This article is from WeChat public account:Sir movie (dushetv), author: poison Sir, title figure from: vision China

“The actor please be in place” “I am the actor’s peak matchup” “acting skills”, the three-speed variety show, the actors hang up the show, revealing a signal – saturation.

However, in the saturation, the only faction, the scarcity is almost out of stock–comedy actor, “The actor please be in place”, Zhao Wei gave the four actors in the group a question, playing “Xihong City’s richest man” A piece of monologue in the sinking.

It doesn’t sound difficult. It’s actually a big pit. Zhao Wei deliberately reminds me that all the failures in the act of Shen Teng will be played in their own way. There are many powerful actors who are ten years old.

What is the effect of the show? On-site bystanders have a dignified expression, one, one, all, no, good, laughing