It’s a “citron”.

Tencent Video, which successfully hatched “Rocket Girl 101” in 2018, will continue to cultivate the idol industry in 2019, relying on “Creation Camp 2019” to send the men’s group R1SE to the idol market.

The hero behind this variety show, Feng Qingyun, has also replaced Seven Dimensions, the production company of “Creation 101”, and has become a new pusher in the idol variety market in 2019.

Year-end inventory: Who is the rookie in the 2019 variety show?

According to public information, Li Feng, a good maple registered in November 2018, whose founder Sun Li was the director of “Creation 101” in 2018. At the time, “Creation 101” was actually penguin film , Seven-dimensional power joint research and development production.

By 2019, Hao Fengqing Yun not only replaced Qiwei Power, became the new production company of “Creation Camp 2019”, but also obtained new investment from Shenzhen Tencent Industry Investment Fund, which with a 10% holding The stock became the second largest shareholder of Hao Fengqing Yun.

This also means that relying on Tencent’s industry platform, Hao Fengqing Yun will also cooperate with Tencent Video for more program output in the future, which is expected in the future.


It can be said that under the content winter, these new variety production companies are still able to stick to their original intentions. In the increasingly fierce industry environment, it is not easy to find the possibility of innovation in themes and models.

The above-mentioned variety production companies will still be able to “live” in 2020 and make new achievements. While looking for theme resonance, they must also increase the content value of variety entertainment beyond entertainment and achieve entertainment. Continued content under the coat.

Only in this way, after the cold winter, variety companies can usher in the “rebirth” of spring.