“Obviously, the dividends brought by the live answering activities cannot be rejected by the platform, and more platforms may be re-entered.” .weixin.qq.com / s / vCNgN72pjio4q5mtHH7NOw “target =” _ blank “> 新芽 NewSeed (ID: pelink), author Liu Bo.

Recently, the live answer, which was defined as “the first phenomenal-level event in the Internet industry,” returned to the public view after disappearing for two years.

Sprout NewSeed noticed that Watermelon Video and Kuaishou have launched a live interactive Q & A activity for people in the near future. Among them, the “Number One Hero” of Watermelon Video was officially launched on December 14, 2019. It was jointly produced by Today’s Headline and Douyin, and its predecessor was the “Million Heroes”, which was extremely popular at the beginning of 2018. “Fasthand No. 1” first tested the water in a special New Year’s Eve special program, and then officially launched on January 8 this year, launching two games a day.

The live answer

As a live answer activity, a generous bonus is naturally indispensable. It is reported that the “Top Hero” and “Fastest No. 1” prizes are at the level of one million yuan each. According to the official data of “Fast Players”, more than 5 million people participated in the three rounds of live answers on the first day, and more than 1 million shares were shared. More than 160,000 people successfully passed the barriers and divided up more than 2 million cash and 11 million fast coins.

This time, the live answer seems to be making a comeback.

Live answers received “official blessings” this year

The two live answering activities, “Hero No. 1” and “Fasthand Champion”, are the same in form as they were two years ago, and the host is still asking 12 multiple-choice questions. To be able to share the current bonus. In addition, the two also have a common feature, that is, they chose to cooperate with official media and government agencies in the early stages of going online.

Activities such as the “Top Hero” for the first four days have cooperated with CCTV News, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, People’s Daily, and Xinhua News Agency to jointly launch special theme sessions. Among them, the first day of CCTV news session was hosted by Kang Hui.

Quick Hands will also be launched in conjunction with mainstream media agencies including the National Development and Reform Commission, the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the Ministry of Public Security Transportation Management Bureau, the United Nations World Food Program and other government agencies, international organizations, and Xinhua News Agency and People’s Daily.