This article is from the public number:WeLens(ID:we-lens) , author: Lens, title figure from: vision China.

Korean artist Shirley went to suicide and was not unrelated to the previous bad reviews.

She has been away from the world for a month. Will those bad critics have remorse and reflection?

The latest interview with SBS TV tells us: almost no.

Artist Shirley

This program is called “Want to Know the Truth” and interviewed netizens who had attacked Shirley on the Internet.

Someone is still trying to deny the evidence: “Do I really have this sentence? I can’t think of it anymore.”

SBS program video screen

Some people still don’t feel that they have any problems with their behavior. After Shirley’s death, there are still malicious comments.

For example, she “was a spy’s plaything” “Her death is to cover up the chaos of the chaebol politics”…

Someone pretending to be her boyfriend to speak, and so on.

Someone said: “Because the bad reviews are so embarrassing, then I think it is better not to be an artist.”

SBS program video screen

For the program group to hold them, some people say:

“It’s not the news written yesterday, why is it because of me?

“If you catch the mistakes, it will make me feel bad…”

This kind of sound is no stranger.

After the actor’s hot ties, such as “wearing suspenders”, “depression” and other topics encountered cyber violence, many netizens also showed a similar attitude.

When they insulted the heat, they said:

“Installing xx’s depression, having the ability to learn Xueli”, “Hurry to die.”

After being advertised by the hot tie, “complaining”:

“She kept forwarding Weibo, letting her huge fan group go to the Internet to seduce ordinary people. Is this really right?”

“Big V is bullying. Cyber ​​violence is terrible, I want to commit suicide.”

“Public figures just have to bear these criticisms.”

They feel that they don’t have to take responsibility for bad reviews because they are stars and they are ordinary people.

“Keyboard Man’s Song”

The mob on the web, the honest man in life

Shirley had resisted before committing suicide.

She once sued a person who attacked herself and found that the other person was a high school student at a prestigious university.

The man and Shirley are of the same age and have a “bright future.”

Shirley is soft, and if she continues to prosecute, the future of this young man may be over.

Shirley finally let him go.

Shirley said on the show that it will not be soft again next time.

On an anonymous network, it is difficult to guess the true identity of a person through words. Those who advocate violence, bullying and teasing others may be a harmless person in reality.

In a documentary by NHK, lawyer Tang Zegui was called “the second most severely violent person in the world”, second only to Justin Bieber. As of the documentary, he has received more than 1 million death threats.

Tang Zegui’s cartoon avatar was labeled “incompetent” and “metamorphic” on the P, and it was posted on his way to and from work.

He got into trouble by helping a high school student cope with cyber violence.

In order to discredit Tang Zegui, those cyber violent people first fabricated the “black history” that he did not need.

Later, when an idol star was stabbed, the cyber violent man posted a post and lied: “I am the father of Tang Zegui, the dog has done such a thing, I am really sorry…”.

There are people who use the banner of Tang Zeguiyang to make a computer virus, which has caused many people to take action…

Tang Ze has always speculated that the prisoner “should be a very fierce person.” But when the prisoner was arrested, what appeared in Tang Ze was a 17-year-old boy who seemed to be weak.

computer virus maker

After that, more than a dozen people who had threatened Tang Ze were arrested by the police.

Someone said that they wanted to apologize to Tang Ze.

On the appointed day, a seemingly introverted person appeared in front of Tang Ze. As soon as he entered the door, he bowed respectfully and bowed. He couldn’t see anyone who would tell the death threat.

Tang Zegui Yang meets the perpetrator.

He explained his motivation to Tang Ze:

“Mr. Tang Ze is like an animated character on the Internet. Everyone has a lot of fun, so I don’t think it’s okay to do these things. I didn’t realize that it was a crime at the time.”

“It’s very interesting to post content on the web. I feel very interesting. I don’t have any friends in real life. The internet is my only place. So I’m addicted without knowing it.”

No friends in life, I want to make jokes… The inner monologue of this cyber violent person can represent many people.

Sometimes, because you want to create a network identity for yourself, for example, in order to express loyalty to a celebrity, you will frequently attack his competitors. We are no stranger to such a case.

And I want to hurt others, and I don’t want to feel embarrassed about it. Then, when you are swearing, give them a “crime” label.

Then, these “crimes” became a fact that many people believe in as new people continue to join.

There are also a class of perpetrators who are ignorant and conceited.

They see mistakes that are inconsistent with themselves as wrong.

They didn’t feel guilty when they were violent, because they mistakenly thought they were presiding over justice.

How to deal with cyber violence

In the celebrities who countered the cyberstormers, the heat is not high-profile, direct.

At the beginning of this month, she forwarded more than 240 microblogs in 15 hours, exposing the curses on her.

Looking now, most of the original blogs have been deleted, and they must feel the pressure.

There is both the pressure of ethical being examined and the pressure from the supporters of the heat.

Hot Iza will use someone else to slap her words on her own photo, with the words: “Awesome, good night.”
< /p>

The sad thing is that if the victims of cyber violence don’t do as hot as they are, they will have a hard time forming a deterrent.

This year Song Huiqiao and Song Zhongji divorced oneThings have been raging, rumors, “slut humiliation” have come to Song Hye Kyo. She reported 15 network IDs to the police. As a result, 13 of them quickly logged out of the account. The police could not verify the identity of the person being reported, so they could not go to the law.

Just change a vest and they can then go to hurt others.

There are no effective channels for punishment, and the victims can only cross the sea for eight cents.

Someone used the ability of the newspaper paparazzi to dig out the cyber tyrants, so that he lost his job; others chose the old “tell your parents.”

This is a local councillor in the United States. Because the homosexual identity was humiliated by the Internet, he found clues in the account of the cyberstormer and found his grandmother’s phone number, so he hit the past…

Not too long, the “keyboard man” called and admitted that he had done something wrong.

“According to it, he was in a bad mood and was estimated to have been trained by his grandmother.

Select “Secret Parents” by Bram Sims

The fight against cybercriminals is not always a big hit, and more often it is exhausting, angry, and even heartbreaking.

Girl Amy, because she looks sweet, was selected by a fashion brand when she was 6 years old, and became an advertising model, but also accompanied by the ridicule of people who grew up on the Internet.

Especially when she was adolescent, she sent a warm family photo on social media, and some people laughed at her long-lost and fat.

At the age of 14, Ami, who was unwilling to commit suicide, chose to commit suicide.

Photos when Amy is a model

After Amy’s death, Dad Everett sent an open letter on Twitter. He invited those who had passed their daughter to attend Amy’s funeral:

“If anyone thinks this is just a joke and likes to constantly gain a sense of superiority by bullying and harassing others, please take a look at this article and come to our ceremony to see what you are ruining.” /p>

The family photo that attracted the spray, the right is Amy.

However, only condemnation and mourning are not enough. Victims need more effective measures, which are legal and institutional protection.

They need to be single-handed when they are being bullied, and fight like Don Quixote.

This article is from the public number:WeLens(ID:we-lens)< span class = "text-remarks">, of:. Lens