This article is from WeChat public account: The Silicon Star (ID: guixingren123) , author: Doutzen, title figure from: vision China

After the US market closed on Tuesday, Google ’s parent Alphabet suddenly dropped a blockbuster message: Google ’s current CEO Somdar Pichai (Sundar Pichai) Will become Alphabet’s new CEO, replacing co-founder and former CEO Larry Page [span class = “text-remarks” label = “Remarks”> (Larry Page) and President Sher Guy Brin’s (Sergey Brin) .

From joining Google in 2004 to becoming CEO of Alphabet in 2019, Pichai’s promotion journey at Google took just 15 years. In this company, and even the global technology industry, he has stood at the pinnacle of professional managers’ power.

Everyone knows Google, but there are people who are not familiar with Pichai. Many Chinese heard this name for the first time, or the “Go game” he came to China before 2016.

Who is Pichai, and why? In this talented company, why are the two Google co-founders and the parent companyAlphabet, only trust him so much, and entrust him with a big responsibility?

From Stanford to Wharton

Picai (Sundar Pichai) , formerly known as Pichai Sundararajan, has shortened his name and adjusted his surname like many Indians who went to the US And order of names. He was born on July 12, 1972 in a Hindu shrine Madurai, a not-rich middle-class family, and grew up in Chennai, a large eastern coastal city. He is 47 years old and has US and Indian nationality.

Pichai’s father, Regunatha, is a senior engineer at General Electric in the UK, and his mother, Lakshmi, was a stenographer before giving birth to him. From an early age, he showed a memory and learning ability beyond ordinary people. He was able to remember a large number of phone numbers. Later he was admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology. Department of Metallurgical Engineering on the Karagpur Campus. IIT has been hailed as “the jewel in the crown of Indian science”.

But Pichai’s interest in computers is stronger, and he once wrote a simple chess software. Despite this, he has never been partial, and still has the highest grades in the IIT metallurgical engineering department, and has won a Stanford scholarship.

Prashant Tripathy, CEO of Indian insurance giant Max Life, lived in the same dormitory building with Pichai during college. He described the alumni as keen, clear, and organized, usually taking on the role of organization and leadership in group discussions, and enthusiastic and helpful, not a computer ‘strange coffee’ in the stereotype.

Professor Indranil Manna, now president of the IIT Kanpur campus, revealed that Pichai is a focused, quiet student who speaks every sentence.

Pichay and his parents’ group photo in the United States

At Stanford, Pichai discovered that the planned academic career might not be suitable for him. So he gave up his PhD after earning his master’s degree, and joined Applied Materials, a semiconductor materials company with a chemical background, as an engineer and product manager.

Soon after, the talented but very modest Pichai found that: As a product manager, his management skills are far from enough.

He resigned, went to Wharton to further his studies, and earned an MBA in 2002. Not only that, he also won two academic honors of Siebel Scholar and Palmer Scholar during the school. After graduating from Wharton, he continued to hone his management skills and was recruited as a consultant by top consulting firm McKinsey.

Save Google in the water

All of the above seems to be preparing for Pichai’s subsequent promotion at Google.

On April Fool’s Day 2004, the same day that Google ’s timepiece Gmail came out, Pichai came to Mountain View to interview for a product manager position and joined Google.

Even in the talented Silicon Valley today, Pichai’s education and management qualifications as a junior product manager are still very bright: Master of Stanford, Wharton MBA, McKinsey-the label on him Even GoogleMany senior product managers and directors cannot match.

Today, Google has a wide variety of products. It continues to develop and launch new products in a similar way to breeding, killing those products that do not perform well, even if tens of millions of users are already using them. When Chay first joined Google, it wasn’t like it is today. Every product and every business has extremely limited resources and is extremely important to the company.

The Google Toolbar browser toolbar he leads is one such product that is extremely important to Google.

Google Toolbar is a toolbar plugin developed by Google for IE and Firefox browsers

At that time, Google was developing at an alarming rate, and in just five years advertising revenue broke the one billion dollar mark. Even so, this very young company still has great variability in the future. Search is not only its core product, but also the sole source of data, and is the exit of the advertising platform. AdWords data is available only for searches. Only when users use search can there be room for advertisements.

In the era of the PC Internet dominated by Microsoft, Internet Explorer (IE) is the first computer device for most users. Installed browser. When the user opens IE, Google Toolbar can be used for Google Search without additional interaction. It is for this reason that Pichai’s Google Toolbar, although not a very sexy product, has become an important entry point for Google search and a breakthrough point for this young company in the ecosystem dominated by Microsoft.

Not just a product manager, Pichai is also a negotiator. In addition to being responsible for the Google Toolbar, he was also responsible for visiting the mainstream PC manufacturers at the time, persuading them to bring Google to play together, and preinstalling the Google Toolbar, Google Updater downloader, and Google Desktop desktop plug-in on the PC.

Former colleague of Pichai and former lead of the Chromebook project Jeff Nelson (Jeff Nelson) revealed remarks “label =” Remarks “> [1] Before the arrival of” Google’s Doom “, search traffic from IE accounted for up to 65% of Google ’s total traffic, and the corresponding value based on 2005 revenue was $ 400 million.

It should be clear that there is no much credit for Pichai, because before that, the default search engine of IE ’s address bar has been Google-but this is not important because the arrival of “Doomsday” completely rewrites the game rule.

If it wasn’t for his contribution to pre-installation, Google would have almost collapsed in the fall of 2006.

On October 18th, the day when early employees called Google the (Doomsday) , the day came suddenly: Microsoft On the premise of the notice, the default search engine of IE was replaced with its own Windows Live Search (the predecessor of Bing Search) .

For example: Google search engine had about 400 million users at that time, and on October 18th, 300 million people switched to Windows Live Search. Google lost three quarters of its users overnight.

If you think 3Q vs. hooligans, Google was not good at the time: it popped up on IE to ask users if they would like to continue using Google search, and then modify the user ’sRegistry. But this only saved about 200 million people.

Fortunately, because of the existence of Google Toolbar, even if Microsoft has modified the default search engine of the address bar, users can still find their familiar Google search entry very close to the address bar. Not only that, Google Updater and Google Desktop also scan the registry and prompt users to replace IE ’s default search engine with Google.

After the “doomsday” happened, the importance of Google Toolbar to Google’s profit was suddenly mentioned very high. Without Pichai, Google would almost say goodbye to the remaining 100 million people.

Pichai has been mentioned in many public reports as a prophet, and executives and the board have been warned earlier that this day will definitely happen, but this is not the case. He knew that the “doomsday” would definitely happen, but the real thing was that he hadn’t waited until he could say it, and that day came suddenly, hitting all Google executives by surprise.

But fortunately for Google, Pichai was well prepared and the crisis was largely resolved.

This humble, down-to-earth Indian has since become a blessing for Google.

Merit product: Chrome browser

Spoiled by Microsoft, Google started a counterattack on the Internet portal. After realizing that without a browser, you will always be under control, CEO Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) and the two co-founders approved Chrome project, boosted by just hittingMorale-winning Pichai led the way.

Since its launch, Chrome ’s main feature is “quick” and concise, created by the original class of the company that developed the Google search engine that hundreds of millions of users love.

When users work in other browsers, they will find that there are a lot of windows on the desktop and it is very confusing. Chrome is the first mainstream browser to adopt the concept of tabs, allowing a large number of tabs in a window -Ultimately, these settings cause Chrome to consume twice as much memory than other browsers, but at least ensure a unique user experience.

Chrome is very popular with users, with more features and cluttered interface (to a large extent also due to “toolbars such as Google Toolbar”) IE is excellent for several streets. It not only provides users with a complete, “end-to-end” Google Internet experience, it also further strengthens the absolute leadership of Google search.

Even if Bing Search, which was backed by the Windows operating system, became the default iOS engine for Apple’s iOS (not long) , Has not been able to challenge Google. Today, the Chrome browser occupies about 65% of the browser market. Microsoft’s new Edge + old IE combined only accounts for about 4%, and IE is no longer supported by many mainstream websites.

This product also lays a good foundation for Google ’s business, including Chrome OS, Chromebook laptops, and Chromecast TV sticks. For example, Chromebooks currently have a significant presence in the education device market.

First saved Google from fire and water, and then led Chrome, one of Google ’s most successful products. Since then, Pichai’s career at Google has skyrocketed.

  • In 2005, we are still developing toolbars for IE and Firefox browsers;

  • In 2008, four years after joining the company, he was promoted to Vice President of Product Development (VP Product Development) , and was officially responsible for Chrome OS, Drive, Gmail, Maps and other products;

  • In 2012, in the eighth year of Google, he was promoted to senior vice president of Chrome and Apps (Senior VP, Chrome and Apps) < / p>

  • In 2013, he replaced Andy Rubin to lead the Android department. This arrangement made Pichai a senior executive in charge of Google ’s three most important business lines at that time (Chrome, Apps, Android) ; / p>

  • In 2014, he was promoted to the Google Product Director. (Product Chief, an approximate Chief Product Officer, but did not reach the c-level Key positions) .

    Keep on Google and become the most powerful candidate for CEO

    In fact, Google is not a company that retains top talent.

    Facebook COO Sandberg was a sales and operations VP at Google before becoming a “nanny” for Xiaoza; Yahoo CEO “Aunt May” and Marisa Mayer were Google ’s 20th employee and the first female employee Before leaving, he was the vice president of search products and user experience; the former Xiaomi overseas director, and now the head of Facebook VR “Hugo” Hugo Barra, lost his hope of rising at Google and his girlfriend at the time resigned angrily …

    But Pichai has been with Google for 15 years. When other executives left the company in search of better opportunities, he continued to expand his product list and business lines, and gradually built himself into the sole successor to the Google Empire. .

    Even in 2014/15, when internal struggles and external temptations were greatest, he remained firmly in his post, believing that his investment was enough to get better career development. At that time, every qualified executive was competing to become the next Google CEO, but most of them were crowded out by Pichai, or looked dull in the face of his achievements.

    Twitter and Microsoft are also looking for CEOs. They contacted Pichai and asked him to change jobs, but he declined the external invitation.

    Next, most people who are concerned about the Silicon Valley technology industry know almost everything. In the first half of 2015, Google was officially reorganized into Alphabet. All products and businesses that were not under the jurisdiction of Pichai were divested to form independent companies and belonged to Alphabet.

    In August 2015, it finally happened: Page officially awarded Pichai the position of Google CEO.

    The co-founders Page and Brin officially announced their abdication on Tuesday. Pichai finallyCompleted the last level of promotion on Google and became Alphabet CEO.

    Many Googlers keep praising him. Google Product Director Chris Beckman (Chris Beckmann) Commented him this way in 2014:

    He has built an excellent team of product managers in his product department. The word of mouth of these product managers and the engineers of the search quality team have a fight; he tries to avoid making enemies for himself and wandering in corporate politics. In order to help your team achieve greater success, it will also do the least damage to other teams.

    Why Indian CEOs Rise in Silicon Valley

    Viewing Pichai’s career development from an external perspective, especially in the last few years when the halo has been added, many Chinese have formed a stereotype: An Indian CEO, the Indian professional manager group is Silicon Valley is too unstoppable.

    But in fact, as described in this article, Pichai ’s rise to Google ’s status has not happened in recent years.

    As a product manager, his excellence is not only reflected in his understanding of the code and management of the engineer as a grass-roots product manager, but has also been elevated to the level of product business logic and competition trend observation.

    It is these abilities that transcend other product managers, allowing him to effectively play his role in the “doomsday” incident, using his foundation to resolve the crisis facing the company and show himself as a product Management and business talent are indispensable.

    Of course, Pichai is not flawless. Being the CEO of Google, he has also done a few things in order to explore the opportunities for company growth and business diversification. From the perspective of many supporters, there is nothing wrong with it, but some Google employees believe that it violates Google ’s “do no evil” principle. .

    For example, before this, Google and the U.S. government ’s defense contract was unveiled, and a large number of employees were opposed to it. They even held strike demonstrations in protest. Hundreds of employees participated. Activity and was fired by the company for strange reasons. In the end, the defense contract flow to Microsoft and other companies directly caused Microsoft’s stock price to soar, and its market value once surpassed Amazon. In contrast, Google not only failed to make money, it also lost a bad reputation.

    Indeed, in the US technology and investment industry represented by Silicon Valley, the Indian CEO team has grown significantly in recent years.

    In the US technology and investment industry, other well-known Indian CEOs and executives include:

    • Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

    • Shantanu Narayen, CEO of Adobe, Director of the University of California

    • Nikesh Arora, CEO and Chairman of Palo Alto Networks, former President and COO of Softbank Group, former Google SVP and Chief Commercial Officer

    • Vinod Khosla, Khosla Venture founder, Sun Microsystem co-founder, first CEO, chairman

    • Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO of Micron Technology, Co-founder and former CEO of SanDisk

    • Sanjay Jha, former CEO of Grofand, Motorola Mobile, former COO of Qualcomm

      There are several major reasons for this:

      • 1) Language advantage: English and Hindi (Hindi) are the two official languages ​​of India, with a certain level of education People can often speak fluent English, making them more capable in the US technology industry; , Being able to express yourself clearly, is more important than pronunciation)

      • 2) Number advantage: First, India is the largest source of foreign students in American universities. Second, Indian outsourcing agencies send thousands of young IT practitioners to the United States every year. On the right track, these Indian IT personnel often find jobs in U.S. technology companies than other ethnic groups.

      • 3) Bringing battles together: Each ethnic group will form a small group, but Indians’ holding groups in Silicon Valley is not just an urban legend. They are more willing to introduce, and more willing to promote themselves.

      • 4) Attention to management ability: Although many Indians also started with engineering and technical posts, they all attach great importance to cultivating their management ability along the way. Many people have an MBA degree and will also More actively move towards management positions.

      • Reference: -an-entry-level-PM-to-CEO-of-Google? awc = 15748_1575509984_cda992115adcd004438bc08f95998b54 & campaign = uad_mkt_en_acq_us_awin & medium = ad & pub_id = 78888 & set = awin & source = awin & txtv = 8 & uiv = 6 #

        This article is from the WeChat public account: silicon star people (ID: guixingren123) , author: Doutzen