The article is from the public number: China Economic Weekly (ID: ChinaEconomicWeekly) , author: Chen Dongdong, from the title figure: Figure worm creativity.

January 3On the day of the Chinese government’s website, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology responded to the “4G speed reduction” reported by netizens. In general, the overall national 4G network speed has remained stable recently, but there may be declines in individual regions and at certain times. The main reason is that the growth of 4G user traffic and the improvement of network support capabilities have not completely matched.

Earlier, some netizens from Hunan and other provinces reported that the speed of mobile phones has dropped. According to an online poll on the question “Does your recent Internet speed change” initiated by a network platform, over 70% of netizens who participated in the vote thought “as if they have returned to the 3G era.” Some netizens said, “You can’t move, you can’t connect, you can’t believe it.”

01 Has 4G slowed down?

Netizens from Hunan, Gansu and other places have left a message on the Chinese government’s website regarding the slowdown of 4G network speed.

The netizen “Yi Peng 1326 …” from Xiangxi, Hunan, (mobile phone tail number 9468) : I feel that the speed of my mobile phone network has decreased recently. It ’s terrible, the same situation exists for many consumers around, the three operators are the same. However, the reasons given by operators are too many users, and such reasons are not convincing. It is hoped that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will effectively supervise and speed up fees and reduce fees, not just paper documents.

Netizens from Qingyang, Gansu are “crowded” (mobile phone tail number 9996) said: Major operators are said to be promoting 5G. The power of the 4G signal is low, and I swear to respond that 4G has no speed reduction. I have tested that during the peak period of 4G, the network speed is only about 3 to 4 trillion. Complaints are also useless, and ordinary people spend hard-earned (4G) but they cannot enjoy the speed of 4G. 4G is not the original 4G Already.

The netizen “People” from Zibo, Shandong, (mobile phone tail number 0867) said: After the emergence of 5G networks, 4G networks experienced a slowdown. , Spend the same money but get no treatment. Many people can’t reach the 5G package launched by network operators. One is the reason for mobile phone equipment, and the other is the higher tariff. I hope to focus on solving the problem of 4G speed reduction.

Residencies for the above 4G network rate declineIn other words, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology frankly acknowledges that there may be declines in individual regions and certain periods of time. The main reason is that the growth of 4G user traffic and the improvement of network support capabilities are not exactly matched. According to statistics, DOU (per household mobile Internet access traffic) in the month of October 2019 reached 8.5GB, the first 10 months Total traffic increased by more than 83% year-on-year, which puts greater pressure on 4G networks. At the same time, 4G network speed is significantly affected by the degree of user aggregation. For example, large-scale venues hold performances, and traffic hubs during peak hours will cause 4G network speed to drop.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also provided a set of data: comprehensive analysis of monitoring data from multiple channels, including domestic third-party speed measurement platform Broadband Development Alliance, international speed measurement agency speedtest, three telecommunications operating enterprise monitoring systems, etc. The Broadband Development Alliance data shows that In the third quarter of 2019, the average download rate of 4G nationwide was 24Mbps, and in the second quarter it was 23.6Mbps; speedtest data showed that the average download rate of 4G nationwide was 48.8Mbps in October and 45.3Mbps in September. Generally speaking, the overall national 4G network speed has recently remained stable, but there may be some areas and declines in certain periods.

“The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has objectively analyzed the problems reflected by netizens.” On January 7, Shu Huaying, a professor at the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, said in an interview with China Economic Weekly that users felt that the decline in Internet speed was due to various factors. Yes, there are many technical factors and demand-side conditions that cannot be generalized. For example, he said that with the substantial increase in young people’s online time and traffic usage, traffic resources could not keep up with the increase in demand, which may lead to a decline in Internet speed.

The topic of 4G slowdown is not the first time it has entered the public eye.

In early August 2019, a chat screenshot of the operator’s customer service was widely circulated on the Internet, saying that the operator intentionally limited the 4G rate. In the past, the downlink rate of 300Mbps signed by the user to open an account has been changed to 100Mbps, and the uplink rate has been changed to 75Mbps, but the user is not informed of the changed rate. Public opinion continues to ferment, causing the attention of regulators.

On August 22, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology interviewed three basic operators on the issue of slowing down 4G network speeds reflected by the society. Wen Ku, the director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Development of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in an interview with the reporter that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will guide operators to actively carry out network expansion and upgrade, increase supervision, and continue to do a good job of 4G network maintenance and reconstruction to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users.

02 What does the operator say?

On January 7, a reporter from China Economic Weekly called telecom operators on issues such as the slowdown of 4G and how to ensure 4G services.

The relevant person in charge of China Mobile responded that “the 4G speed reduction” issue is not a new issue, and it has already responded to this as early as last summer. “Some places may not have 100% coverage, so there will be some problems.”

China Mobile previously stated that (company) has been conscientiously implementing the national requirements for speeding up and reducing fees, and is committed to providing customers with a high-quality network The service never received a request from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to reduce or limit the speed of the 4G network, nor did it reduce the speed of the 4G network.

With the deepening of speed-up and fee-reduction work, China Mobile has introduced preferential large-traffic tariff packages to give customers more peace of mind to use the Internet service, and the per capita traffic continues to grow rapidly. In some areas where there is a large number of people and Internet users are concentrated, there may be a temporary decrease in the 4G network experience rate due to too many simultaneous Internet customers. China Mobile will collect customer feedback in a timely manner and continue to do a good job of 4G network optimization to ensure customers. Internet experience.

China Telecom also previously issued a statement saying that the company earnestly implements the national speed-up and fee-reduction requirements, and that the size of 4G users and per-capita traffic have maintained rapid growth. In some densely populated areas and peak Internet hours, individual experience rates may decline. The company will continue to do a good job of 4G network optimization and protection to meet the growing demand of mobile Internet users.

China Unicom has also issued a statement saying that it has never received a notice from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on reducing or limiting the user’s 4G network speed, nor has it reduced the user’s 4G speed. At present, China Unicom is stepping up its 5G commercial network construction and business preparations. In the next stage, China Unicom will accelerate the pace of 5G commercialization and will continue to do 4G / 5G services as usual to meet the growing demand of users for mobile Internet access.

The Director of the Information and Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Wen Ku also said in an interview with reporters that The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will never issue such an instruction to reduce the 4G rate, and never thought about it. We have been accelerating upwards, how can we step on the brakes, so I reiterate once again that we must strengthen the supervision of operating companies and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Wenku frankly stated that 4G networks are shared networks and are shared by all users in the region, and the rate will fluctuate within the interval. The network experience rate will also be affected by many factors including the number of users, the size of the traffic, and the number of website visits. For example, in train stations, concert venues, and other user-intensive places, the temporary experience rate may be reduced.

Aiming at the problem that “the development of 5G networks will bring 4G speed reduction”, Wenku said in an interview with the media that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has never requested or required operating companies to reduce or limit the rate. Dismantling 4G or limiting 4G speed, 4G network will coexist with 5G network for a long time.

In Shu Huaying’s view, to solve the “slower 4G network” problem, it is necessary to continuously optimize 4G services and accelerate the development of 5G services. Just like urban road congestion, innovative technologies are needed to solve it. Of course, this is easier than solving road congestion. “As far as I know, operators are making efforts in this regard.”

The article is from the public number: China economic Weekly (ID: ChinaEconomicWeekly) , author: Chen Dongdong