The first principle of marketing: marketing drive growth, need to have a valuable bottoming

growth is getting harder and harder.

The demographic dividend disappeared, the difficulty of obtaining customers increased, and the new traffic peaked. The growth problem is a difficult problem that contemporary marketers have to face. From the popular hot words of the industry in the past two years, such as traffic pool, explosive logic, growth hackers, private domain traffic, and KOC, growth anxiety is a “middle-age crisis” that marketing people are lingering.

Since 2013, a reading brand has gradually entered the public’s field of vision. To this day, he is a household name. In just a few years, from 0 to more than 27 million users, it has become one of the largest reading communities in China. What is the growth logic behind him in the “new normal” where the industry is expensive and the growth is difficult?

On November 6th, in the first phase of the UMIC class, Mr. Fan Deng came to the scene to dismantle the growth path and method behind Fan Deng’s reading through the theme sharing and interview.

Fan Deng talks about growth: let 10,000 people say good, let a hundred people scream

Marketing first principles:Market-driven growth, need to have a valuable base

Before talking about how to grow by marketing, let’s talk about the first principles of marketing. The so-called “marketing first principles” is to let users pay for value.

First principles encourage people to do valuable things and put limited resources in the most core and sustainable areas. For how to judge the value of things, Fan Deng said, must not use market research to verify the value of products, the most direct way is to sell, if someone is willing to pay for the purchase, it means that the product has real needs and value.

Many people think that traffic is peaking and promotion is more difficult. He thinks this is a particularly good era, which makes marketing more and more fair. For example, a good movie, zero declaration can also sell for 10 billion, 2 billion, relying on word-of-mouth communication, let word-of-mouth spread and grow in the user population. This forced the whole society to start making products well, and with good products, it has good marketing, so this is the best era for marketing.

Philip Kotler speaks about marketing 4P: products, prices, channels, promotions. In this era, marketers are beginning to pay more attention to products. After all, marketing must return to the essential thinking, make the product valuable to the user, and let the user be willing to discuss and spread the product. This is the core and the key starting point for marketing-driven growth.

10-fold growth rule: ten times growth is easier than 20% growth

Fan Deng’s book currently has more than 27 million users and talks about growth logic. Fan Deng said that the “10-speed principle” is a very important underlying logic at the marketing level.

Marketing people need to break the industry’s inertia thinking and limitations, and build a concept: ten times growth is easier than 20% growth.

Because the last 20% growth and improvement is competing with the top companies in the industry, it needs to consume huge resources. If you don’t think about the ten-speed method, you will always fall into the competition in the Red Sea, and it is difficult to form a difference. Only by pursuing a tenfold increase will it be possible to jump out of the industry and enter a higher dimension to think. The ten-fold growth rule is not simply an addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and single-ROI calculation, but an effective means of creating an exponential growth miracle.

The logic of advertising in the past was to fire once, which is linear growth. The efficient growth model is one with two, two with four, four with eight, eight with sixteen, showing a power curve, which is exponential growth. It may be difficult to grow at first, but as long as you pass the critical point, it will rise like a plane.

The method of exponential growth is to make the result of the first development of a good content become the basis of the second development, continue to accumulate, and produce compounding effect. The premise of this logic is still to have a good product. What is a good product? Instead of letting 10,000 people say good, let a hundred people scream.

Building a product’s “Aha Time”, let users be willing to actively spread for you, and have a solid foundation for exponential growth.

The Six Rules of Crazy Biography: Investigate the Communication Elements Behind the Pop

Under the premise that the product is ok, there are many ways to guide the user’s self-propagation. Here are the six rules of Crazy Biography. Fan Deng’s study has been developed so far, and most of the promotion activities are based on these six rules. Here is the following:

1. Social currency. Can you create some value points for sharing in the user, such as talk, style, sense of high-level, show off, let him share with you to share with others;

2. Visualization. Visual things can be popular, such as food delivery bags, mobile phone models, watermarks, wristbands, etc., which can only be seen and felt by users;

3. Practicality. Provide users with some practical things, such as membership free days, give some benefits, and benefits are also important incentives for user participation and interaction;

4, emotions. Our emotions can be divided into four quadrants, the horizontal axis is positive and negative, the vertical axis is high arousal, low arousal, and one type of emotion is called positive arousal, such as majesticGreat, building a sense of sublimity, something that can give you a sense of sublimity is also easy to forward;

5, high frequency grafting. Catch hotspots is marketing common sense. What we have to think about is what is the inevitable hot spot? Spring Festival, college entrance examination, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, the opening season, there are many hot events are certain. You catch a certain hot event first, and graft it with the product, which can be seen by many people at this time;

6. Finally, tell the story. Turn marketing actions into a story that can be worded. Compared to ideas and values, stories are less costly to spread and more likely to be popular among users.

Combining the above six methods to the extreme can make a large number of people forward and bring great help to marketing.

TA said to marketers:

This era is changing very fast, business is changing, marketing is changing, and marketing people have to change, which requires continuous learning. When talking about marketing advancement, Fan Deng recommended several books, namely “Murch”, “Detailed Marketing”, “Playing Emotional Intelligence”, “Selling Brainwashing” and “Small Data”. These books can take you deeper into the essence of marketing, communication, and sales. Only by grasping the essence can you change the same.

Fan Deng advises marketers not to limit themselves to marketing, to use themselves as a marketing tool, but to combine the all-round development of the times and learn to embrace the uncertainty of the times. Regarding the response to uncertainty, you can use the “climbing algorithm”. No matter what the height is, you should collect the highest points around you and try your best to achieve the best. This is the efficient way to achieve the goal.

Poke the video and take this marketing book “Amway”: