents such responses.

The tenant said: I am worried that one day I will be driven away by the landlord.

The landlord said: I am worried that one day the income will not be able to afford the loan.

The woman said: I am worried that one day I will be divorced and will be forced to live on the streets.

The people who rented the house and the public rent said: I am worried that one day, the house will be taken away by the company and the country.

There are thousands of people behind the thousands of people, and thousands of people worry about the dangers, opportunities and trends of thousands of real estate investments.

Subversive changes in the family

The more developed a country is, the more insecure a woman in this country is.

This is an interesting phenomenon discovered by bipolar analysts in the study of housing security in various countries.

For example, 9% of men in the UK lack housing security, while women reach 14%.

In terms of comparison, Vietnam’s ratio of housing insecurity is 10% for both men and women, and in countries like Cambodia and Indonesia, women’s sense of security is even higher than that of men.

This is an anti-common data, because in traditional cognition, women’s rights in developed regions should be better protected.

The bipolar analyst understood the logic behind this through three data points.

First of all, the divorce rate in economically developed regions is increasing, and this generation of middle-aged and older women is being crushed.

This is a data that affects the lag. This generation of older women in developed countries, when they got married, was in a time of vows. People of that era believed in love and believed that they could spend a lifetime with one person.

When they were young, they didn’t think about accumulating wealth, but they didn’t expect them to age in an era of divorce.

This description is not an exaggeration. In Portugal, the divorce rate has reached 70.97% in 2016(the number of divorces in the current year, the number of marriages) . In this country, it is accidental not to divorce.

But in 1960, the country’s divorce rate was only 1.28%. In 1970, the divorce rate was even lower, only 1.06%.

I am marrying you in the best years, thinking that as long as you are not too bad, we can spend a lifetime together. Who thought that when I was old and didn’t leave savings for myself, the divorce turned out to be such a simple matter.

Spain, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Russia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, the divorce rate of each country has exceeded 50% of the “mark”.

Canada, the United States, Australia, Italy, Norway, New Zealand, Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, the divorce rate of this economically developed country has also exceeded 40%, and gradually moved to 50%.

Although Asian countries are slightly lower than Europe and the United States, the economically developed countries of China, Japan and South Korea have all exceeded 30%.

“You have changed!”

“It’s not that I changed, it’s the times.”

The subversive changes in this family building logic will also revolutionize the real estate market.

When a marriage is about to end in divorce, is there any reason not to buy one?

However, this raises the second key issue, and women’s ability to buy a house is weaker than that of men.

When Cangjie made a word, he told us that there is a law. When a woman has a house, she has a sense of security.

The explosion of female housing demand caused by marriage pressure has become a reality in many countries.

In the United States, single women buy 18% of the total, and men only 7%. In South Africa, single women have surpassed their families and become the largest group of buyers.

But objectively speaking, women are cheaper than men in buying a house or at an economic level.

In Australia, this contradiction is extremely prominent.

Australian women like to buy a house. As early as 2002, Australian female buyers were already 6% higher than men. Statistics over the years have also shown that women’s willingness to buy a home is much higher than that of men.

Able to buy a houseBehind the enthusiasm, more and more elderly women are living on the streets.

A survey of wanderers shows that between 2012 and 2018, the number of women over the age of 50 who lived in a sofa or in a car in Australia has doubled.

The generation of women puts most of their energy into the family, and some are full-time housewives. 70-80% of the income after the divorce is used to pay the rent.

A careless, homeless.

At the same time, income levels determine that women’s mortgage quotas are lower than men’s in most countries.

In the case of the United Kingdom, men’s average income is 8.6% higher than that of women. On the surface, it doesn’t look much, but this gap directly leads to 80% of men who can qualify for loans to buy townhouses, compared with 65% of women.

In addition to income and loan capacity, it is the burden of family structure change.

Third, the surge in non-marriage births.

Frankly, when I first saw the statistics of Eurostat, bipolar analysts once thought that there was a problem with their English reading ability. After a second proofreading with the OECD data, I thought that this data might not be a problem.

71.2% in Iceland and 59.9% in France, Bulgaria58.9% of Lia, 57.9% of Slovenia, 55.7% of Norway, 54.9% of Portugal, 54.5% of Sweden, 54.2% of Germany and 51% of the Netherlands.

These are the proportion of non-married newborns in the EU countries in 2017. In these countries, more than half of the children were born into a family without marriage.

Not only in Europe, Chile’s non-marriage fertility rate reached 73%, and Mexico’s non-marriage fertility rate reached 67%.

In the future schools in these countries, children may have such a dialogue: “You actually have a father, it is incredible.”

The human physiology determines that in the case of non-marriage, the woman has a higher probability of raising more children than the man. That is to say, while the income level is low, in a large number of countries, female buyers are facing more expenditures and larger housing needs.

This is also a phenomenon that affects lag. Adults with the right to speak are not aware of this phenomenon.

Because at the age of 70, 80, and 90, the unmarried childbearing was still at a lower level. In 1970, the unmarried fertility rate in France was only 6.8%; in 1980, the unmarried fertility rate in Canada was also up to 10.9%; in 1990, the unmarried fertility rate in the Netherlands was only 11.4%.