This article is from the public number: General Liang (ID: liangjiangjunisme) , author: General Liang, Photo by Melanie Pongratz on Unsplash

Three months ago, I asked my customer a question: “What do you think of the identity of your online celebrity brand?”

The client’s CEO immediately countered: “We are not a celebrity brand! This is a misunderstanding of the outside world!”

I suddenly realized one thing: I don’t know when to start, and calling a brand “Internet Red Brand” is equivalent to swearing.

It may be because many Internet celebrity brands are short-lived ghosts, and more Internet celebrity brands have just made eyeballs and not made money.

However, when we can finally take a sensible look at the influencer brand, the industry ’s understanding of influencer brands is still very naive, for example:

Why do celebrity brands die fast? Because we only focus on gimmicks and not products; we only operate traffic and we do not manage trust.

Come, the CEOs and CMOs who can make an Internet celebrity brand are not fools. How can they not even know at least common operating knowledge? Obviously, we just wishfully added the “flashy” and “form is greater than content” labels to the celebrity brands without really thinking responsibly.

Do not spray or blow, let’s rethink the real reason for the early popularity of the Internet celebrity brand.

What we said may not be an influencer brand

When we refer to the Internet celebrity brand, you may refer to:% Arabica, Master Bao, Hi Tea, Aoxue Double Yellow Egg, Perfect Diary, Half, HFP, Adopt a Cow, Le Chun, Bubble Mask , Instant noodle cafeteria, answer tea, half assorted, Zhong Xuegao, Huaxizi …

They are all called “Internet celebrity brands” by the media, but their ways of becoming Internet celebrities are very different. This “difference” is an important factor in our misunderstanding of Internet celebrity brands.

For example, online celebrity brands have become “net-walkers” and have “deliberate considerations” to become Internet celebrities.

“Walk Ahead” type: Master Bao, Aoxue Double Egg Yolk, Northeast Slab, etc.

These brands were not intended to be online celebrities, but were inadvertently recommended in a society with developed social media, thus forming a network word-of-mouth effect.

Like Master Bao, Aoxue, and Northeast Daban, these three companies are all established companies with more than 10 years of history. Their popularity can never be achieved by hiring people to line up. If they “cool”, the reason is that the company has not made full use of the opportunity of this popularity.

“Conscientiousness” type: bubble mask, instant noodle cafeteria, carved burdock, Zhong Xuegao and so on.

Before they were born, these brands have been designed with the influencer gene. The most typical one is a bubble mask. The “dirtyer face, the more bubbles” gimmicks can’t stand the argument. In fact, it is determined by the surfactant and foaming ingredients.

The way to build a celebrity brand is different:

A brand that uses internet celebrities as channels and is popular with them;

One is a brand that has a net red gene and is amplified by the internet.

1. Use Internet celebrities as channels: perfect diary, HFP, adopt a cow, etc.

The characteristics of this brand is that there is no obvious gap between the product itself and the traditional brand. Their popularity is to use KOL as a media channel and meticulously launch it, thereby accumulating brand potential and generating a strong grass-weed effect.

The most representative is the release of the small red book notes of the perfect diary and the WeChat KOL release of HFP.

2. Brands with net red genes and products amplified by the internet: bubble mask, half, instant noodle cafeteria, answer tea

Of course, these brands also have KOL budgets, but obviously their popularity depends more on the ultimate innovation of the product itself.

For example, answer tea, milk tea can still be divination? This kind of thing can arouse the interest of netizens, coupled with the display of Douyin, it can naturally trigger a wave of network effects..

For example, not only is the packaging completely different from ordinary toothpaste, but also the concept of efficacy is completely different. It does not propose whitening, moth-proofing, breath and other effects, but takes the road of cosmetics-“nourish the mouth”.

If we analyze it from the ground up, the formula for creating a celebrity brand is two steps:

  • Choose a single product to create a product that subverts consumer impressions, and the product itself can naturally induce social chat. As for the method of subversion, you can dig from the perspective of the product itself, product packaging, service experience, product efficacy, brand story and so on.

  • The social grass-growing platform (mainly WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Taobao, B station, Douyin six platforms) Intensive and systematic KOL placement, thus forming word of mouth potential energy.

    But the question comes, why do most celebrity brands die early? Where is the weakness of the brand created under this formula?

    Why do celebrity brands die fast?