between. “(From” Daily Economic News “)

The media even began to compare virtual idols with real idols, relishing that the online income of Japanese virtual idol LoveLive! exceeded AKB48.

It is true that virtual idols are currently more rooted in the secondary market and cannot pose a threat to artists in the three-dimensional world, but there is no doubt that the trend exists. In addition to the “Battle Singer!” EP of the same name, in Europe and the United States in 2019, there has also appeared a compilation “Auxuman Vol.1” released with reference to traditional models and involving multiple virtual artists. In addition, in the European and American markets, real-world brands are increasingly choosing to collaborate with virtual artists.

Moreover, a trend that cannot be ignored is that although the “secondary culture” is still considered a “subculture”, as Gen Z (after 95-00) gradually becomes the mainstream crowd in the entertainment market, the “two “Dimensional culture” will also have a strong impact on the mainstream market.

Data from QuestMobile states that in December 2018, the number of users in the Z era exceeded 369 million, of which 24% of users preferred secondary idols. According to “China Business Weekly”, “Secondary Element” is one of the five circles of Generation Z. Moreover, “As online social forms become more and more abundant, video content such as house dance, offline activities, and daily life have begun to spread widely, and the characters in virtual spaces have gradually broken into three dimensions.”

The virtual singer is out of EP, the music industry will enter the era of

Singer, Fight! “EP of the same name” is a case of “characters of virtual space gradually entering three dimensions.” The boundary between the virtual market and the real market is being “blurred” from two different directions: With the help of traditional industry routines, virtual artists continue to broaden the boundaries of the existing market. The market is starting to embrace virtual culture more and more.

Under such a trend, in the near future, the boundaries between the two and three dimensions will not be as clear as they are now. It is possible that virtual artists will become superstars in a converged market, and will “cross” Dimensional Competition. ” For the market, this competition will spawn new content and models, and the entire music ecosystem will also change.

In short, a new era has begun.