The people at the top of this pyramid control 46% of the world’s wealth. Who are they? How to make money? How to think? This article from the micro-channel public number: CEIBS Business review (ID: ceibs-cbr) , author: ChrystiaFreeland, Editor: Zhou Qi, Photo by Sharon McCutcheon, Unsplash

In recent decades, there have been several major trends in global wealth distribution. On the one hand, the number of extremely poor people has decreased dramatically, and the middle class has grown. On the other hand, “income inequality” and “wealth inequality” have become the disturbing elephant in the room.

Data shows that In today’s world, less than 1% of the population has wealth of more than $ 1 million, and they are called “top riches.”

The people at the top of this pyramid control 46% of the world ’s wealth. Who are they? How to make money? How to think?

Fitzgerald said that the rich are different from you and me. I’m afraid no one is more impressed by this statement than the current Canadian Foreign Minister, Christia Freeland.

Before entering politics, Kristia has been a financial journalist for more than 20 years. Tracking and researching the world’s top rich people is her daily work.

Christia Freeland

She wrote a personal observation of the wealthy in the book “The Rich: The Rise of the World’s Super Rich and the Decline of Others”, which is the origin of the wealthy species.

Christia has pioneered a way to the “rich house”, inquiring about the people who live in it, not only care about where their money comes from, whether it is inherited or acquired, but also how their money is spent. Whether to increase the wealth is used to accumulate more wealth.

All of this will lead to the answer to a question: Is the era of winner-take-all-take-all come?

Here are the first-hand observations in Rich House:

Become famous early

Alfred Marshall, a pioneer of British economics in the 19th century, wrote that the environment of the Industrial Revolution has changed so quickly that long experience in some industries has become a stumbling block. Many industries require people to quickly understand new ideas and quickly adapt to new environments. This agile response is far more valuable than long-term experience. A person may not make as much money after the age of 50 as before the age of 30.

Marshall ’s assertion more than a hundred years ago still applies today. Especially in the Internet world, “run”, “iteration”, and “time window” repeatedly appear. Compared with the agile response, experience seems less important. They are in The youth was overshadowed, and in some cases it even became the culprit.

Type “middle-aged programmer” in the search box. The first related word is “outlet”. They are “depressed successes” in the eyes of Brookings Institution researcher Carol Graham. The source of their anxiety is the instability of their economic status. They worry that they may lose their jobs and savings at any time, and thus fall into the bottom of their income. .

Graham raises the “happy farmer and frustrated millionaire” paradox- The ambitious middle class in fast-growing economies does not have the happiness of the poor in a more stable society.

But if you show up at a younger age, the situation will be very different. Many important technology companies in the United States have been hatched from university dormitories, many hedge fund founding sites are also in dormitories, and many Russian oligarchs entered the business as a student. With their huge early success, they not only effectively resist the risks of unpredictable economic changes, but also have the confidence to grasp the fleeting opportunities.

Want to enter the circle of super rich, even if the competition does not start in kindergarten, but also in high school-the competition for elite university admission places has always been motivated. For students who are expected to be part of the 1% rich group in the future, they must work hard, start a company or deliver beautiful results, enter elite companies such as Goldman Sachs or McKinsey, and some of them even resort to illegal drugs Extend learning time.

The super-rich have learned a truth early: Not everyone has a “second chance”, and you must get ahead early. A 2011 study by the Advertising Age magazine found that In this life, if you want to squeeze into the ranks of the rich, 1% of your income will reach $ 100,000 before the age of 35.

Farewell to lying and winning
