This year, Pinduoduo took the lead in initiating a price war. During 618, it announced the opening of a continuous “ten billion subsidy”, and launched the lowest price slogan on the entire network, pushing the competition in the e-commerce industry to fierce.

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Alibaba ’s “lowest price on the entire network” was easily snatched by Ali, this is the beginning

This year, Pinduoduo took the lead in initiating a price war. During 618, it announced that it would start a continuous “ten billion subsidy”, set the lowest price slogan on the entire network, and push the competition in the e-commerce industry to a fierce heat. To this end, Taobao launched the “Save Money Zone”, which was cost-effective and went online to “Sign in to Red Envelopes”. In December, it also started the same long-term “ten billion subsidies”. intermittently participated in the “ten billion subsidies” competition. The “Jingxi” platform was released in September.

From the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, Ali and are working hard to obtain new traffic in the sinking market, and Pinduoduo is dedicated to capturing users in first-tier and second-tier cities with low-cost iPhones and other products. However, in the second half of the year, JD still focused on sinking, fighting a lot, and working hard to rise, but Juhua has already fully competed against the “12 billion subsidies” in Double 12 and the lowest prices in the entire network mostly fall into Juhua’s hands.

In the process of Ali and Pinduoduo’s positive “just”, it is also a low-cost iPhone and other star products, it is cost-effective to buy, Pinduoduo is an unlimited supply. This shows …

Editor’s comment: In the view of analyst Cecilia Xu, brand owners have sacrificed the most in the low-price competition of e-commerce platforms. First, they disrupt the pricing system, and secondly … < / p>

This article comes from the paid section “Daily Business Collection”-December 31 Day

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In-depth information | Pinduoduo ’s

In-depth information | Pinduoduo ’s lowest price