On Tencent’s social chessboard, there is another one.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Tech Planet” (ID: tech618), author Li Xiaolei, Chen Qiaohui. Authorized to publish.

Tencent Edition

Tencent and QQ are two huge-volume products. Tencent is an acquaintance social empire. In the social field of strangers, Tencent has also extended its new reach.

Before Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618) was mentioned in the report exclusively, Tencent is secretly testing a love dating app that focuses on “high quality off-single”. On November 20th, the social product of the stranger named “Let Chat” was launched in test form. The location of the light chat is to find friends for Internet big companies and campus elites. Once launched, it has caused heated discussion in some Internet communities.

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At the same time, Tencent has also low-key on-line a voice social software “echo”, with online connected wheat, real-time dating, stranger matching and online game PK and other functions. From the perspective of product form, Echo is to separate the “friends” column in “Now Live”, incubating into an independent app, and retaining the original value-added services – rewards and “noble” status.

Tech Planet noted that the above two Shenzhen City Vision Technology Co., Ltd. developed. According to Tianyue, the company holds 50% of the shares of Wei Ying and Xie Qinghua.Wei Ying is the chairman and general manager, and Zhou Wei is a supervisor. Among them, Xie Qinghua is the vice president of Tencent, and the direct reporting target is Tencent CFO (CFO) Luo Shuoyu; Zhou Wei is the deputy general manager of Tencent IEG (Interactive Entertainment) financial management. At the same time, Zhou Wei and Xie Qinghua are also supervisors of several companies under Tencent.

Tencent version of Tencent version


Two new online products can be said to be Tencent’s social test of strangers, knowing that Tencent has been avoiding this field.

In January 2019, Ma Huateng commented on the product of “Animal MT”, which is an anonymous social product. “The banner is clearly opposed to the anonymous social interaction of negative energy. Let the family use it first.” Stranger Social has natural problems such as content review and identity authentication. How will Tencent avoid these natural negative energy?

Real-name and short-video versions of “Exploration”

After the video beauty social app “cat call” and the music short video app “sound”, the Tencent social matrix is ​​new again. Unlike the echoes that have been reported, the light chat that debuted was more worthy of attention.

Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618) After the experience of the invitation code, it was found that from the overall form of the product, the light chat is similar to the probe, which is more like the “exploration” of adding more authentication rules.

The light chat product type is not new, like the snack-shaped pattern, do not like to fork, both sides click to like, the pairing is successful, enter the chat interface. I like to explore right-handedly, and I don’t like to slide left. If I like each other, the design of successful pairing is basically the same.

The biggest difference between the two is that the light chat on user authentication requirements is significantly higher than the probe. After the user uploads the photo, it is also necessary to perform a real person test through face recognition, and the right to pairing is selected only after the test is successful. At the same time, the user can also upload the employment certificate or work card for company certification, upload the degree certificate or student ID to authenticate the school.

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Being pairingAt the right time, the user can see information including the person’s personal cover, about me, hobbies, ideals, and published personal updates. Light chat uses a variety of tags instead of LBS for smart matching. This pairing method has a certain degree of selection for the range of friends, which is why Tencent has become an important reason for “high quality out of the list”.

At the same time, in a light chat, there are only 15 chances to choose whether you like it or not. After the opportunity is used up, it will take 18 hours for the system to recommend the user again. The probe also set the number of slidable users and the number of likes in a single day, and later set this as a value-added service, and set up a charging item for commercialization. In the future, light chat may be able to borrow from the exploration of the charging model to realize the realization.

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It’s worth noting that whether you’re uploading a personal cover or showing your personal dynamics, the content of the short video takes up the main position. “Tencent’s intoxication is not in wine”, a social product entrepreneur analyzes Tech Planet, personal dynamics must be short videos, personal image also encourages uploading short video content, providing upload path, light chat should be from short video Cut into the social of strangers.

Before, Tencent, which was ridiculed without “short video genes,” frequently launched short video products. Judging from the new product types introduced at this stage, Tencent is combining the social development of short video content, and the focus has begun to shift.

WeChat’s restraint and Tencent’s innovative trial and error

After 8 years of WeChat, Tencent’s intention to explore in the social field is obvious.

The biggest problem with WeChat is that as a product of over one billion users, Zhang Xiaolong can only choose the largest common divisor and make a product that most people like. When filling in new functional forms, you need to be more cautious, and fun and fun are hard to satisfy. Especially on May 5 this year, after WeChat’s drift bottle function was off the assembly line, WeChat’s arguments began to rise.

From cats to light chats and echoes, Tencent continues to introduce innovative social products in an attempt to gain more market segments. After leaving WeChat and QQ to enter the social field of strangers, Tencent is continuously releasing the innovative ability of social products.

Take the “Trilling” benchmark Tinder as an example. This year, it successfully landed the top spot in the global non-gaming application in the first quarter of 2019. In fact, exploration and Tinder products have the same function, which means that in foreign markets, strangers making friends is a fertile land. And with the exploration, Tinder and its similar light chat, after the exploration has matured, can the domestic market still get a few cups?


Light talk adds the threshold for professional and school identity data authentication, which helps to solve the ills in strangers’ social products, inaccurate information or fraud; explore, Tinder based on LBS friends, light chat tag matching settings It also makes users get rid of some privacy troubles; personal dynamics must publish short videos, you can see that Tencent is exploring the video social again.

These features are not necessarily created by Tencent. When they are selectively combined, whether users are willing to spend time “paying”, it is a test of Tencent’s insight into user needs and the power of innovative products.

The “echo” that was exposed this time is also the main interest. In 2019, on the rise of the voice social track, there have been explosions, Soul and other explosive products. Not long ago, NetEase also used the voice social software “sound wave” to return to the social field.

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But the products of echo and sound wave are still in the voice social, more traditional chat room form, lack of substantial innovation. In addition, in April 2019, several social and social products such as Oops and Sounds had been subjected to regulatory crisis due to content issues and were required to be reorganized. These factors also made the entire industry face challenges.

But the popularity of voice social products also means that the market has a demand for such products. In the future, it will not be ruled out that Tencent will continue to explore in the field of voice socialization, find more subversive or novel forms, and bring products to market. After all, the 5G era is coming, and it is hard to say how big the imagination space for voice interaction is.

Too and missed multiple choice questions

The importance of mastering the social relationship chain is self-evident.

Tencent is the leader in acquaintance social networking, with 1.115 billion monthly WeChat (combined Wechat) and 800 million monthly QQ. However, in the context of the market where strangers took the stranger’s social field and then nailed to occupy the office social network, Tencent also hoped to lay out in the social segmentation.

In the field of dating, Ali introduced me, Jingdong launched the pear, and the byte jumped to buy the Baiu campus. The Internet giant is also constantly enriching social products and innovation. In this context, Tencent launched a light chat, the improvement of the school and professional identity labeling threshold, when the pairing of love, the basic information of both sides is true.Guaranteed. It seems that Tencent wants to use a light chat to cover both campus and career love dating.

In the field of voice socialization, bytebeat is a share of the news, Alibaba released a singer, Netease also recently launched a sound wave, Tencent is not willing to lag behind, so the echo appeared. But it seems that the emergence of echo may be just to fill the gap in the social field of Tencent’s voice.

Tencent’s tentacles explored around the world, enriching the social product matrix, making Tencent always ahead of the social field. But sometimes because the innovation is too advanced, not waiting for the vent, the product has been removed from the shelves, and become the “explosive models” missed.

For example, the earliest short video product micro-vision did not stimulate the market volume, but the late vibrato, fast hand has become the user’s “darling”. At the beginning of 2018, Tencent launched the close friend short video social product DOV, which also copied the fate of microvision.

This product was developed for the upcoming 5G market. It didn’t get much attention at the beginning of the line. In September this year, the product was taken off the shelf. As a lot of competing products, the market has been coldly met shortly after the launch, but the flash is still being polished and upgraded. According to iResearch’s data, as of September this year, the multi-flash MAU has rebounded to around 13 million.

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If the multi-flash finally waits until the video socializes, DOV will become another regret for Tencent.

Intensifying innovation and trial and error, in 2018, “Elephant” Tencent also promoted departmental reforms. Highly associated and highly integrated with social platforms, traffic platforms, digital content, core technologies, etc. in the original social network business group (SNG), the original mobile Internet business group (MIG), and the original online media business group (OMG). The sector is organically split and reorganized to improve overall office efficiency and market responsiveness.

Tencent will not allow the next generation of “user time killer” products to appear again next to his home. This is why Tencent is exploring more innovative products this year. It is better to make mistakes and not miss it, and become one of Tencent’s choices for innovative products.