Mattag, the world’s top 500 toy manufacturing company, recently released some special toys-neutral dolls.

Unlike common Barbie dolls, these neutral dolls are more “manly”-or even less obvious gender. These dolls have different skin color options, different lengths of hair and different styles of clothes.

This reminds me of Apple who added emoji to the neutral option more than a month ago .

As more and more companies add neutral elements to their products to demonstrate gender tolerance, we are also curious if this can change society’s perception of gender characteristics.

Mattel believes that making toys neutral can make commercial sense. A recent study shows that 24% of American teens have non-traditional sexual orientation and gender Agree. They perform better in terms of gender tolerance and are more tolerant of Tomboy and Sissy. Neutralized toys are more attractive to these people.

Developmental psychologist MEGAN K. MAAS believes that neutral dolls are also of scientific significance.

Gender is an identity and is not born based on a person’s physical gender. ThisThat’s why I think this is good news. Finally, there are some dolls that better reflect the children’s views on themselves.

The original toys did not have a clear gender label. Until the 1940s, toy manufacturers would not make toys based on different genders.

Until they found out that if they told parents that boys and girls should have different toys, families with children would buy more toys. Since then, boys and girls seem to have a clear dividing line. Not limited to toys, they have different product lines from daily necessities to school supplies.

In the toy area, blue represents boys and pink represents girls. The boundaries between the two are clear and cannot be crossed.

The emergence of neutral dolls indicates that this duality of gender is beginning to disintegrate. In other words, girls are beginning to have more free choices, and boys still have to wait for another step forward in society.

The words sissy, sissy, shemale, sissy are examples of this phenomenon. Most boys are educated repeatedly throughout their lives. They show that “female characteristics” are wrong, which means that they are not “pure men.” To make matters worse, boys who exhibit femininity are more likely to be bullied and discriminated against as they grow up, while more aggressive boys are rewarded instead.

My male friend learned to not tolerate tears and grief only a few years after graduating from college, and let his emotions vent properly. It wasn’t until he was an adult that he was certain that tears were not a sign of “not enough men.” There were other ways to show responsibility and responsibility.

This gender identity extends to all aspects. A survey conducted by MEGAN showed that 45% of women said, “Just because we are women, we will suffer some kind of sexual violence.” But no male said they were afraid Sexual violence, 35% believe that men should have more pursuit of pure happiness.

All of these phenomena can be traced back to the toys we played as children. Girls are taught not to be so proactive, their Barbies and teddy bears allow them to pursue beauty and learn to nurture. The boys blame and encourage more active actions. Trucks, toy guns, building models, etc. encourage them to have professional skills and take the initiative.

This is a double standard of gender. Not only girls are restricted, but boys are also trapped.

If they like sewing, dolls, and cooking, they will be stuck.Aggressive labels, their attention to detail will also be teased “mother-in-law”, their emotional tears are not considered like a real man.

In fact, girls who dance ballet can also like boxing, and boys who love sewing can also be good at basketball. This is not a contradiction.