Do not lose foreign companies. Since everyone let me ‘defend the home and defend the country’, then I sincerely say: Uber ’s personal experience and lessons tell me that the home battle will be more enjoyable and more vivid! “

At the product level, Juul’s biggest technological innovation, the nicotine salt technology, has not been patented in China. A veteran e-liquid e-liquid expert told Ran Cai that “nicotine salt” is a combination of nicotine and organic acids. This is a traditional technology, but Juul named it “nicotine salt” Large-scale applications have been made in electronic cigarette products. But from a technical perspective, it is not innovative and novel, so patent applications and authorizations cannot be made in China. This means that other players can use this technology in China.

Obviously, to enter the Chinese market, Juul has a lot to learn.

At the International Electronic Cigarette Exhibition and Sales Center in December, head brands such as Yue Ke, Xue Jia, Ono, and Firearms put products on the shelves for display. Juul also participated in the exhibition, but Juul’s shelves were empty. A staff member at the scene revealed that “their internal policies are not clear and they are not on their goods.”

This article is from WeChat public account: rancaijing , author: dawn