This article is from the WeChat public account: Guyu Data-Tencent News (ID: guyudata) , author: Guyu × number of visible, Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

Cats do n’t actually have owners, they only have employees.

This is a deep understanding for those who have cats.

As columnist Christopher Hitchens said: People who keep dogs will find that if you provide them with food, water, shelter and care, they will think of you as God; cats will find you If you provide them with food, water, shelter and care, they will consider themselves God.

A life that has not been strangled by God is not complete. Cat slaves who have not been driven crazy by their masters are still adorable new elementary school chickens.

Online cloud sucking cats, white pussy-finished cat films, or occasionally running to poke others’ cats, they say that they know cats and love cats, and they will only get the little disdain of senior cat slaves.

Where is your cat’s favorite pee? With whom battle is the most powerful? How does it drive cat slaves crazy? Gu Yu’s statistics and more than ten senior cat slaves revealed the truth of eleven little-known cat breeds.

The tortoiseshell cat was refreshing, and after three days the slave became crazy.

But even so, as veteran cat slaves, our love for the master has never diminished.