The title picture is from Oriental IC. This article is reproduced from WeChat public account: New World Phase X Institute (ID: thefairlab)

Human nature is actually a repeater.

The circle of friends of young people now follows certain laws like mathematical equations. No matter how much personality you want to package yourself in your circle of friends, you will inevitably fall into some sort of routine.

When you share “2017 ← → 2019”, there may be 20 people in the circle of friends doing the same thing as you; when you send out a photo of a girlfriend ’s wedding on the holiday, maybe you have seven or eight friends who are like you Bridesmaid.

Today, the director summarized 20 friend circle behavior calculation functions, and see which one are you?

Life is free, but it is always in the routine. Since any hair will fall into the cliché, why not make yourself more happy in the circle of friends, at least to make yourself happy.

After all, who is not a layman?

This article is reproduced from the WeChat public account: New World Phase X Institute (ID: thefairlab) < / p>