This article is from the WeChat public account: e-yiou , the title picture comes from: Visual China

The school should be a zoo, with all kinds of animals. Our company is the same. If we don’t want to become a farm, we must have diversity, and we cannot give KPIs for chickens to lions.

Information from Yiou Education on December 5. Recently, the first World Education Forum (Forum for World Education, hereinafter referred to as “FWE”) The Paris OECD Conference Center kicked off. More than 300 global political and business leaders, education ministers, government policy makers and well-known scholars from more than 10 countries and regions around the world participated in this forum to start a dialogue on the future of global education.

In the forum, Alibaba founder Jack Ma was invited to give a keynote speech. He said: “50% of today ’s career will disappear in the future. What kind of world will our children face when we will have it Life? These are the issues we need to explore urgently, because our future is determined by education. “

The following is the actual record of his speech, edited by Yiou for the reference of the industry:

Hello everyone. I am honored to be invited today. Every time I discuss education I am inspired. There are indeed many things we need to do.

Now is our time to discuss the most important topic of education. The world is changing rapidly, and the most urgent thing today is education reform. Where today’s education is going and what kind of people our children are going to be, this is what we have to think about together today.

I’m not a professional. I failed the exam many times. Then I entered Hangzhou Normal University. It was the “four books” at the time, but in my opinion it was the best school in the world. I am completeAfter graduation, he became a university teacher. At that time, the teacher was the worst student.

In 20 years, 50% of jobs may now disappear, and we have never heard of newly created jobs. What about our education? We have to worry about whether the next generation can have a job and live on. China had 15 million newborns last year, and China will depend on these 15 million in the next 50 years. What kind of education they have will also affect the world.

My English is taught by a math teacher. Because China was just beginning to offer English classes at that time, there were not enough English teachers at all. She goes to ABC in the morning, and teaches us in the afternoon. But she told me, Ma Yun, your pronunciation is very good, which made me very encouraged.

My good subjects are the reason why the teacher is good. My chemistry teacher doesn’t like me, so I have very poor chemistry. The teacher doesn’t like me, so I can’t do it well.

Judging by my grades, I am definitely not a good student. The teacher wrote it down on the blackboard. We must copy the test. I think this is wrong. But 20 years later, those classmates who did well at that time did not seem to have made much progress, and we ran faster.

I have been studying and have n’t stopped. Society is the best university. Many people are learn to work, and we will work to learn in the future.

I also have no CEO experience. At first VC said you can’t be CEO, but later I found out that I can use my experience as a teacher. I said I was Chief Education Officer. These are what I learned from being a teacher. I believe in your students and empower them. All teachers want students to live well, not students. As long as your mind is good, students can feel it. As CEO in the company, I believe in employees and help them.

Many people are working for education today, and we are trying to make education accessible to everyone. It’s like food, everyone has it. Every child must have equal educational opportunities. Of course, what’s more important is what kind of food and education you provide. Two things are important. First, everyone must have the opportunity. Second, everyone must have the right education.

I think that in the industrial age, we pursue unity, but in the AI ​​era, everyone is different. IT empowers itself, and DT empowers others. True education equity is differentiation, allowing each child to get the best education for him, and making each child the best himself.

I think the school should be a zoo, with all kinds of animals. Our company is also oneIn this way, if you don’t want to become a farm, you must have diversity. You cannot give KPIs to chickens to lions.

In the industrial era, assembly lines produce standardized products. Education also produces standardized personnel on a large scale.

Animals have instincts, machines have intelligence, but humans have intelligence.

In the digital age, let’s really seriously think about what is the difference between man and machine. If we are concerned that machines will replace humans, this is your problem. If everything is standardized, you will be replaced.

We call AI Alibaba Smart. We find that as long as there is logic, the machine is better, and without logic, it is better. Sometimes there is no logic in loving someone. But if you hate someone, there is logic, and the machine is even more powerful. We train the machine to catch bad guys. As long as there is logic, the machine is better.

In the digital age, standardized things are increasingly being replaced by machines. People do more creative and experienced work. Machines don’t learn and change like humans do. We cannot be like the 20th century.

In the industrial age, 100 children use the same method.

Education in the digital age must have 120 methods for 100 children, because 20% of people may not follow the rules like me.

In the industrial age, people are turned into machines, and in the digital age, machines are turned into people. Education must change, schools must change, and classrooms must change.

In the past, teachers used to input knowledge to students; in the future, teachers studied with students. In the past, teachers knew more than students; in the future, students may know more than teachers.

In the past, there were 40 minutes in one class, 40 students in one class, and seven lessons per day. I do n’t know how this standard came about, it may be the industrial age, so that society can train the most people with the least resources. In the digital age, we need to rethink our teaching model and content.

In the past, the classroom was the place to teach you the correct answers. In the future, most things may not have the correct answers.

In the past, classes were in the classroom. In the future, the classroom may be in the real world. I ’m in Israel. Ask their education minister. Why are Israeli children so independent? He told me that children are going to study and survive in the wild and face danger. Education is not to ensure that children are not at risk. Education is to teach children how to face danger.

In the past education, children were locked up. how