This article is from the public number: Youquan-Tencent News (ID: entguiquan) author: Dr Keren, from the title figure: vision China

Gao Yixiang lay on his back in the flowerbed. He fell fast, and his body fell into the not-sharp vegetation, looking like a breather.

A hundred meters away, the staff member Xiao’an who witnessed the scene felt the same way. He said that moment “everyone thought he was resting.” At that time, the person closest to Gao Yixiang—an artist ’s accompanying photographer—carried the machine closer, and was planning to “grab two facial expressions” for the effect of the show.

Huang Jingyu who arrived later became the first person to warn. Soon, the audience heard that he was still connected to Mai and shouted out of control: “×, still shooting! Help!”

At 1:45 am on November 27, 2019, Gao Yixiang fell to the recording site of the variety show “Follow Me”. According to the set route of the show group, there are nearly 1,000 meters left in front of him. But this program, which was previously described as a “big life simulation game”, suddenly pressed the death button after he had just run 200 meters. Three hours later, Gao Yixiang was declared dead by Ningbo Medical Center.


No one shows how long Gao Yixiang has been working continuously. The reporter tried to piece together his schedule 7 days before his death. On November 18, he and Adam Sandler played in the street; three days later, in Malaysia, fundraising for vulnerable children around the world; November 23, he went to Xiamen to participate in the Golden Rooster Award closing ceremony; In Taiwan, he met old friends, and everyone took a group photo. He also agreed to see his friends at the wedding on Friday. On the morning of November 26, he posted a Weibo to promote the TV series starring in him. It was also on this day that he arrived in Ningbo to take part in the recording of “Follow Me”, and waved out to the fans after leaving the airport-this is Gao Yixiang’s last public appearance. At 12 o’clock in the evening, when he was picked up by the crew of the show team to record the location-Ningbo Global Shipping Plaza, everything looked extremely normal.

▲ On November 26, Gao Yixiang arrived at Ningbo Airport, which is also his last public appearance.

Someone broke the news that “Follow Me” had a rehearsal during the day, and there is also rumor on the Internet