This article is from the public number: Blue Blood Research (ID: lanxueyanjiu) author: Ren Zhengfei, title figure from: Oriental IC, formerly titled “Ren predicted seven years ago, all of the certification (attached was real internal dialogue ) “

On November 25th, Huawei once again issued the 2012 JulyFull text of the discussion between Ren Zhengfei and laboratory cadres and experts on 2012.

In this discussion, Ren Zhengfei predicted almost all the situations facing Huawei today. Everyone joked that Ren Zhengfei was a “passer.” Some employees said with emotion: “I have seen it for 12 years, and I didn’t feel anything at that time. Now I can see the great wisdom of the boss. If HiSilicon chip and Hongmeng system were not laid out so many years ago, Huawei may have faced the US sanctions with ZTE It ’s not going to break. “

In the conversation, Ren Zhengfei mainly expressed the following points:

I. “I think that the use of physical methods to solve problems is approaching saturation, and we must pay attention to the emergence of mathematical methods.” This idea determines Huawei’s high degree of mathematical understanding, so Huawei solves The problem that the pipeline becomes thicker and faster.

Second, “Be sure to stand up and reduce the dependence on the United States appropriately.” To this end, Ren Zhengfei said to Hisense President He Tingbo as early as 2004, I will give you 400 million US dollars a year The research and development expenses will give you 20,000 people. After these people who have successful experience in circuit design turn complex large circuits into microcircuits, after a round of baptism, they are chip design experts.

Huawei established Hisilicon Semiconductor in October 2004 and started to design chips independently on the EDA platform. In 2018, Hisilicon’s revenue was approximately US $ 7.6 billion, a year-on-year increase of 43%. For the first time, it ranked fifth among global IC design companies, achieving a historic breakthrough for Chinese semiconductor companies.

Three, “If all three operating systems give Huawei an equal right, then our operating system is not needed. But we now make terminal operating systems out of strategic considerations, if they suddenly Broken our food, the Android system is no longer used by me, and the Windows Phone 8 system is no longer used by me. Are we stupid? “ The title of the discussion paper was given a title when it was published in 2012. Called “China didIf there is innovation soil, not opening is death. “Ren Zhengfei’s attitude is not to make narrow independent innovations, but to be fully open, but full opening does not mean full reliance. The aircraft engine part needs to be done by itself, including chips, operating systems, etc. .

Fourth, you don’t have to use it. “The narcissistic plot cannot be taken. If Hess has narcissism, we must use what we are required to do. If we do n’t use it, we will not be glorious. It is a closed system. One day we will run out of energy and die. , So we are going to open the system. Your system may be abandoned, but it does not affect your personal achievements. “” We may persist for decades, but we still have to do it. Once the company has a strategic loophole, we Not a loss of tens of billions of dollars, but a loss of tens of billions of dollars. For example, do you know when the nuclear war will be waged? If it does not exist now, then you should stop nuclear research? “

The following is the full text of the discussion:

Minutes of the meeting between Ren Zhengfei and the 2012 laboratory

July 12, 2012

Mr. Ren: First of all, I am not an expert. I have pressure to communicate with experts. I may not answer many of the sensitive questions you mentioned, so if I do n’t know, I ’ll ask whoever answers below. Now let’s start the meeting to see how everyone speaks the law, how to open it, and listen to everyone.

1, Yang Qiang (Director of Noah’s Ark Lab) : I am from Noah’s Ark Lab. I was a professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology . The topic you just talked about is “innovation”. We all know that we in China have not yet produced a Nobel Prize. I want to see from this point of view, how can we “innovate” from Huawei, and want to hear from you Point of view, why do we not have a Nobel Prize in China till now? What are the necessary conditions for it?

Ren Ren: Hong Kong, I think it is a place where you can hide and hide. Many people in Hong Kong return from studying in Europe and America, mainly inTeaching, so the quality of education in Hong Kong is very good. I have told the Guangdong government many times that schools in Hong Kong should be allowed to set up schools in the hinterland and the hinterland of Guangdong to release their teachers’ energy.

I won’t talk about winning the Nobel Prize first, what is important is how to create value to humanity. China cannot create value because it lacks soil, which is the property rights protection system. In Silicon Valley, everybody worked overtime desperately, maybe they became rich overnight. I have a good friend. When I went to the United States, his company was bigger than ours. He had the idea of ​​getting rich overnight, and he hadn’t become rich for more than 20 years. Millions of people like him may struggle for human society for the rest of their lives, or they may squeeze a person’s success, that is, Jobs, that is Facebook. In other words, the property protection system allows everyone to see the possibility of “rich overnight”. Without property rights protection, the urge to innovate will be suppressed.

Second, China lacks tolerance and others do not harm you. Why are you so concerned about others? You see, now some people are spitting on excellent people on the Internet. Do those excellent people dare to be excellent? We do not have a clear system of property rights protection and a spirit of tolerance, so China has obstacles on the issue of “innovation.” Everyone also knows that Facebook is something that can appear. If this thing appears in China, it may be copied and copied many times. Do n’t say that the original person will be abandoned, and even the first plagiarist will be destroyed. , Was abandoned.

In the United States, there is a strict intellectual property protection system. You cannot copy it. If you copy it, you will be fined billions of dollars. No one knows that such a strict protection system can invade others. In fact, protecting intellectual property rights is our own need, not the means used by others to suppress us. If we realize this, there will be hope for science and technology in our country in decades and hundreds of years. But science and technology is not a matter of quick success and quick gain. A theoretical breakthrough takes 20 to 30 years to constitute social value contributions.

Today we calm down our hearts and do something practically, we may have hope after 40-50 years. But we can’t calm down now. why? Fortunately, you are a professor at a university in Hong Kong and not a professor at a university in Mainland China. Otherwise, you have to compare the number of dissertations. If you ca n’t produce so much, you can only copy them. What other Nobel prizes do you have to copy the dissertation? Impossible, so we have to change the academic environment.

2. Li Hang (Chief Scientist of Noah’s Ark Lab) : I am from Noah’s Ark Lab. I joined the company a month and a half ago. I ’m very honored to join HuaweiGuide the work of this great company. Huawei wants to play a big role in the next step. Innovation is indispensable. What do you think can make Huawei more innovative?

General President: On the issue of innovation of our company, first, we must emphasize the value theory, not to innovate for innovation, but to create value. But the future value point is still a hypothetical system, and it is not clear now. We assume what the future will be. We assume that the data traffic pipeline will become thicker and thicker than the Pacific Ocean. It is not clear whether this assumption is accurate and we will be saved by building a Noah’s ark.

If it is really as thick as the Pacific Ocean, maybe Huawei is right. If it is only as thick as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, will Huawei be finished? There are many companies in this world that are finished, and Nortel is betting on the wrong thing. China Netcom is also betting the wrong treasure, betting early. As soon as Xiao Netcom died, broadband came. If it was born a few years later, it would be the time.

Heroes are often out of date. Some people have strong personalities, and everyone disagrees. I said that you were born in the wrong era. If you were born in the Anti-Japanese War era, you might be a hero, or you might be a general. We are based on the needs and values ​​of human society, assuming that data traffic will increase in the future, but this may not be in line with social laws. The premise of Marx’s theoretical assumption is that there were no cars or airplanes at that time. What he said was extremely rich. What is the precise definition? Because Marx did not come up with standard mathematical formulas, we thought there were higher standards. So our current hypothesis is subject to long-term criticism. If the hypothesis is wrong, then we have to revise it. Where the chief scientist will lead us.

Second, on the issue of innovation, we need more tolerance for failure. Tolerance failure must also have a specific evaluation mechanism. Not all areas allow large-scale tolerance failure, because you are high-end research areas, and I think there are more fuzzy areas. Some areas are not ambiguous, and they are not allowed to mess around. For example, the contracting of projects can be clearly quantified. Failure to do so indicates that the management ability is low. But you are entering a fuzzy area, and we don’t know what it will look like in the future and what it will accomplish.

Therefore, you should be more open-minded in thinking, you can go outside to drink coffee, collide with people’s thoughts, write your emotions, post them online, and lead a new generation of people to think. Maybe not only Huawei sees you, but society also sees you. It doesn’t matter. We want to contribute to society. When your emotions can affect others, others will follow along the way, maybe he will succeed. So on the issue of innovation, it is more a matter of inheritance.

What I told you today, also