How to make effective choices?

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “ Li Yuliang Beauty ” (ID : Crystal_words), author Zhao Xiaoli.

Write in front:

With the development of the times, each of us will inevitably make various decisions in our career development. However, it is strange that in this era, many people often cannot make decisions:

“I hope someone will help me make this decision;

I have been thinking for a long time, but I still cannot make a decision;

Even if I make a decision, I still feel deeply anxious about whether it is correct … “

In the workplace, if a person is considered weak by others, it is obviously not conducive to the professional development of the person: TA will miss many good opportunities, often because the hesitant is considered by leaders to be “unusable.”

Understanding, in today’s work environment, making a decision is the first step. You must make a decision before you can talk about the next actions and results.

So how do you make the right decisions efficiently?

This article today hopes to give you some inspiration and help.

Why can’t we always make the right decision?

In the book “Justice: Making Decisions Through Numbers, Facts, and Logic”, the Japanese author Zhiming Wangguo pointed out that The reason why many people cannot make decisions is mainly affected by two reasons: The first is the obstacle of objective superfluous factors, and the second is the subjective inability to give up.

Those who are good at making decisions have finally become winners in the workplace. 1. Beware of “redundant factors” hindering decisions.

Why is it difficult to get the correct answer in most cases in reality? Or even if a decision is made, it may not be correct?

There is an important reason for this, the “redundant factor.”

No, the consultant Xiaoting (pseudonym) has been upset recently.

I understand that Xiaoting has been with this company for more than half a year, but for some reason, she is afraid to submit a proposal or proposal every time. For this reason, sheDistressed, come for help.

According to the perspective of related books, many times we have to submit a proposal or proposal to our superiors, often because we need to choose from the multiple proposals or proposals that we think are the most reasonable submissions, this time interferes with us Often, there are some redundant factors, such as:

1) Will this suggestion bother leaders? (Both preferences and opinions);

2). This is the first submission. If the leader asks the landing method, what if he can’t cope? (No experience);

3). I have mentioned similar things before, but I was rejected at the time. I guess this time isn’t it? (Previously failed experience);

4). Too much difference from your original idea. Give up! (Own work philosophy);


It is precisely because of many personal emotional or emotional factors that are not related to the purpose of work, we are unable to make decisions.

Xiaoting is no exception.

Xiao Ting told me that she was just too jealous. She was always afraid of being scolded by the leader, so she seemed passive and timid in the team, and she almost lost confidence.

Those who are good at making decisions have finally become winners in the workplace. 2, “Can’t give up” makes you unable to decide

In reality, it ’s difficult for us to make a decision because two options are not absolutely good or bad: No matter what choice you make, you need to abandon the other. Both. ”

So if you want to make the right decision, you have to think about it: Be clear about what you will get and what you will lose? The so-called “have a choice”, so try to objectively consider which is the best option.

How to make effective decisions quickly?

1. Excluding irrelevant interference items, and simply measuring which solution is more beneficial to the goal?

Back to Xiao Ting’s case.

In fact, no matter what kind of work, it has its purpose. We will always get the answer if we analyze it carefully, but there are also many uncertain factors. Generally speaking, we have many uncertainties Way to get the correct answer.

When considering a plan or proposal, we should simply considerWhich is more beneficial, as far as the boss’s thoughts, your ideas, past experiences or experiences are irrelevant.

Those who are good at making decisions have finally become winners in the workplace

2. Measure “can take risks” and “don’t take risks”

In general, risk and return are equal: high risk corresponds to high income, low risk corresponds to low income, and “high return and low risk” does not exist.

If you are afraid of risk or risk, you are destined to get nothing.

Here, there is an investment principle that can help us make better analytical decisions. This method is called the “investment trichotomy”.

In life, “Investment Trichotomy” means: Put the money you will use immediately into your wallet; store the money you do n’t use now but will use later as a “deposit “; If you have a balance, you can use it to” invest. ”

Similarly, when we are confused as to whether to take risks, the first question we must determine is “if we fail, will we be able to survive? ” , Then consider “how many success rates?”

Those who are good at making decisions are the winners in the workplace

Note that the order is important here.

3. Use “numbers, facts, and logic” to judge

For example.

A consultant, Mr. Zhang, came to me for help. It turned out that Mr. Zhang was very interested in Montessori education and was very optimistic about the direction of early childhood education. He knew some friends who were engaged in Montessori education and considered whether to use his family A vacant house starts a startup project.

According to Mr. Zhang, the number of children in the community where the house is located has been increasing, especially in recent years, the number of children in the community has increased significantly compared with the previous two years.

At first glance, Mr. Zhang’s decision to resign and start a business seems quite correct, but when I asked Mr. Zhang to collect the data and analyze it, this was not the best solution.
Those who are good at making decisions have finally won the workplace.Home

Mr. Zhang’s logic for making this decision is: If X1 (the number of children) increases, then Montessori education (Y) is very good The market potential, coupled with friends (network resources) who know Montessori education, and an idle house (fixed assets), it seems that as long as it can be operated, it can basically get a good income.

But if we take a closer look at the logical relationship inside, it is not difficult to find that, in fact, the increase of children is not the increase of children, but the increase of middle school students. As a result, Mr. Zhang ’s entrepreneurial project may not It fits the market demand as imagined, which means that this project is not the best solution.
Those who are good at making decisions have finally become winners in the workplace.

After analysis, Mr. Zhang decided to become the first An early education lecturer used weekend lectures instead of rushing to resign to start an early education institution.

Application examples: How to use the above theoretical methods to make effective choices?

Question 1: Hello teacher, I am a graduating student. I ca n’t decide whether to stay in my hometown or go to a big city. I hope the teacher can give me directions.

Answer: This is the typical first case, that “excessive factors hinder decision-making.”

Here are some additional factors that may interfere with your decision, including:

1. Parents’ attitudes and views;

2. The perspective of others and the mainstream values ​​of society;

3. You have been hit hard by bad learning or internship experience in the past;


After eliminating these interference items, consider again:

1. In your opinion, what kind of life do you want more?

A peaceful and peaceful life? Or is it full of competitive stress?

2, what do you desire more? Grow faster or live more steadily?

3. After clarifying your desires and demands, then see which option is good for your goals?

Those who are good at making decisions have finally become workplace winners

Question 2: Hello teacher, I especially envy your transition from a financial success to a career planner. I am also an office worker and interested in psychology. I want to know that you How did you take the first step? And what should be paid attention to when switching careers?

Answer: This question can be applied to the second method mentioned above, so-called “making decisions by judging risk.”

My friends who are familiar with me all know that I converted to a financial trainer after doing financial work for more than ten years. At that time, the organization needed us to coach students for employment. Under that opportunity, I applied for a systematic career at my own expense. Life planning course. Later, the career planning course I took was approved by the trainees and leaders, and once became my word of mouth course.

Those who are good at making decisions have finally become winners in the workplace. When I was planning a transition, I carefully evaluated the risks.

The first question is: If this attempt fails, can I still survive? Can you maintain a basic life?

The answer is yes.

I have a financial background, and I also have relevant certificates and many years of practical experience. If the attempt fails, I have two options to quit: one is to continue to do finance in the enterprise, and the other is to apply to other training institutions to continue as lecturers.

After this issue is resolved, I continue to evaluate: What is the probability of success or success in this transition?

In fact, before the transition, I had already made the corresponding preparations and preparations : In the field of writing, at that time I had become a contracted author of some platforms and had a group of readers, among them Someone has personally trusted me to consult about career development issues; if I go all out in the field of career planning, and strive to output more in-depth and advanced articles, it will inspire more people and allow more people who need me to know me , And slowly make this matter bigger.

After evaluation, the probability of success is still quite high.

Here are some of the thinking and mental processes behind my transformation.

Those who are good at making decisions have finally become winners in the workplace

Therefore, I have three suggestions for professionals who are eager to transform or are interested in starting their own business:

1. If possible, do your best in the professional scope: What you do n’t know is what will happen once you face market risk, and by that time your professional Or I can save you a hand and become your retreat area;

2. If you do not have a choice, it is often because of insufficient accumulation. At this time, it is recommended to continue to wait and see, and continue to accumulate;

3. Output is important: In this era, the dissemination and sharing of knowledge is undoubtedly an important means and skill to build your professional image in a certain segment or to create a personal IP. In the end, we We must learn to transform our knowledge into tangible products or intangible services, and create greater value in the process of helping others, so as to win a certain social status and material wealth.