Article from WeChat public account: InfoQ(infoqchina) author: Jeremy Wall, the original title:” the real Nakamoto being locked up in prison? The Bitcoin founder is more likely than “Ao Ben Cong”, the title map is from: Visual China

At about 3 am on November 12, Grin developer David Burkett said in the Grin official telegram group that the team received an anonymous donation of 50 BTCs. Subsequently, the founder of Litecoin Li Qiwei appeared in the telegraph group, the mysterious character is Nakamoto Satoshi, the reason for the donation address trading account was established nine years ago.

David Burkett laughed and said that although the hope was donated by Nakamoto, there is no evidence to prove this. Then the financial blogger “Good Money” sent Weibo, and the Grin Development Fund once again received 50 BTC anonymous donations. The donors were Q-10 veterans.

Although this is an episode of looking for Nakamoto Satoshi, everyone has never given up on “Who is Nakamoto.” There is new evidence that the true identity of Bitcoin founder Nakamoto may be Paul Solotshi, the designer of the encryption software E4M and TrueCrypt.

Paul Solotshi, 46, has a “criminal master” on the Internet and is also E4M and TrueCrypt (According to speculation, Nakamoto’s 1 million Bitcoin may exist in TrueCrypt software) The designer of these two encryption software programs. Paul Solotshi has published a declaration on the Internet, similar to Nakamoto’s 2008 Bitcoin White Paper.

Not only that, the word spelling and language style of the declaration are alsoLike a white paper. Paul Solotshi likes to gamble, and Bitcoin’s initial code includes a poker client. In addition, Paul Solotshi was jailed in 2012, which explains why the 1 million bitcoin in the Nakamoto account has never been moved.

Most importantly, the various documents presented in this article show that Paul Solotshi has some sort of relationship with Craig Wright, another computer scientist who claims to be Nakamoto in 2016. Is this information piled up more like a 007 spy game?

1. The frequent appearance of Nakamoto Satoshi

The mysterious founder of Bitcoin, Nakamoto, has always been confusing and has become the most enduring mystery in the industry. Regarding the identity of Nakamoto, some people say that they are male, others say that they are women, and some even think that Nakamoto may not be alone, but these speculations are finally gone. The version of the guess is constantly changing, but the mystery is still a mystery.

During this period, many of Nakamoto’s speculations and identity candidates continued to enter the public’s field of vision, including Craig Wright, who publicly declared himself to be Nakamoto. However, his bold move made him a “False Satoshi” group. One member.

Wright’s behavior sparked a lot of controversy, followed by endless lawsuits and trials. The Kleiman v. Wright case was even more entangled, but it was very strange that during the investigation of the case, it was extravagant. There is a new piece of evidence (this page of evidence is very similar to Wikipedia, it should be unmodified). The evidence points to another person. This person is not Wright, it is our main character today, Satoshi.

2. Who is the new identity of Nakamoto?

This newly discovered Nakamoto Satoshi, whose full name is Paul Solotshi Calder Le Roux, is 46 years old and was a leader of a large company alliance organization specializing in drug and arms smuggling, while still serving The informant of the US Drug Enforcement Administration is a natural programming expert.

If you search on WikipediaHis information can be seen in his rich life history. Le Roux has worked in gold smuggling, precious metal mining, money laundering, logging, assassination and encryption software development. In addition, regarding Le Roux, Wikipedia has one of the latest news: Le Roux is currently being arrested by the US police on charges of plotting assassinations, killing six people.

A reader may have read the “Master of Crime” serialized on the Atavist platform, so it is no stranger to Le Roux’s story. One of the most general words on the serial cover is this: he is a talented computer engineer and a sinister criminal leader, but he has received special attention from the US government.

As mentioned above, Le Roux is a very good programmer, except for his criminal status. In 1999, Le Roux led the design of the free disk encryption software E4M for Windows. In addition, it was possible to participate in the development of the open source TrueCrypt disk encryption technology based on E4M.

There is a question: how can such a geek–a person with a strong criminal background and excellent programming contributions be associated with the Craig Wright trial? How could it become a new candidate for Nakamoto?

3. The lawsuit unexpectedly points to a new clue

Craig Wright was sued by the Kleiman family in a Florida court shortly after publicly claiming to be Nakamoto. The reason was that Wright stole $11 billion worth of bitcoin from the late Dave Kleiman. Dave Kleiman is said to be a computer forensics expert. He was also suspected to be the real body of Nakamoto. They used to be partners until Kleiman died in 2013.

In this lawsuit, there is a lot of ridiculous speculation in the evidence submitted by the defendant Craig Wright, in addition to misleading information, fraudulent documents and false content. The incredible speculation is concentrated in Wright’s 187 document, Craig Wright’s Protection Order Proposal. According to the document, evidence supporting Craig Wright’s Nakamoto identity and $11 billion in bitcoin ownership contains a number of sensitive information, one of which is about Craige Wright’s connection with criminal organizations and involvement in arrests.Action.

The content of this document has been modified by Wright because it is feared that the prisoner will be retaliated by knowing his hard work. Unfortunately, the person who modified the file ignored a footnote below the file. It is precisely this neglected detail that points to the leader of the criminal organization Paul Le Roux, which is the protagonist of this article.

Image Source: 187 Neglected Footnotes in the Document

The incomplete link shown in the footnote above points to an article in the British “Daily Mail” article, which describes Le Roux: a real life comparable to Bond’s film villains, mastered throughout The head of the organization of the drug and arms empire on the continent turned out to be the super-lineman of the US police. In addition, there is a link to the unedited footnote pointing to Le Roux’s Wikipedia information. According to the information, Craig Wright’s fear object is most likely Le Roux.

4. Paul Le Roux, Nakamoto Satoshi and Craig Wright’s big reasoning

With the publication of the 187 document, there are many indications that Paul Le Roux may be Nakamoto Sakamoto, and that Craig Wright still holds Paul Le Roux’s one million bitcoin encrypted hard drive.

But what exactly does Craig Wright, Dave Kleiman and Paul Le Roux have in this incident?

From the 187 document and Le Roux’s unmodified evidence, Le Roux is the anonymous person mentioned in the Wright document. Combine the file information with some reasoning to get Wright originalIt is possible to work under Le Roux and inform the police in 2012 that Le Roux was jailed. Following this hypothetical storyline, according to an anonymous friend of Reddit Post, Wright and his old friend and business partner Dave Kleiman successfully got Le Roux’s encrypted hard drive with Le Roux’s 1 million Bitcoin.

But these bitcoins are locked in Le Roux’s TrueCrypt software encrypted volume (this password encryption software was also developed by Le Roux) . Wright spent a few years trying to break the password and failed. This also explains why Wright has never been able to produce actual evidence that he is Nakamoto. Craig Wright’s friend Calvin Ayre then helped build several computer warehouses, trying to unlock the encrypted hard drive code, disguising the entire warehouse area as a cryptocurrency mine, and using mining practices to cover it.

Therefore, this speculation seems dazzling but the plot is relatively reasonable. Craig Wright publicly claimed that he was “Zhong Ben Cong” to crack the password, get 1 million bitcoin, and then legally cash out.

The picture above is from a one-page document in the Kleiman v Wright lawsuit. Wright stated in the file that he had Kleiman’s Bitcoin TrueCrypt storage package, which could be unlocked in 5 to 10 years. In this case, we can conclude that the TrueCrypt file in Wright’s hand actually belongs to Le Roux, not Kleiman.

The amount of information mentioned above is really large. You may still have a lot of doubts and problems. This is not surprising, because it is a very complicated inference. But if carefullyObserved, Paul Le Roux and Nakamoto have a lot of similarities.

5. What are the similarities between Paul Le Roux and Nakamoto?

In addition to the Paul Le Roux information provided by Craig Wright, there are a lot of weird coincidences that seem to prove the leader of the criminal organization Le Roux is the real body of Nakamoto.

(1) The word “Solotshi” in Paul Le Roux’s pseudonym is very close to Satoshi of Nakamoto Satoshi

In Le Roux’s multiple passports, he used the term “Solotshi” as his name, which is very similar to Nakamoto’s (Satoshi “Satoshi” in Nakamoto).

(2) Paul Le Roux is the same as Sakamoto Satoshi, both programmers and familiar with C++

Before Paul Le Roux was a criminal computer programmer, he was a very good computer programmer, and he was almost obsessed with cryptography and privacy protection research, much like Nakamoto.

As mentioned earlier, in 1997 he began to study the E4M encryption program (Encryption for theMasses), the program encrypts the entire hard drive and reasonably denies access to the encrypted volume. In addition, Le Roux has published a declaration with a concept similar to that of Nakamoto’s white paper. The following is a description of Wikipedia:

In the political section of the E4M website, Le Roux issued a declaration stating that the government is increasingly relying on the power of electronic data collection. A typical example is the United States-British joint code “Echelon (Echelon) project eventually evolved into a “five-eye alliance” after including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In this regard, Le Roux said that citizen privacy will be greatly challenged, and encryption is the only way to protect civil liberties.

At the end of the declaration, he said:

Into the information age and post-information era, powerful encryption technology is an effective mechanism to combat personal invasion, protect your individual rights, and protect your personal freedom.

(3) Le Roux may have also developed TrueCrypt encryption software, and Nakamoto’s 1 million bitcoin is now in the software

It is said that Nakamoto’s 1 million bitcoin is safely stored in TrueCrypt’s encrypted volume. TrueCrypt is an E4M-based development software, and Le Roux is likely to be a member of the anonymous developer team. This guess is reasonable, because according to Le Roux’s former colleagues, Le Roux has studied the software, but they have no reliable evidence, so it is still unsolved. In short, if someone can store up to 1 million in TrueCrypt’s cold walletBitcoin, it’s hard to believe that he has nothing to do with participating in the development of hard disk encryption software.

(4) The disappearance of Nakamoto’s whereabouts coincides with Le Roux’s transition time

In the beginning of 2011, Nakamoto was suddenly disappeared. At the same time, Le Roux bid farewell to the software development field and switched to the boss of a large pharmaceutical company alliance. But soon RX Limited was hit by the US government and the US Drug Enforcement Administration because it illegally engaged in international pharmaceutical business.

Wikipedia describes this experience as follows:

Probably in 2011, Le Roux suddenly evaporated from the crowd, and for a long time his employees did not know anything about his whereabouts. As the pace of investigations by US government agencies accelerated, Le Roux had to temporarily take refuge in Rio de Janeiro and later planned to settle for a long time.

Le Roux’s sudden disappearance and crouching are basically consistent with the time when Nakamoto’s disappearance on the Internet. This is another very similar point between the two.

(5) Web posts circulated in 2002, suspected by Le Roux

In the birth of Bitcoin 7 years ago, in 2002, there was a post on the forum, the content of which sounded very much like the concept of Bitcoin.

For a long time, people have speculated that this post may have been written by Nakamoto Satoshi seven years ago when Bitcoin was born. What is intriguing is that the source of the IP address that was advertised at the time was from the Netherlands, and Le Roux was just in the Netherlands.

In addition to the above points, Le Roux and Nakamoto have many other similarities:

The two have a very vigilant attitude towards the government — Le Roux’s E4M Declaration and Nakamoto’s Bitcoin White Paper show this.

The two are very interested in online gambling — we know that Le Roux has been involved in online gambling, and the initial bitcoin encoding just happens to include a poker client.

Everyone understands that to solve the problems in traditional payment systems, a new digital payment system needs to be created. Le Roux’s goal is to improve the more clumsy payment systems used in its online prescription drug market, and Nakamoto has also elaborated on the new concept of payment systems in Bitcoin White Paper.

There are similar spelling and language writing styles in both public documents, such as analyse, colour, defense, bloody, hard, which are highly similar.

Le Roux was at least a multi-millionaire at the time, so he did not cash in the bitcoin when the price of bitcoin rose.

(6) Paul Solotshi Calder Le Roux Is it Nakamoto?

Although all the evidence indicates that Le Roux is very likely to be Sakamoto, there are still many questions. For example, when Nakamoto improved Bitcoin in 2009, Le Roux’s status as the head of the big business alliance was established and drug smuggling and arms transportation began. If the two are the same person, how can they manage all these businesses while also opening a forum to give the novice an answer to the bitcoin?

So, some people think that Craig Wright claims that the connection with Le Roux is completely fabricated, in order to tell the world that he is related to the origin of Bitcoin.

However, Wright has no good name in the encryption technology industry, and no one else believes that Calvin Ayre believes him. Therefore, Wright’s statement must be strictly verified by facts and must be treated with caution. If the suspicious connection between Craig Wright and Le Roux is confirmed, Solotshi will eventually become a fake, Nakamoto, which should be the most incredible in history.A big news, director Quentin will not miss this wonderful film material.

Original link: New-evidence-suggests-satoshi-nakamoto-is-paul-solotshi-the-creator-of-encryption-software-e4m-and-truecrypt/

Article from WeChat public account: InfoQ(infoqchina) author: Jeremy Wall