Knowing to be deceived, but still willing to fall into the trap of AI fortune telling.

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “ CV intelligence ” ( ID: CVAI2019), author Yu Yangyang, editor Zhang Lijuan.

Many people know they are deceived, but they are still willing to fall into the trap of AI fortune telling.

Zhang Yu is a frustrated unemployed after 90. When she went home to prepare for the civil service, the variety of online astrology fortune-telling software became an emotional outlet for her anxiety.

At the craziest time, she combined the results of more than a dozen types of AI fortune-telling software with the fortune-telling results of various “masters” and compared and analyzed them one by one. She was keen to find the common ground of these results. Psychological cues made Zhang Yu feel relieved, and some common sticking points made Zhang Yu even more convinced that what was wrong with her.

A profitable gray market was born and became popular. In some advertisements and sellers’ mouths, AI fortune telling is a phenomenal and screen-smashing product of the entire network this year. It is a “perfect fusion of classical Zhouyi and artificial intelligence”, which can not only help the platform to drain, but also “make money lying down “.

A wave has been sealed, and another wave has arisen. AI fortune-telling software seems to be endless. Under the tide of blockade, the AI ​​fortune-telling sings against the red line is the true and reliable Zhou Yi online? Or is it another technical scam that bears the name of AI?

People willing to be deceived

Like Zhang Yu, many young people have used AI fortune telling software to a greater or lesser degree, and even have engaged in artificial intelligence-related work. Product managers and algorithm engineers who are familiar with the nature of AI technology and product logic.

Fuzzy descriptions of similarities and differences have similar effects on everyone, but people like this kind of psychological anesthetic. As long as there is anxiety, there will always be a place for divination.

In his early twenties, Zhang Yu has been wandering on the edge of depression for nearly 6 years.

As if entangled in a nightmare. From the moment she lost the college entrance exam six years ago, her life has not gone smoothly, she has been at odds with her family, and her parents have been in constant fire. Beginning; because it has been locked in its own world for a long time, it is not good at communicating with the outside world, and the only few job hunting experiences have failed without exception.

In order to save herself, she tried almost all the methods that might be useful: taking prescription drugs as directed by a doctor, asking a counselor, visiting horoscopes hidden in urban corners, horoscopes, fortune tellers … worries that science couldn’t solve, she turned to metaphysics Help.
