Do you have these good habits?

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Editor’s note: Good energy is a necessary condition for you to improve efficiency. Even if you do value time, if you use time inefficiently, it will not help you succeed. Developing good habits can help you stay strong and enter a virtuous circle. In the new year, you might as well develop the 9 good habits that the author advocates in the article, and then strive to pursue your goals. This article is translated from medium, the author Scott H. Young, the original title of 9 Habits to Increase Your Energy.

9 good habits to keep you energized in 2020

Image source: Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Energy, not time, is the foundation of efficiency. If you’re tired most of the day, IMHO, you’re basically wasting that time.

Your habits determine your energy level. If you have good habits, you will feel energetic and full of energy both physically and mentally. If your habits are not good, then you can easily fall into a vicious circle and you will feel worse and worse until you have a hard time keeping up.

In 2020, you can try to develop the following nine habits to keep your energy at a high level.

Habit 1: Go to bed early

Nine good habits to keep you energetic in 2020 Ample sleep is the basis for your energy. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will naturally perform poorly.

While some people claim that it takes only six hours or less of sleep to reach optimal working conditions, research has shown that they are deceiving themselves. If you want to maintain sharp cognitive ability in the long run, keep 7 toEight hours of sleep is required.

For some people, the results of lack of sleep may have stabilized psychologically and physiologically, which means they feel a little tired all day, but they do n’t think their situation will get worse . An interesting experiment showed that lack of sleep can cause a continuous decline in intelligence levels, even if the subjects feel their intelligence levels remain stable.

Try this: Go to bed at 10pm every night for the next month, including weekends.

habit 2: exercise every day

9 good habits to keep you energetic in 2020

Exercise is a long-term investment in your own health and energy level. Without exercise, you may not feel a decrease in your energy in the short term, but your overall health level will decrease over time, making it harder to stay awake throughout the day.

If you’re having a hard time finding out, remember that exercising doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym. Make a habit of doing push-ups or push-ups every day. These activities can make your heart beat faster and your blood flow faster, without having to spare two hours in your already busy schedule.

You can develop this basic habit before going to the gym or signing up for fitness classes, but even if you ca n’t go to the gym, basic exercise will keep you sharp.

Try this: Make at least 10 stand-ups at home every day.

habit 3: siesta for 20 minutes every day

9 good habits to keep you energized in 2020

Snoring may make you feel lazy, but studies have shown that snoring can bring many benefits. Taking a nap is especially true if you are doing intense study, because short sleep can help improve memory.

I used to have a misconception about snoring and thought it was a sign of weakness. Now, I think this is definitely an advantage. Taking a short nap allows you to return to work with great energy in the afternoon, especially after a morningAfter your busy schedule, you are exhausted. Even if you work in an office where nap is not encouraged, you can take a nap during your lunch break.

The key is to learn how to snore properly. Many people doze for too long and end up in deep sleep, causing them to feel more groggy when they wake up (although the benefits of snoring often do not manifest until the initial groggy state disappears). The key is to wake up immediately when the alarm goes off. If you can’t help but continue to sleep, a snorer will be turned into a sleep sleep.

Try this: Snooze for 20 minutes after lunch, so you can be full of energy in the afternoon.

Habit 4: Put difficult tasks and tasks in the morning

9 good habits to keep you energized in 2020

The goal of developing this habit is to get the most important work done within the first four hours of the work day, as soon as possible.

The benefits of this habit are mainly psychological. In my case, my energy level depends to a large extent on my mood. If I do something important, I usually feel good and I feel productive. If I waste time on mail, meetings, phone calls, or fail to do something valuable, I usually feel frustrated and tired the next day.

Another reason to persuade you to work this way is that deep work doesn’t always last a whole day. It’s better to focus it on a specific period of time, rather than thinking about it and doing it.

Try this: Turn the first four hours of the morning into quiet deep work hours.

Habit 5: Set your goals a day in advance

Nine good habits to keep you energized in 2020

Energy is usually related to motivation. Work hard from the start and you will be able to overcome procrastination for the whole day. When you start working slowly, you may spend a long time fighting your own urges and waste your energy on inefficient things.

One way to avoid this is to set a very clear goal and figure out how your day will go. So it’s best to think about what to do the next day the night before. When you wake up, review yesterday’s plan and arrange it on your schedule to make it happen more naturally.

Try this: Before you go to bed, get your next day plan ready.

Habit 6: Sell your goals to yourself

9 good habits to keep you energized in 2020

Many people hold two conflicting beliefs at the same time: Others (marketers) are good at persuading them to do a variety of things that they would not otherwise do, but they themselves have no ability to change their motivations to do them Must do.

In fact, you need to be the salesperson you want to be. Not for others, but for yourself.

Then you need to start asking yourself-how do you set your goals and projects to give you great motivation? Do you have to do this? Or do you think this is an exciting challenge?

Second, it comes from refreshing and reminding yourself of inspiration. Why did you go down this path? What do you hope to achieve? Good marketers know to focus their customers on what they want to drive sales. You can focus on what you want to do.

Try this: Set aside ten minutes a day to think about where today’s actions will help you go.

habit 7: make good friends

9 good habits to keep you energized in 2020

You may not be able to choose your parents, colleagues or boss. But you can choose your friends.

You know, when you talk to some friends, you feel excited and energetic. Some people feel uncomfortable when they leave.

You do n’t need to exclude friends who are experiencing temporary difficulties, but you should consider who you spend your time with, because some people always use unilateral emotional communication as the basis of your Everyone sometimes needs a shoulder that they can rely on, but some people want you to be their dependant forever.

Try this: Set a time limit for friends who are only willing to pass negative energy and unilateral emotional communication.

habit 8: read well, read well, read well

Nine good habits to keep you energized in 2020

The great benefit of reading is not simply providing you with ideas and information. Instead, it is to reinforce a mentality that often occurs at the subconscious level. The best books are not those that teach you the facts, but those that subtly change your entire mode of thinking.

Audiobooks are very useful in this respect because you can listen to them every day while doing something else. And when you listen to audiobooks, you can automatically adjust your thinking to the things you need to work hard. Just as a good song can be used as a background for a particular emotion, a good book can also be used as a source of energy for a particular thought.

Try this: Always have an audio book that motivates you to achieve your goals.

habit 9: adjust your life

9 good habits to keep you energetic in 2020

The last habit is not a one-time process, but a continuous effort process. In this process, you need to reconcile conflicting elements in your life to make them consistent with each other.

Officially, we have wasted a lot of energy because different parts of our lives, including internal and external, conflict. It may be that your colleagues do not want you to be promoted, it may be that your friends make fun of your goals, or even your inner fears and assumptions that make you hesitant.

Let’s take a moment to sort out the different conflicts in your life and see how you can resolve them. Sometimes this can be done in the short term by making changes. Sometimes you need a long-term plan to get rid of harmful environments, social circles or thought systems that are holding you back.

Try this: sit and think for an hour,Think about what helps you achieve your goals, what hinders you, and how do you plan to resolve these tensions?

So, what habits do you develop that give you the energy to achieve what you want to do?

Translator: Hi Soup