Red envelopes can still play like this?

Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Shili Village” (ID: shilipxl ), The author Tianya lives in Shili Village.

The power of habit is terrible, which sometimes leads to reluctance to change or try.

01 WeChat red envelopes should be innovated

The WeChat Red Packet has been launched since January 27, 2014, and it has produced a huge impact. Such as:

1. Strengthen the emotional connection between relatives, friends, colleagues, classmates, etc.

2. In order to grab red envelopes and send red envelopes, attract a large number of new users to download and register

3. Greatly promoted the development of WeChat and WeChat payment

4. It has an important direct impact on e-commerce, knowledge payment, and micro-business.

For example, the development of mini-program e-commerce (including Pinduoduo) has a lot to do with the large number of users who have opened WeChat payment due to grabbing red envelopes.

Especially in the period from New Year’s Eve to the fifth day of 2019, 823 million people used WeChat to send and receive red envelopes.

In the past five years, WeChat Red Envelope has not changed much. I personally feel that there are many places to try. (Note: The reason why WeChat does not change may have its own insistence, or there may be various regulatory, social issues, risks, etc.)

But aside from these factors today, from the perspective of use and product improvement alone.

Regarding WeChat Red Envelope, I want to brainstorm with you. Some of the gameplay may be used in your own operations in the future.

Since most of the following ideas have been thought of by me in early 2018, if there are similar ones on the market now, you should review them again.

Next, I will explain and enumerate each of the 30 ways I have thought about.

30 WeChat red envelopes play

1. Sound red envelope: That is, using sound as the threshold to receive red envelopes, set up various interesting red envelope activities.

a. Voice red envelope: This is a similar red envelope small program that has been done before, such as learning to read password wrappers.

Of course, you can also set a certain period of time to finish reading a certain sentence, or I guess you guess, similar to the English listening contest or dialect listening.

b. Volume red envelope: The mobile phone can monitor the surrounding sound decibels. Therefore, a red envelope game, with a louder volume than anyone else, can defeat the other party, and the winner gets a red envelope.

I remember an adventurous mini-game that controlled the bouncing ability of game characters by volume.

c, singing redBao: It can be the way to ask questions, I sing you guess or I sing you pick.

You can also sing and reward, set the matching degree, the one with the highest sound matching, and the one with the best singing, you can get a red envelope.

This technology is completely okay. Everyone has similar functions in KTV or online K song software, including the audio app that has been popular this year.

2. Jigsaw red envelopes: Set the specified time to complete the puzzle to get the corresponding red envelopes, you can also set the sequence of completion, or you can set a unique quota.

Jigsaw can provide official templates, and some ads can be implanted at this time.

It can also be a picture taken by a company or an individual, and then test the memory ability of employees and friends.

3. Red envelopes for answering questions: The scope of answering questions is very wide, and the questions can be asked systematically, or the company can set related questions according to its own business.

The types of topics can be political history, geophysics, physics and chemistry, social entertainment, including guessing my painting.

Even parents can take pictures and test questions for themselves, test their children, and get rewards immediately after completing the questions. This effect is more direct than writing assignments all day.

4. Like the red envelope : In fact, it can be understood as the help red envelope that Pinduoduo is playing now, and fights for more money, you pull people to bring traffic, you are equivalent to earning traffic fees.

As a boss and activist, you can still set your own tasks.

For example, friends and WeChat groups like a certain number of people and automatically unlock red envelopes.

5. Lucky red envelope: It is also a kind of random red envelope, but now the red envelope is only one chance.

Either by snatch or by luck.

For example, six red envelopes were issued for six dollars, and the first five people received a total of 5.75 yuan. Then the remaining red envelope must be 0.25 yuan. This result is certain.

In fact, it can be more exciting. When grabbing red packets, two or three red packets will appear at the same time, but there will be empty packets, maximum red packets, etc.

Or all users can get 2 yuan red envelopes by default, then 3 red envelope golden eggs will appear. Some golden eggs are multiplied by 0, some are 2 times, and some are 0.2 times.

6. Custom red envelopes: At present, WeChat red envelopes actually have basic customization options, but I think they can be more flexible.

For example, the user sets the amount of each red envelope, the red envelope cover, the sound effect of opening the red envelope, and even the red envelope opening time.

7. Sign in red envelope: This function can be used in the community and public account, in fact, some appsThere is a similar gameplay.

It is mainly used in the B-side usage scenario. Of course, it can also be used in daily group building and advance notice of important events.

If the user signs in for 3 consecutive days, he can get a red envelope, or it is similar to the whole time check-in.

8. Password red envelope: This is similar on Alipay, but it can also be used in WeChat.

Conventional such as follow WeChat public account, add personal WeChat, corporate WeChat as a friend and reply to keywords.

Or in the WeChat group, you can enter passwords and grab red envelopes at some important nodes, such as birthdays, annual meetings, celebrations, and so on.

9. Guess the red envelope: For example, I set a red envelope amount of 88 yuan, and gave a reminder between 50-100, and then the user can participate in guessing the red envelope.

It can be a one-hit, or the closest digital user to win, of course, you must limit the number of guesses.

Also, you can insert the red envelope directly into the 9th grid, and then the user guesses the red envelope and sees his or her luck. You can set N chances.

10. Ji X Red Envelopes: Since Alipay and Wufu, various types of Jifu, Jizi, and Zodiac games have emerged in endlessly.

Each enterprise has its own business, and can make a red envelope similar to a set card into a fixed template.

11. Reading red envelopes: It can also be called browsing red envelopes. I have had applications in e-commerce and information fields.

In WeChat, important notifications, documents, and articles, in order to increase the depth of reading and browsing, you can set the corresponding reading time and reading progress, and give red envelopes rewards.

This is especially suitable for the fan community and WeChat circle of friends.

12. Invite red envelopes: There are often activities in WeChat groups that invite many friends into the group and send red envelopes.

In fact, it is possible to set an amount in the system. The group will automatically open a red envelope.

Or how many friends a person invites to join the group, and automatically get a red envelope when they meet the requirements.

13. Identity red envelope: Group management can set the identity of friends in the group, which can be roles such as gender, work identity, and single.

For example, 3.8 Women’s Day is limited to red envelopes received by women, Singles’ Day is limited to red envelopes received by singles, and the top 5 users who are active on the day can receive red envelopes.

14. Scan code red envelopes: Wechat red envelopes still have a limitation. They cannot be picked up in WeChat articles or circles of friends, only for individuals or WeChat groups.

If you set scanning conditions such as following and viewing, you can get red envelopes.It is also a fission play.

15. Reminder red envelopes: We often have important time scenes such as meeting notifications, openings, start-ups, birthdays, etc.

For example, the New Year’s boss can release a regular red envelope in the employee group, and it will be issued automatically at 0 o’clock in the New Year, so it can also be understood as the whole red envelope.

For birthdays such as couples, friends, and children, you can set a red envelope in advance and send it to the point automatically.

16. Sports red envelopes: Often seen in some running groups and early groups, users pay a deposit in advance, sign in to sign in during the contract period, can redeem the principal, and get other default groups Friends’ dividends.

But this all depends on manual statistics, including some coaches or couples who also supervise each other.

Therefore, it is entirely possible to set up sports red envelopes or punch-in red envelopes, and those who meet the requirements can get red envelope rewards.

17. Red envelopes for games: Some of the games we often play can be applied to red envelopes.

For example, chicken games, doll machines, loops, etc. There are many around this, the simpler the higher the reuse.

18. Wish Red Envelope: Similar to crowdfunding, set a careful wish yourself, and then post it to see how many friends are willing to support it.

19. Red envelope rain: Everyone should have experienced this on the e-commerce platform. If you add the effect of red envelope rain to the WeChat red envelope, the atmosphere and excitement will actually be stronger.

One red envelope rain, one person may grab several, or may miss the big red envelope.

For example, if I send a 10 yuan red envelope, N red envelope rains will be generated. In a limited time, not only will the number of robs increase, but also the amount of robs will be more.

20. Special effects red envelope: WeChat was not allowed to apply for a red envelope cover in the enterprise WeChat until the end of 18.

When sending a WeChat red envelope to other friends, the red envelope style and the picture of the opened red envelope can be customized into the enterprise.

In fact, the current red envelope special effects are very monotonous, such as no sound effects and no other atmosphere after disassembly.

I think you can refer to the effects of live broadcast rewards, including birthdays, solar terms, National Day, Valentine’s Day and other important times, red envelopes can have some corresponding special effects.

For example, the New Year’s New Year’s red envelope. At the moment you can open the red envelope, there are special effects such as Wufu Linmen, Caiyuanguangjin, and cornucopia. The red envelope with birthday wishes comes with songs and operas, which will surely be loved by many middle-aged and elderly people.

And now we send 66, 88, 999, 1314 to others as a cash figure, but if something likeThe reward for live gifts is the same.

I can send flowers and beer, and they are also equivalent red envelopes. Perhaps the interaction and fun will be stronger.

21. Beauty value red envelope: Many beauty cameras have the function of testing age and beauty value. This can be applied to the red envelope function.

For example, if I set the threshold value of a red envelope to 80 points or higher, the user needs to take a self-timed test face value when receiving the red envelope.

Only those who meet the face value points can receive it. The system evaluates that the face value is not enough, and a regret prompt such as text will pop up.

22. Turntable red envelope: It can also be understood as a transparent red envelope. When you go to the supermarket to buy things, you often see a big turntable, which directly states the corresponding award.

For example, the red envelope on the turntable can be customized or displayed randomly to the user.

Depending on luck or long-pressing the strength value, the user finally sees how many red envelope rewards they can get.

Looking at missing the grand prize is also an excitement.

And this part of the lottery function can be used in many scenarios such as annual meetings, group building, etc., which is very convenient.

23. Scratching red envelopes: This is similar to buying offline scratch cards, and each user can get N red envelopes at one time. The users then draw the prizes one by one.

24. Shake the red envelope: This is especially suitable for active atmosphere at large conferences and company events, including weddings, graduation and other scenes.

25. Hidden red envelopes: This Alipay, OFO, etc. have tried too little. Ofo is to guide users to ride and dispatch vehicles, especially in remote areas. , It must be much lower than the cost of sending manual scheduling.

In fact, you are attracting customers to the store and the venue, and you can also hide red envelopes at designated locations, including the so-called AR red envelopes from Alipay.

26. Drifting red envelopes: We often ask for a circle of all-round friends and ask for help.

In fact, you can set up a task to ask for a red envelope. This red envelope can be forwarded. After completing the task to get the answer or find someone, you can divide up the red envelope.

A red envelope square or drifting red envelope can be formed. Users can select the red envelope task to see if they meet the conditions.

If the problem cannot be resolved within the specified time, the red envelope will automatically expire.

27. Red envelope for registration: There are often some collective activities that require forecast names (deposit) or payment.

We can drop a prepaid red envelope directly in the group. After the event, the user confirms that he can receive money or