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The surface of the polymer in the injection gel contains positive and negative charges. When the sperm passes through the injection site, the charge will destroy the sperm cell membrane and cause it to lose its vitality.

Despite contradictions to evolution, contraception is always a constant topic, and the Indian people have taken this topic a step further.

On November 19, the Times of India reported that the world’s first male injectable injection developed by scientists in the country had completed Phase III clinical trials and was handed over to the Indian Drug Control Authority for approval, up to 6 months later. It can be produced.

Image Source: Visual China

Dr RS Sharma, senior scientist at the Indian Drug Control Agency, which leads the clinical trial, said: “The clinical trials of this injection have been completed. A total of 303 participants were recruited in the Phase III clinical trial. The success rate was 97.3%. And no side reaction reports, the injection is valid for up to 13 years after injection.”

The name of this injection is calledUnder the guidance of reversible inhibition of sperm, it is composed of synthetic polymer styrene maleic anhydride, which was developed by Dr. Sujoy K. Guha’s team in IIT Kharagpur, India.

According to Wikipedia, RISUG works by injecting a needle of polymer gel at the vas deferens located in the male scrotum (This injection requires professional care) The personnel can operate) After a few minutes, the wall of the vas deferens is wrapped in two chemicals in the gel.

S. K. Guha explains that the principle is that the polymer surface in the gel contains positive and negative charges, and when the sperm passes through the injection site, the charge will destroy the sperm cell membrane and cause it to lose its vitality.

In fact, the invention of RISUG is the personal accident of Dr. S. K. Guha and the inevitability of the times.

In the beginning, he wanted to invent an artificial heart pumped with a strong electric pulse. Then he saw the population of India soaring and the problem of clean drinking water was outstanding. He changed the artificial heart to automatically remove the sea water and clean it. Ionic charge water pump in water. However, the authorities believe that the population problem needs to be solved urgently, so Dr. S. K. Guha has improved the pump into a RISUG that can safely act on the vas deferens.

In the United States, there is a gel similar in principle, It works by including progesterone and testosterone. Progesterone hormones will prevent the testes from producing enough testosterone. Testosterone is mainly used to counteract the hormonal imbalance caused by progesterone. In June of this year, the gel opened a human trial, which recruited 450 couples.

There has been a way of contraception since ancient times, but most of them are applicable to women. Before the invention of RISUG, the main contraceptive methods for men were vasectomy, external ejaculation and wearing condoms.

This article is from WeChat public account: News interface (ID: wowjiemian) , of: any lengthy