This article is from the public number:GQ Report (ID:GQREPORT), author: Fifi, Luofang Dan, from the title figure: Oriental IC


Hello everyone, this is the eighth issue of the GQ Report Emotional Comic Column.

This topic also comes from the real life of my friends and my friends. After raising a cat, I found that the intrusion of a new life is a troublesome thing for a relatively stable intimacy. The trouble is that in the process of co-cultivating it, each individual’s own problem and relationship problem has an exposed incision. But the advantage is that in this low-profile parenting rehearsal, the reality behind sweet love is constantly exposed. The truth of life comes before real fertility, giving you more time to face and opportunities to solve.

The ultimate goal of adult marriage is to find a “life partner.” Among the three couples interviewed, some chose to stop the loss in time to meet a new life; some people talked openly about each other’s problems in the interview; some people found and accepted their own defects in the process, and made changes for the sake of change. Active efforts. In the face of trivial reality, they have taken a step and have the courage to face problems together.

About today’s push, I want to say so much. So, have you seen a similar experience with you today? What are your experiences or thoughts about couples raising cats?

article from the public No.: GQ reported (ID: GQREPORT) , author: Felice, Luo Fangdan < /span>