This article is from the public number: China Fund News (ID: chinafundnews) author: Lingyun, the original title of “more than 10 million Internet users in anger! Buy 1199 only refund 2.1 yuan deposit: Xiaohuang car new routine is “too cruel”! 》, The title picture comes from: Oriental IC

Ofo small yellow car refund deposit againNew move.

Recently, the OFO Little Yellow Car APP launched the “Ofo Cashback” campaign, which claims to be “no need to queue up and withdraw a deposit”, and said that it has returned nearly 7 million yuan to users.

So, how reliable is it to rely on “ofo to return money”?

No queue for a refund? The pit is here again

What is ofo rebate? According to the official introduction of APP, buying Taobao and products on OFO cashback can not only make money, but also withdraw a deposit.

As we all know, from last year, ofo has difficulty withdrawing the deposit, and more than 10 million users have queued to refund the deposit. And launching this event, ofo said that there is no need to wait in line to return the deposit. It only takes two steps to get the deposit:

The first step is to click “One-click authorization and redeem” and transfer the 199/99 deposit to OFO to return the money;

The second step is to open the OFO cashback and skip to Taobao and After the purchase is successful, you can withdraw the corresponding deposit + get additional cash rewards.

But in reality, getting the deposit back is not so easy. According to the “ofo cashback” redemption rules: “Once the user authorizes and agrees to participate in the event, the deposit is converted to the equivalent account balance of” ofo cashback “. After redemption, it is regarded as abandoning the user’s claim for the deposit, and ofo’s platform deposit for cycling There is no longer a planning obligation. Once the deposit is converted, it is irrevocable, and it is not allowed to change the cashable balance back to the OFO platform deposit. “

In addition, the deposit after redemption cannot be used for direct shopping. Instead, users need to re-spend money to get a cash back equivalent to the deposit. It is worth noting that the calculation method of cashback is settled by the actual payment amount. For example, when users use virtual currencies such as coupons or participate in activities such as spikes and pin-ups, the amount of cashback for users will decrease. .

According to the rules, users who have not refunded the deposit in ofo can enjoy double cashback, that is, they can withdraw 40 yuan when the cash amount is accumulated to 20 yuan. However, ofo has set a withdrawal threshold for the event. Users with deposits of 99 yuan and 199 yuan can withdraw up to 5 times and 10 times respectively. After the number of times reaches the upper limit, they will no longer enjoy double cashback.

How much does it cost to return the deposit? Thousands or even tens of thousands

So, how much does it cost to withdraw the deposit through the rebate account? The “ofo cash back” interface is the same as the e-commerce platform setting, and it is divided into a buy-in, a special price of 9.9 yuan, the number one explosive product, a limited time spike, and a large cash back area.

After the user selects the product, the interface jumps to a third-party e-commerce platform or of “Little Deer In Stock” owned by ofo, and each product is marked with a cash back amount. According to the rules of the activity, after the order is completed, it will be returned to the account on the 25th of the following month.

According to the observation, although the withdrawal threshold of 20 yuan seems not high, the extra money required to get the deposit back is considerable.

For example, a pack of 9.9 yuan paper towels can be repaid 0.8 yuan, a box of beer priced at 39.9 yuan can be repaid 0.42 yuan, a bag of 21.9 yuan snacks can be repaid 0.08 yuan … According to observation, the cashback ratio It is not directly proportional to the bid price. It is not that the higher the bid price, the greater the cash back amount.

Take the computer office product as an example, the Intel i5 six-core processor with a price of 1199 yuan will return 2.1 yuan, and the iPad Air3 with a price of 3799 yuan will return 13.3 yuan. To invest tens of thousands of yuan in cash.
