This article is from the public number: 车 云 (ID : cheyunwang) , author: bacteria teacher, title figure from the original, the original title :” Beware of ideals but mistakes made by ideals? The reverse thinking behind the “honest” 2020 ideal ONE “

Ideal ONE is finally off the line and will begin to be officially delivered to the first batch of car owners. Although it was a month or two later than the original plan, it did not cause much objection because it was generally considered to be more “good”.

The ideal ONE can be roughly understood as follows: It is a product developed by the veteran “idea” led by a senior media person or car owner. Although in the core development link, such as platform, suspension, three power, design, technology, quality control, etc., there will indeed be a professional team to operate in accordance with the system’s process, but this level of dominant positioning, and the general (Commercial) products are significantly different.

In a way, this is an “ideal car” built under the “ideal” car concept.

This doesn’t seem to be a problem, even worthy of recognition and respect. However, quoting from an old saying of Confucius: “It is too late.” Ideal ONE is not a craft, after all, it is a product that requires volume and faces various types of ordinary audiences. This product needs to be balanced. Excessive pursuit of “ideal” may, on the contrary, lead to narrower adaptability and bring about some unexpected problems.

Actually from the launch of the ideal ONE, weThis view has been expressed. Now that the ideal ONE is facing delivery, we may wish to make another “reverse thinking” on the changes of this 2020 model: Is it possible that “the ideal is wrong by the ideal”?

The cancelled outer armrests of the second row can be understood as the “ideal” corrections that were too “preferred” before

Amid all the changes in this 2020 model, there is a big point of controversy, that is, the second row changed from double armrests to single armrests. This controversy not only exists in the consumer group, it is also controversial within the ideal team. (Many people don’t agree with the change of single armrests) .

Regarding the stalk of this handrail, I suggest everyone to go to Baidu. We have no space to expand on here.

First, let’s make our point: cancellation is definitely right. And this change does not have anything to do with “cost savings”.

The question is: why was it “that way” before? Quite simply, it’s the ultimate “idealization”.

We all know that the positioning direction of the ideal ONE is very clear, that is, “nanny car”. In product design, we can also see that it has always wanted to integrate the advantages of all cars to achieve an “ideal state.”

For example, in terms of interior space layout, it is obviously taking GL8 as a “model” and trying to do better than GL8.

This also includes the armrests of the second row of seats.

2019 second-row seats have double armrests

Therefore, there is the “creation” of the first “non-sliding door + double armrest” of Ideal ONE. Indeed, the comfort of this double armrest is “unparalleled” when riding long distances, especially when lying down. When the ideal team thought it was “ideal”, they ignored the minimum ergonomics and didn’t think carefully about why all SUVs in the world are not designed like this-don’t we all know that double armrests are more comfortable? Isn’t everyone trying to bear the cost of not having double armrests?

The second row of seats in 2020 cancels the outer armrests

In addition to the different ways of opening the doors, we can also pay attention to one detail. The GL8 is a double armrest, but it’s short. Of course, the comfort is certainly not as good as the long armrest of the ideal ONE before, but why is the GL8 designed so short? Is it because of cost? Don’t the designers of GL8 know that it’s more comfortable to grow?

The real reason is that the designers of these mature car companies have “common sense” and know how to design every detail to take into account more drivers and passengers, while ensuring safety and durability.

Fortunately, the ideal “corrects” in time. Otherwise, due to the hidden dangers of this double armrest, I don’t know what “moth moth” can cause to the ideal ONE.

car cloud (ID: cheyunwang) , author: bacteria teacher