Hollywood “big girl” restarts the craze

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Entertainment industry< /a>“(ID: yulechanye), author Xiao Yu.

About everything about “Jianjiao”, you should start with the DVD from the booth. Before pushing it into the VCD, you must lock the door and turn it off, then hold your breath and wait for the Chadian angels to appear. Came Lon Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Liu Yuling, all the flirtatious flowers of the other side are breathtaking, the electro-optical sounds, the guns and the thighs fly together, for a time constitutes the sexual enlightenment of the boyhood.


After sixteen years, the new version of “Jiao Jiaowa” was released. The director and screenwriter is the female filmmaker Elizabeth Banks. In the context of Hollywood’s “Rise of Women’s Power”, the new version of “Charlie’s Angel” consciously carries the “female rights” mission, and the three stars face the global crisis. Holding high-tech weapons, it exudes a “high-precision” sexual coldness.


The new version of “Jianjiaowa” has undergone subtle changes in temperament. In the plot and people, it shows the taste of declaring war on the “old rules”, and it also focuses on the female market in the promotion plan of the Chinese market. The eye-catching slogans such as “All-powerful” and “Charming Attack” tell the female compatriots a story about “women holding up half the sky”, oh, and its theme song, called “Don’t call me an angel”.

So what kind of “Women’s Angels” female audience bought it?

Who is watching “Charlie’s Angel”?

The old version of “Charlie’s Angel” was adapted from the Hollywood hit series “Charlie’s Angel” in the 1970s. Due to the excellent ratings, Sony simply put it on the screen and opened the game directed by Joseph McKinty Niche. “The Charlie’s Baby” universe. From the director to the screenwriter, the film is male, starring Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Liu Yuling. The three people in the film unmistakably show their beauty and skill, and combine sex and violence to give the audience an unimaginable imagination.


After the advent of the first “Gengjiao”, it won a global box office of 264 million US dollars, surpassing the box office of “Shaped 4”, and Sony then invested 120 million US dollars to develop a sequel from the original team. However, during the development period, films such as “Tomb Raider”, “Resident Evil”, “Night Legend”, and “Kill Bill”, which were also played by the “big girl”, began to appear one after another. After the toon, the second “Qiao Jiaowa” appeared, the market feedback is not as expected, the global box office is also inferior to the first, Sony has no plans to continue the next step.


The women acted as violent angels under the control of the patriarchal power. After the decisive decisiveness, they shouted “Charlie” sweetly, which is impossible to establish in contemporary Hollywood. This new version of “Charlie’s Angel” is obviously I know that I will continue to sell the spring light and bundle the main task with the men. I will be drowned by the saliva. It is safe enough to close a certain group on the casting corner, rebel against the patriarchy on the theme, and take the sisters to pop the rice flower route.

It is worth noting that Christine Stewart, one of the film’s stars, belongs to the LGBT group. The film that she is most familiar with in the Chinese audience is the “Twilight City” series, which is also a “female frequency” movie. The beautiful love between the girl Bella and the vampire Edward did not know how many tears were earned in the cp powder; Naomi Scott was the new “Jasmine Princess” of Disney this year, an Englishman of Indian descent. Aladdin, who starred in her, is also the same female audience; the third starring Ella Ballins is an African-American English bean, and Charlie’s is her big screen show.


However, despite being so close to the female audience, the new version of “Jianjiaowa” has bypassed the attention of Chinese female compatriots when entering China. According to the Cat Eye Movie Professional Edition, the proportion of male viewers in the new version of “Jianjiao Wa” is 63.4%, while the proportion of female viewers is only 36.6%, and the “Amazing Captain” set for the “big girl”, The proportion of men and women in “X-Men: Black Phoenix” and “Alita: Fighting Angels” is close to 1:1.
