This article is from the WeChat public account: everyone-Tencent News (ipress) , author: Ran Yunfei, the original title: “Fun with wonderful memories of my teacher: send Mr. Liu Shahe funeral”, the title figure comes from: vision China

The death of Mr. Liu Shahe on November 23 has aroused the attention of many people, which is taken for granted. Because of his fame and integrity, learning and talents are rare in this era.

Mr. has a profound influence on my family, especially myself. So in my affair, I have the words “Shen En’s Unspeakable, a family who is distorted”. Although I really want to remember the past 30 years, my husband has given me the influence of spring and rain, but the situation is forbidden, and there is no room for expression of some things, and those details still need time to get involved.

So this time, I only picked out some of the more interesting words that I saw in the many joint words of Mr. Bang. At the same time, I recalled many anecdotes in the creation of Lianyu, in order to express my condolences to the cremation of the fire on November 27th.

First of all, I must state that this is not an overall evaluation of all Mr. Liushahe’s couplets. To make such an evaluation, it is necessary to not only learn, but also precise statistics, but also time. This is the material that can not be ignored by those who write the biography of the future, because it involves the evaluation of his life’s creation, learning, and character.

And it ’s important to note that this is not