Time is generally considered a scarce resource, especially in the era of information explosion. After being distracted by various devices and applications, it is even more difficult for us to focus on doing things efficiently. Therefore, we have the ridicule of “Deadline is the first productivity” . However, the efficiency under time pressure may be higher, but it may also be an accomplice to obesity, because the latest research shows that the closer you reach the deadline, the more likely you are to consume more calories.

A study by the Indian Institute of Management research shows a reduction in time or other resources, especially When it is displayed in the form of a countdown, it is easy to stimulate people’s desire for high-calorie foods, such as chocolate cakes, which are particularly popular.

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This slightly “boring” fact was actually discovered by accident in an experiment that required participants to perform tasks in front of a timer. In the experiment, people who faced the countdown to perform the task were more likely to buy high-calorie chocolate cakes afterwards, while those who faced the forward count preferred fruit salad.

Researchers attribute this phenomenon to “compensatory consumption in irrelevant fields” caused by psychological urgency caused by limited resources, that is, the passage of time makes people feel that resources are about to run out, which triggers compensation.Compensation mechanism, which consumes another resource (calories) to make up for the lack of time, although the two are not directly related.

In another set of tests, the researchers provided candy as a thank you to the participants. The countdown group took more candy after completing the task, but if they are asked to recall that they have rich resources, they will take it afterwards. The number of candies is the same as the normal timing group. This shows that overeating is ultimately caused by insufficient resources, and the countdown is only a manifestation or suggestion of insufficient resources.

It seems that deadline can make people more efficient, but it is better to stay away from procrastination to avoid overwork.

▲ Picture from: Canadian Business

Many studies have been done on “excessive fatness” caused by overeating caused by stress.However, most of the reasons were previously discussed from a physiological perspective. The more common explanation is that the human body releases a hormone called “cortisol” under mental stress, which is used to improve the breakdown of glycogen, fat, and protein, and provide the body with Energy, neutralize the effects of insulin, at the same time resist the secretion of leptin and accelerate the secretion of hunger hormone. Under multiple effects, we will naturally feel hungry, and often do not have resistance to sweets at this time.

This study in India provides a new perspective, and further research also found that the urgency caused by this lack of time not only affects people’s eating behavior, but also sees countdown when people need to pay. May be more cautious, such as reluctance to take risks or participate in volunteer activities, donate resources, etc. The artificial urgency generated by this countdown may also affect individuals’ attitudes in scenarios such as dining and talking.

In addition to time, researchers also want to understand the subtle psychological effects of other limited resources, such as the widespread anxiety of cell phone power in contemporary people and the very worrying lack of bank balances.

Image from: Unsplash